A Heartfelt Letter to Andrea
We just sent this to Andrea. We are sure we'll never get a response, or that when something does go wrong, she'll throw it in our faces.
Andrea & Ian:
It is our hope that you will take time to read this letter, and take it to heart. It is written with the utmost sincerity. We have given this much heartfelt thought, and have taken great strides in its preparation.
Both Katrina and I have said, on more than one occasion, that we are done fighting with you. There is one exception to that – the HELOC and the mortgage. If you find a way to keep the HELOC and mortgage current, then we truly are done fighting.
At one point you stated, if there is something you feel we need to know about Jacob, you will let us know. We have requested, and for well over a year we worked this way, a short update prior to our residential time with Jacob. We do not feel our request for an update is unreasonable, but it appears that you feel we are asking too much.
We have realized that most of the time, there probably isn’t much to “report.” Both households are going to have their ups and downs with Jacob. I realize that you don’t feel like you should be expected to give us a detailed report of what is going on with Jacob in your household. We have, in the past, provided you with an update after our residential time with Jacob. We have done this out of respect to you, and in the hopes of coming to a working, co-parenting relationship that would benefit Jacob.
Realizing that you may feel like you are “reporting” to us how you are raising Jacob, I simply ask that if you see a problem with Jacob, or something in him that has changed, if you would just let me know, by sending us an email; we would greatly appreciate it. I would be grateful if you would share positive things with me, as well as problematic things. I would also be thankful if you would remember to update me on things that have been sent home from school or that are occurring at school; sometimes we don’t get a lot of notice and events may go by before I have an opportunity to speak with Jacob’s teachers. We want to participate as much as possible.
Likewise, if there is a concern or a problem we feel needs to be brought to your attention after we have had our residential time with Jacob, we will let you know, or if there is something positive that we’d like to share; otherwise, neither of us needs to worry about sending an update to the other regarding Jacob. As you have pointed out we do talk to Jacob’s teachers when we pick him up, and they do let us know what has been going on with him the last couple of weeks; hopefully, in the future, we can communicate this between ourselves.
We have also realized that when we send our request for an update on Jacob that you may feel like we are questioning how you are raising Jacob. We can assure you that is not the case, but we have come to realize there is nothing we can do to change your thoughts, opinion, or beliefs about what really does go on in our minds and in our hearts. Believe as you will, the only intention we have ever had with asking for an update on Jacob is to know what is going on with him, to share in his life, and be there to support him when things are going on, or when there are problems. You will raise him how you believe in your household, and we will raise him how we believe in our household.
We appreciate that being a single mother is not an easy task, that you are busy, and that you may not always have time to check your emails, respond to any questions or concerns that we may have, or even take time to sit down and let us know what has been going on with Jacob. I hope that at some point, maybe when Jacob is older and more self sufficient, you will find time to let us know what is going on with Jacob, his accomplishments, and his difficulties. We want to be able to share in the joys and sorrows of his upbringing.
The only thing that we do ask is that you follow the parenting plan and respond to emails within 48-hours. For the last several weeks, you may not have noticed, but we do not email you as often. This is the path that we will continue on. We told you we are done fighting with you, and we are. The only time you will receive an email from us is if we truly feel it is important for you to know something that has gone on with Jacob. We hope that if we have specific questions about Jacob, that you will find the time to respond to the email within the time set forth in the parenting plan.
It has been brought to our attention, that in addition to the above realizations, you may feel that when we do ask for an update on Jacob, ask you specific questions, offer suggestions, share information on how something may or may not be working in our household, that you think we believe you to be a bad parent. That is not our intention at all. Of course we do things in our home that you probably do not approve of, and you probably do things in your home that we do not approve of. But that doesn’t mean that either way is wrong, they are simply different ways of parenting.
Our requests are not an attack on your parenting style, just simply trying to understand how you are handling situations in your home. Perhaps the way you handle a particular situation works better than the way we do, and vice versa. Our requests (emails) are not meant to criticize you or question the way you handle situations, just sharing. We are truly sorry if we have put you on the defensive, or have made you feel like this. Please know, and realize, that I have never intended for anything written above to be felt like that by you. I just want to be involved in Jacob’s life, spend as much time as possible with him, and be kept in the loop.
