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DH just gives in!

peachymom's picture

So if you're not up to date on my situation. last weekend SS7 had called saying he hates coming here and is mom siad she not going to send him if he doens't want to come. So DH all week (SS is on winter break) I asked DH call see if we can get him for some of the holidays. DH was like I don't want to fight with BM. if SS doens't want to come thats fine. I'm like whatever. So last night DH calls BM, and asked to pick up SS tongith at 6 (court ordered vistiation) she says only if he wants to. So DH beggs to talk to SS on the phone and beggs him to come over. I'm just like this is ridiuculus! So supposeable he doens't want to come over cuz he has to do chores, and watch his sister, and can't watch what he wants on TV. Ok, we ask SS7 "keep and eye on your sister while I go to the bathroom, check the roast, get the mail, etc...) Really quick short things, maybe like one or two times a day. He also has home reading to do every day, so if DD is in a good mood, then we will get SS to read to her, then show her the pictures, and explain the story to her. We might to this once a week. Once I asked him if he would watch her while I cleaned the bathroom. Which is right down the hall, and it took me 10 mins, and I came out and to check on them every couple mins. And I paid him $5. Is that so wrong? And I think by 7 he should be able to do certain chores. he has to dry the dishes two nights (he's here for 3), sweep the floor, and take the clothes out of the drier. Plus clean his room everynight before bed, and make his bed in the morning. Is this too much for the average 7 year old? I'm not changing my TV rules in my house. Who would let their 7 year old watch family guy, trailer park boys, Robot chicken, his fav movie is jackass and stuff like that. Well BM thats who. Like oh my god! garbage in garbage out! But in my house, we watched treehouse, YTV, and then I subscrbed to the discovery kids channel. I think that's good stuff for kids.


Tired2's picture

I have a real issue with a 7 year old child running the show. As vickiemac said BM would be in contempt if she doesn't let him go and he's 7 years old....he doesn't get to make those kinds of decisions. I would make sure BM knew that too.

Some of these women and children never cease to amaze me.

Angel's picture

No wonder my SS LOVES to come over. He sits & watches anything he wants & doesn't do any chores. mmmmmmmmmmm

LVmyBOXERS's picture

My skids only have to keep their rooms and bathroom clean. They are at the house 4 days a month, how dirty can they get honestly. They have been here all week. I am sick of coming in and not having anything to drink because they drink and eat everything. Leave their dishes in the sink. We were down 1 clean glass the other day and I lost it with DH. I have to piss him off the get anything done anyway. It is his responsibility to make those spoiled little brats do something. I do not even wash their clothes. And neither do they. They should be running out of clean clothes pretty soon. I guess Daddy will learn to use the washer and dryer won't he. Anyway, sorry for the rant but it just seems that for some reason, DH thinks (in my case) the kids are only there EOW so they should not have chores or show any respect to anyone. Makes me sick...

kysmom's picture

we are going through a similar situation. Our sd8 has expressed that she doesn't like coming over to our house anymore for various reasons. So BM has denied the court ordered visiation. In turn we filed contempt charges for each denial of visiation. (July 07 - November 07). We are finally had a partial hearing on 1/2/08 & we got one more overnight a week & the judge is working us up to shared custody because of this. sd8 says she loves coming over to us & the opposite to the bm. She is a confused little girl, who (per the judge) is to young to make these important decisions. I believe in working through any "problems" as to why the children don't want to visit and not to give in to them. By letting them make those decisions they are not being tought to correctly work & talk out their feelings. I think all children should have chores or responsibilites at each house. The chores will be diffrent at each house but so what, no 2 people live the same lifestyle. Pat yourself on the back, your doing great!!!!!!!!!!!!