Surprise surprise
Once again fiancee had to pick up FSS at someone else's house for his weekend visitation because BM had to go out of town for 4 days for a concert...boy, it must be nice to go out of town all the time and leave her child with others so they can take on her responsibilitie for days every weekend...
I talked to my best friend last night and she's a step mother to 3 teenagers, the youngest boy is 13 and is having so many problems it's not funny...and everytime she talks about him I think of FSS turning into the same person...BM never spends any time with him, leaves him with other people all the time...sad really, I'm just glad it's not my kid...I've disengaged this weekend, thank god I work all weekend so I don't have to deal with him!!
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it's why I, myself never got married in my twenties and had a child later...I wanted my younger years to myself...BM is 30 and was married to fiancee right out of high school so I think she's trying to get it out of her system or something, she just doesn't understand that when you have kids, you can't do this EVERY weekend...christ, I haven't a weekend off in over a year!I always have my daughter and refuse to put her in daycare for a weekend so I can go party..I figure in a couple years when she's old enough for sleepovers and such I'll be able to take time for myself and go out, and soon enough she'll be old enough to hang out alone while we go out and do things alone..she'll be doing her own thing anyway with her friends..
I guess I think when kids are so young a parent should spend as much time as they can with their kids, they're self esteems and confidence need to be nurtured...she has no clue what she's doing to this kid...right now fiancee is down in the garage and FSS is sitting by the door waiting for him..asking me when he's coming's pathetic that a 5 year old has such abandonment issues
KARMA KARMA KARMA needs to bite her in the ass...
funny thing is FSS told us today BM works on a farm milking cows..ok it's a job..but one of the cows crapped on her head one day! buwhahahaha! I couldn't help but laugh under my breath when he told us that...
Put her in daycare and camps from a very early age even though she wasn't working because she couldn't deal with parenting her.
Now SD spends the night at a few friend's houses most weekends she is over at BMs. The hard part is we then say no, because it's not good for SD to always be spending the night, largely unsupervised I'm sure, as a guest in other people's homes all the time.
So we're mean and BM is cool when in reality BM is just shirking her responsibility as she has since the day SD was born.
I honestly think these people are simply not nurturing by nature and they can't handle parenthood so they do as little as possible to make the gesture of parenting and nothing more.
Peace, love, and red wine
I really believe that zen
from the day FSS was born she didn't want to do anything nurturing, fiancee got up for the nightly feedings cause she slept through his crying... I just can't grasp how someone who planned this child has no nurturing bone in her body...and it sucks that the child has to suffer the consequences of it...