It has been very difficult for me to accept that I cannot be a part of my son’s everyday life. That is where my frustration and anger comes from, and Katrina feeds off that anger and frustration just as Ian does with yours. Accepting that I have been relegated to a weekend dad is a hard piece of reality to choke down, I’m sure Ian can relate to how I am feeling. This isn’t want I wanted for Jacob, and it certainly isn’t the kind of father I dreamed of becoming. However, all I can do is the best that I can with the time I am allowed, and hope that is enough.
We want you to realize that when we do something nice, or ask for something, we aren’t out to do something evil, we have no ulterior motives, we aren’t trying to slam you, or get anything out of you. If we do something nice, it is what it is … it’s because we want to do it for Jacob. We are all (you, me, Katrina, and Ian) frustrated with how things have gone, and we are all responsible for the outcomes. The question we all need to ask ourselves is what can I (as an individual) do to make things go more smoothly, for Jacob’s benefit? Communicating about him and raising him should not be a chore. A child is a joy, a gift, and none of us are treating this situation as such.
We have also come to realize, as parents, that everyone believes no one can take care of a child as good as they personally do. I will never live up to your expectations as a father, and you will never live up to my expectations as a mother; this is something we both have to expect and accept. We each think that how we raise and take care of Jacob is the best way and no one could possibly do any better – and we are both wrong! I hope someday we both can come to accept that we are not always right, and do not know everything about raising a child, and can learn how to communicate with each other (effectively) for Jacob’s interests.
You have said a lot of mean and hurtful things to me, and I have done the same to you. I’m not sure why either of us has done that; I have my own thoughts on the matter as far as why I have said things, and I hope that you’ll take time to ask yourself the same questions … why did I say that? Do I really believe it? If I do, how can I make sure Jacob is protected? If I don’t, then why say it at all?
On more than one occasion you have spent an insane amount of time telling me what a horrible father I am. Recently you told me that until I’m 100% happy I will never be able to give myself fully to Jacob. What you don’t realize, is that you don’t know me at all anymore. I’m not happy about how little I get to see Jacob, so yes, I am angry about that. I am happy with pretty much everything else in my life (as always work presents its problems). You haven’t spent enough time talking to me or with me in person, to know what kind of person I am, or what kind of person Katrina is.
I truly hope that, if you haven’t already, you take time to read the Co-Parenting Survival Guide. That is only one of the parenting books that I have read. I think it is the most insightful. There is another one that Katrina read called Stepwives. She actually bought a copy for you too, but in hindsight she didn’t think you’d appreciate receiving the book from her; if you want her to leave it for you just let us know. She said the book is written by a step-mother and an ex-wife who absolutely hated each other for years; it provides both perspectives, and then the reality. She laughed out loud at times, and read sections of it to me. Maybe you can find time to read that book as well.
Katrina and I have written this letter together. It is from both of us and it took a long time to write, and a great deal of strength and soul searching. Fighting over Jacob and how he is raised isn’t going to make him a better person. Realizing that we each have our own beliefs on how he should be raised, and that there is nothing we can do about how the other parent raises him, took a lot out of us. I hope someday, we can communicate effectively for Jacob’s best interests. He deserves to have both of his parents in his life. He doesn’t deserve to hear us arguing or to sense any tension between us. He deserves the best of everything!!
Thanks for reading … and God bless!
Erik & Katrina
- Mocha2001's blog
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You know what's sad, Katrina?
It's sad that this isn't just understood without having to be said. Any time we ask a question about the kids, Ms. Paranoid thinks we're accusing her of something or trying to "get information" about her. The truth is that we couldn't care less about her.
I don't know why it is, but it seems like she can't get past her own insecurity and paranoia to understand that yes, we really are interested in what's happening at school, and no, we're not asking because we think she's a bad mother. I think she's probably a good enough mother, even though we disagree on the approach. But why is it that when the noncustodial dad tries to be involved, it's considered "interference" by the custodial BM? Why isn't it just thought of as being a good parent?
~ Anne ~
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You said it perfectly ...
You said it perfectly ... get over your own insecurities ... I wish we could actually say that to their faces!
~ Katrina
What is truly sad Anne and Katrina,
Lovers do not finally meet somewhere, they were with each other all along.
