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Imustbcrazy's picture



Stepmom_C's picture

Congrats! Maybe it will gives me hope Smile

Colorado Girl's picture

Please tell me where she found her mind that she had lost....maybe my BM's is in the same place. Biggrin

Imustbcrazy's picture

You are going to need a shoval, a pick ax... and a face mask.

Daddys Gurl

It's Better To Have Loved And Lost, Than To Have Spent The Rest Of My Life With THAT PSYCHO!!!!

DYNAMITE's picture

I will even mapquest it for here

"I wish I could sell her for what she thinks she is worth, I'd be a millionare." HA HA, -insert evil grin here....

Tired2's picture

I would love to go one freakin day that DH didn't have to talk to BM.
Good for you Daddysgurl....after putting up with that woman like you do....

Some people are like slinkies...not really good for anything but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs! Smile

Imustbcrazy's picture

Or maybe not soon enough..She called yesterday... at 3 in the afternoon, and DH answered. She DID call the house phone as requested, but DH just couldn't resist is guess. I was a little tiffed that he didn't just let it go to the machine... but I am tired of fighting over her so I just calmly reminded him that he is INVITING her to call the house during the day by answering her calls. He apologized and said that when he looked at the caller ID he just saw the last name and thought it was me, fair enough... but I never call the house, I call his cell. I will give him that one though. Just yet another reminder that she has his last name. He works from home, so she knows he is most likely there during the day when she calls. Anyways, she called to see if we would keep SS late on Saturday (big surprise) she has something more important to do on one of her only 3 days of the week that she has her son. Of course he said yes, we always do. Rather him with us than one of her crackhead friends that she would ask to babysit. Well, 15 days, it is still a record. Hopefully we can break this record too.

Daddys Gurl

It's Better To Have Loved And Lost, Than To Have Spent The Rest Of My Life With THAT PSYCHO!!!!

Tired2's picture

At least she called for something valid this time and not to whine or cry to DH. As long as you can keep it like that....

My BM got rid of my DH's last name!!!!!!! She went back to her maiden name!!!! I was so excited that I couldn't stand does get better!

Some people are like slinkies...not really good for anything but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs! Smile

Imustbcrazy's picture

But she made it a POINT to tell DH that she is keeping his name because it is SS last name.... and if she remarries????? What then?

Daddys Gurl

It's Better To Have Loved And Lost, Than To Have Spent The Rest Of My Life With THAT PSYCHO!!!!

Tired2's picture

She's just trying to see if she gets a reaction out of him or you. When she doesn't get one she'll change. That's exactly what my BM said...she's keeping it because of SD11. I guess she got made because her live in wouldn't marry her so she changed her name on her own. I don't know what the reason was. We just saw some school papers signed like that. We asked SD11 and she said "yeah my mom had her name changed". I couldn't have been more excited!!

My ex was more than irritated that I kept his last name after we divorced but hey...tough shit. I didn't realize that it was that annoying until I married my current DH and his ex kept her last name.

I really feel for you having to deal with her. I've followed your story since I became a member and you have one more CRAZY BM to deal with. You handle her with grace and dignity and I commend you for that.

Some people are like slinkies...not really good for anything but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs! Smile

Imustbcrazy's picture

When it comes to BM... we were raised completely opposite of one another. While my mom was curling my hair and shining my shoes for church, her mom was sitting in the garage getting high... that is what is "the norm" for her. I had my mom and my dad there with me until I was 13, and my mom didn't remarry until I was 20 years old...her dad left when she was 2 and she had three different step dad's in and out and back into her life. The things that she does that are just OUTRAGOUS to me, are things that my mom would have lenched me for. And her mom not only allowed it, but joined her. BM had an abortion at age 16, and 18 and 27. So, trying to understand WHERE she is coming from on some of her stand points is HARD for me. I just don't understand why a concert is more important than your child, or how you can afford a pack a day, but your heat is shut off 3 times in one winter. Boggles my mind, but I try to understand that she probably thinks I am crazy, and a do- gooder... and if I am, so be it. That is how I was raised. I know her VERY well. I have gotten to know her, at one point was her only "friend" and she tells me everything... so I can pretty much see right through her. Sometimes I wish I didn't know her so well, because everytime she "offers" something, I KNOW that the motives are selfish, and I can't help but wonder what she's up to this time. Oh well, this is my life... thank goodness I have a REALLY good SS to balance out the pros and cons Wink

Daddys Gurl

It's Better To Have Loved And Lost, Than To Have Spent The Rest Of My Life With THAT PSYCHO!!!!

Colorado Girl's picture

BM still has hubby's last name. He begged her to change it when they got divorced and she wouldn't. I really think there should only be one of us. Although her maiden name WAS pretty bad - it's the same as a brand of vacuum. And like a vacuum, she SUCKS! Biggrin

Frog44's picture

When SS was playing Lacrosse. They called BM and SD Mr and Mrs. _________ because it was SS last name. Then she would moan and groan and cry and complain because EVERYONE was calling them by my hubby's last name and that wasn't HER name anymore. AND Wahhhh!!! Don't remember her EVER correcting anyone and ANY of the games. None, nada. Hey, if you don't want to correct people, then shut up about it.

Drove me nuts the first couple of times I heard it. But now I realized that most of the parents at the games had been married for years and she was trying to fit in with the Jones' and have the same last name as her son. HA!!! Funny when I think about it now.

Besides, hubbys last name is way better then her maiden name and her new married name. hahahahaha