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Need advice!!

GoingNuts's picture

Is it so wrong that I have completely eliminated myself from my stepdaughters life. Ever since my h's ex went to court I stopped helping with her homework, worrying about buying her clothes and paying for medical bills, I also stopped picking her up and going to extra activities. My life has been so much better since I have done this but I wonder if this is a bad thing and hope that my SD figures it out when she gets older that her mom is a major B**ch. Can someone please give me any suggestions or tell me if I am doing the right thing?


bellacita's picture

did u used to get along and now u are just clouded and poisoned by all the crap from BM? or does she treat u badly? and how does yr DH feel about what youre doing? i think it depends on that and also to what extent are u leaving her alone? im sure u havent "completely eliminated her" like u say...if u still take care of her when u have her but dont do any "extras" then i would say do whats best for u. ultimately, shes not yr kid and if the relationship isnt there, just make sure she is fed and so on and leave all the real parenting stuff to dad. it shouldnt have to be like this, but it doesnt always work out the way we plan. if this isnt the case, then its not fair to take BMs crap out on her, especially if SD really likes u and whats a relationship w u. hang in.

GoingNuts's picture

We did used to get a long very good and then BM filled her full of a lot of crap and my SD also started to treat me really bad. My husband knows that I wrapped a lot of time and effort into things to have it shoved back into my face so he understands my point. I do feed her and she has clothes I just don't hold conversations with her because she runs her mouth back to BM so I don't tell her when I have special things planned or anything like that.

bellacita's picture

u have to have a peaceful life for yourself and do whats best for u. as long as u still do the minimum for her i wouldnt feel guilty. alot of us here have to disengage for various reasons. bottom line, SD is still taken care of in part by u and u are not obligated to do any extras.

Sebbie's picture

I would rather be hated for who I am, then loved for who I am not.

It appears to me that you have done nothing more than set boundaries that protect you emotionally and that is the greatest gift any of us stepparents can give to ourselves. Not to mention you have eliminated ammunition that the sd was using to keep things going, which places her back into the position of child while in your home. Rest assured you have made the most logical and self respecting decision you could make, and because of that, have no guilt.

GoingNuts's picture

These comments really make me feel better. I was hoping that I doing the right thing. I used to plan special things when we had her and she never appreciated it and made me and my daughters relationship suffer. My daughter and I do the special things know when my SD is not there so that my daughters don't feel so overwhelmed. I love my SD but I will no longer go out of my way to plan things for her. If my H wants to plan which has never happened he is more than welcome to but I don't see that happening. I get so tired of the drama in my life so this was my way out and I feel 500 times better.

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I did the same thing with ss's indoor soccer season. I used to go to every game and have to deal with too much stress. When Bm would bring ss he would always be late and miss part of the game. Then just having to be there with Bm in the stands was stressful. Dh is the coach so he is on the bench with the kids and not with me. So this recent season, I didn't go to one game. I couldn't believe how much better I felt on game day!! Yes, I felt bad about not seeing ss's games and yes, Dh tried to put a guilt trip on me but I still did what was best for me. It was such a weight lifted off of me!
So I agree with the fact that you have to do what is right for you.


Sia's picture

wrong that you have disengaged from SD. I had to eventually do the same thing. SD16 and I had a good relationship until BM came back into the picture and started filling her head full of crap. Then she turned on me, so I had to disengage for my own sake. I focused more on my biokids and I think they are better for it. Sometimes you can only give so much, then you can't give anymore or you will make yourself crazy. I too, worried that I had done the wrong thing, but I totally think I was the right thing to do FOR ME, not for anyone else. Wink

GoingNuts's picture

That's the mindset I had when I first started to do this. I lost sleep over it and was a very cranky person. If no one was going to appreciate all of the time and effort I put into it I was done. My H questioned it a lot at first but he has found that he is seeing how SD and BM is treating me so he don't blame me one bit. I tried really hard for a few years to do the right things and go to as many activities as possible but after this last court date when I would show up at activities my SD wouldn't even acknowledge the fact that I was there. I spend more time with my Bio kids and it makes SD very jealous but in my mind she had that once and this is what she chose. I appreciate all of the comments and support you all have given me.

unknown's picture

i mean, it's so easy for us to take our anger and resentment out on these kids. trust me, i find myself doing it with SS12 in subtle ways because i hate the fact that his mother is raping my family for every dime we have. but i have to CONSTANTLY remind myself that he didn't choose to be born. he didn't choose for his parents to split up, make bad decisions and not get along. he is caught in the middle and i have to TRY TRY TRY to redirect my anger and resentment. unless he's pissing me off directly and being ignorant to me, then i try to lay blame and anger where it belongs. usually squarely on the shoulders of DH and his ex.

but don't get me wrong. i completely and totally understand that disengaging completely sometimes can help you feel that you're back 'in control' of a situation that feels out of control. just make sure you aren't punishing the wrong person...

Just trying to be a Stepmom without getting Stepped On.

GoingNuts's picture

I don't think any of us will be living at Walgreen's any time soon. But I think I made the right decision and have made myself a better person in the mean time. I don't hate my SD and I don't treat her bad I just don't get involved with causing drama. She would take the words that I would say and tell her mom. She even had BM thinking that I was pregnant. I told my H that I was going to say something about being pregnant in front of SD. So what did I do I said something and the next day BM is calling my husband. SD has a very loud mouth and I proved it to my H and I know that I can't say squat around SD because it will get back to BM.

evilsm's picture

Then everyone else will be happier too. Ever heard the saying "if momma ain't happy nobody's happy." I believe that is the truth, kind of like the trickle down theory. lol


If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. ~Abigail Van Buren

glynne's picture

I had to do the same with my SD and there really was any other choice left. I limit my time with her, have conversations with her only when I have a witness and refuse to allow her drama in the house. She doesn't like it, my DH doesn't understand the need but I live in a drama free zone, I don't worry about my words or actions being twisted into ugly lies. SD uses my boundaries to play the victim with my DH but if he wants to continue to enable - so be it. I know what I'm doing is justified - I tried to be kind and compassionate to her and all I got back were lies and manipulation. Don't be angry with her but make your DH understand that your actions are justified and necessary.

GoingNuts's picture

That sounds exactly to the T what I did and my life has been much simpler and free and clear of drama. I don't miss it at all. It was to the point that if I told my SD that I loved her she would run to BM and tell her that I hated her. I hate the feeling of living in my own house and being treated that way. BM and SD have made me out to be the bad guy and all I have done is try and do the right thing and they hate it know that I do nothing at all.

glynne's picture

It's difficult to always take the high road when you'd like nothing more than to tell the SD or DH EXACTLY how you feel. When I see my DH enabling or SD mannipulating him I walk away. It's none of my business and my poor DH has helped to create this monster. He has to live with it - I do not. The monster (SD's drama, histrionic behavior) is not allowed in our home anymore. I'm with you, GoingNuts, I don't miss it one bit!!

GoingNuts's picture

I think he has finally figured it out. I have stopped going with him to pick her up and everything. I think that he has finally figured it out that I am not interested in seeing her at all. I want nothing to do with his ex and that's that.