Is that though the point has been made very clear in this most recent letter, that your intentions have not been to obtain information from her in order to sit in judgement of her as a mother, but because you truly care about Jacob and HIS life...bm will still walk away believing what she wants, and that will most likeley be a contiuation of her previous beliefs..this letter probably wont change a thing with her. That is the truly sad part ya know.
Exactly! Just like when she
Exactly! Just like when she told Erik to get over the fact they were divorced (yes, this was recently) and that he needed to move on with his life and be happy, that until he was truly happy with himself inside and out that he'd never be able to give himself 100% to Jacob ... who the hell does she think she is?
You are right ... things will never change, but ... we wouldn't be good SMs if we didn't keep on trying!
~ Katrina
You have laid it all out
and yet, I doubt it will matter. Wouldn't it be wonderful, though, if this finally was what made a difference? We can hope, right? Of course we can. Besides, if this doesn't do it, just say "How else can I say it? I don't speak no other languages!"
Excellent Letter
We are on the other side of the story, since SKs live with us the majority of the year ( about 305 days a year ) and we are CONSTANTLY being 2nd guessed, judged, told what to do and how to do it by BM. Its a never ending battle, as she feels she should now have primary custody. We are constantly treated as if we are her personal assistants or her secretary ( "get me this paper, call the school and have them fax me that") My DH generally just ignores her and sensless emails and rants, I tend to get really worked up about it. Hes much calmer than I am. This email is a great start to having a better relationship with BM, and I think we might take what you have written and tweak it to our situation. Considering we manage to raise some pretty awesome SKs( for the most part! ), I really dont feel it necessary to always be "reporting" to BM about every minute detail. Its a power struggle, she is always trying to regain the power she lost when she lost custody. Keep your head up, and please let us know when and if she decides to write back. Thank you!!!
Feel free. A dear friend of
Feel free. A dear friend of mine responded to an SOS post on another list serve and I used a lot of what she wrote from the "other perspective" playing devil's advocate!
~ Katrina
I agree....great letter.
I think that your letter is well thought and thorough. It is very to the point and it reflects that you only have the very best interests of Jacob at heart. I read a lot of your posts and I think this letter is such a respectful way to have your say. Our stories are very similar and I know just how you feel. I know what its like to just want to stop the madness. My BM always seems to have her dukes up no matter what you say to her. It seems more often then not it's their guilty consciences and their inability to be accountable for anything. I love that in your letter you take partial responsibilty for all the fighting - something that is hard for anyone to do and for most of us, BMs. I hope this works for you. Please let us know if it works out to better your situation - I might have to send a very similar letter.
I do have to say one thing, though. She's not a single mom to Jacob. She has a very capable and very loving father (and stepmother) that are very intersted in his life. She choses to alienate his dad for whatever reason and insist that he not get any "extra" time. Where does she get off? And where is that in the best interest of her son? Single mom's should never chose their path. Whether it be by the father's death or a deadbeat dad that left on his own accord - they are the one's that truly struggle. They don't get weekends off or that monthly child support that help with finances. She is not a "single mom" that is too busy for you guys, it's her selfish choice. I just don't want you to think that she deserves that title and the "image" that goes with it; I was a single mom to my oldest son until the blessing of my first husband stepped in and adopted him. I know what it's like to struggle and work two jobs and not ever get a break. I know first hand how lucky she is to have a man like your husband (and you for that matter) in her life to help take care of Jacob. She's just a bitter woman who uses her son to hurt your husband, not a single mom who is just trying to make it in life.
Anyways, best of luck to you and like I said earlier, I'm anticipating to see how it goes over. I am very hopeful for you!
Not just a loving and
Not just a loving and capable dad, but a boyfriend too ... so really I was just pacifying her with that comment.
You hit the nail on the head with your 3rd to last sentence ... she's bitter ... and the only way she can hurt Erik anymore is to use Jacob. We said that to her in another email awhile back. Jacob's already realizing it, as you've seen in my other posts ...
If you send a similar letter, let us know ... i'd love to know if it works for someone!
~ Katrina
Excellent Point CG!!!
Lovers do not finally meet somewhere, they were with each other all along.
My mother raised my brother and I alone with no emotional, physical or financial assistance from another person, that is indeed a single mother and the ones who do it without a complaint(as my mother did) are to be commended and held in high regard for all that they do for their children. A mother who intentionally pushes a willing father away, who has a desire to be a father to their children, who financially supports them, is NOT a single mother...she is nothing more than a selfcentered woman who enjoys the limelight she achieves getting when she whines that she is a single mother(even though it is by her own choice and hand that she wears this title) Thanks so much for pointing out the difference..now if you can just e-mail it to my dh's ex wife and tell her to climb down off her cross and quite playing martyr to the world and let my dh be the father he is still fighting to be..
What's her e-mail address?!?!;)
My mom too Steph! A
My mom too Steph!
A therapist friend of mine, when I just gave her the basics on Andrea, said ... she's narcisistic. She hit it right on!!
~ Katrina
I Don't Agree
A single Mom to me is someone living by herself (no mate) with her children on a day to day basis providing for the children. I was a single Mom for about 15 years. BF was never around although he paid child support(very little) and I was the one that did EVERYTHING for the children. My family kicked in to help me so I did have some help but I was very much a single Mom. BF was around some but only saw his children once every 6 months or so. They had a father. A lousy one but they had a father. That still made me a single Mom because I was just that....Single not married. I still see divorced people as single. I think the letter you wrote Mocha is so genuine but I really don't think you will get through to BM. I think she would take it as being lectured. I may catch some flack on this one but as a single BM myself...I would not allow ANYONE to tell me I had to respond within 48 hours of anything. I don't do deadlines. If BF was concerned about his kids I would expect him to call. I did what I wanted to in my own home and that coming from a SM and not BF would just piss me off. I made my decisions with BF not anyone else although I was pretty lucky. My childrens SM became my best friend over the years so I had no problem talking to her. We are still best friends an my children are grown.
I knowing how I was when I raised my kids try to understand the BM in our situation. I don't get in the middle although BM now doesn't communicate at all with DH. She chose to be an ass. So now her ass is in court. However I never once dictated to her what to do. I felt like that should be between DH and BM. I am on YOUR side because I totally understand your position. I am a SM too. But from a BM point of view it may just sound like you are getting in the middle.
I do think it is sad for the BM's who choose not to allow the BF's to participate in the kids lives. I think that is horrible and selfish. I always kept an open door for BF to see his children. I couldn't get him to do anything with his kids. Now that the children are grown he regrets it.
Just another point of view Mocha. I am still with you!!!!!!!
But I still think you fall under the category...
of "the father that leaves on his own accord." I can't really say what the threshhold is, every situation is different, but you didn't push your BF out of your kids life. He chose to be a lousy dad and probably was forced to pay what little child support he did. And all I was saying is Andrea is not a single mom and she shouldn't be allowed to wear the title. I just hate when women try to say they are "single moms" when they could have split custody with a perfectly capable father and they chose to have the kids more for more $ and then tell the world "poor me, I have it so hard". I really hope you didn't take offense, from one former single mom to another.![Smile](https://prod-cdn-1.ststatic.com/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/kolobok/smile.gif)
LOL No Offense Taken
Andrea needs to grow up and start thinking of her child. Mocha is not going to change her. Mocha is a caring person and BM is going to use that to her advantage. I think she will be lucky to even get Andrea to read the letter.
FYI ... the "single mom"
FYI ... the "single mom" comment was just to apease her ... we know she's not a single mom in any sense of the word. In fact, Ian probably does more parenting of Jacob than Andrea does at this point.
~ Katrina
Divorced or single, doesn't matter.
Whether you call them divorced moms or single moms, previously-married moms, maritally-challenged moms, I don't really care. You have good moms and bad moms, good dads and bad dads. I hate the whole "single mom" label, too, because when I was one, I felt like too much emphasis was placed on the "single" rather than on the "mom." I gotta tell ya, if I had stayed married to my son's father, I know I would still have done 100% of the work of raising him. I don't think marital status matters. What about single dads? Why don't we hear that term?
Even now, I know I work harder as a married mom than I did as a single mom, because now I have DH, my biggest kid, to deal with!![Wink](https://prod-cdn-1.ststatic.com/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/kolobok/wink.gif)
~ Anne ~
Join the Campaign to Save Madison!
Good point.
So are all our DHs single dads? They should all go around calling themselves that and see how that goes over.
He he ... good point, but
He he ... good point, but most of our dads probably put forth more parenting efforts when they were single then they do now with us around.
~ Katrina
Soooo True
I did all the work anyway and got little money from BF because he spent it as fast as he earned it. I did much better on my own.