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The school year and part time summer sitter

StepG's picture

OK so I have posted before the unacceptable child care issue. SS7 is staying every other week this summer with his just turned 13 step sister, her 2 sisters and his 18 mth old brother. We have expressed concerns to BM about it and she says H is stupid and nothing is ever going to happen.

Well yesterday was our weekly night visit. SS was VERY excited to see his dad and go with him. Far cry from Friday night. Anyway BM told H to just drop SS off at his other sitter in the morning and that SS knew where it was. So this morning H dropped of SS and then called me to let me know about it because we have never met this sitter or even knew where she lived. H's first words were it is not good. He said first off the yard was full of junk and tall grass. He said generators, lumber and other construction things were laying around. Very unsafe area for children to be out playing in. So he knocks on the door and rings the doorbell and it takes like 5 minutes for someone to come to the door. H did not go in the house but he said he saw more than he wanted to see when she opened the door. He said things were pilled up everywhere. He said it looked nasty and did not smell that great either. Now we believe that SS7 and his 18mth old brother are the only 2 kids that she keeps besides her own and a couple cousins. I think the sitter has 2 high school kids one in middle and then a couple cousins about SS's age maybe little older. Now no doubt the lady is not licensed as I have worked in child care before and there is no way the state would say that is a safe environment for children to be in as far as the construction equipment strolled through the yard and the house being dirty as it was.

I feel so bad so H because he pays her so much for him. When we go back to court even if we do not get the week at a time the MONTHLY child support obligation will be less than what she gets for 1 WEEK now so that is going to hurt her pocket. Anyway he pays he good money for hos 1/2 of things while SS is with her and he is so disheartened by the fact that his son has to go to a sitter like that or stay with a girl barely 13 and have little to no food to eat. What is wrong with BM? We also cannot believe that BM let H drop SS off at this sitter cause BM knows how H is and knows H will have something to say about it. H asked me why does she not look for something else? I said she does not look for another sitter cause this one is 3/4 of a mile from her house and probably cheap. I just do not understand your children are one of the most prized possesions that you have why would you leave them somewhere that is nasty and unsafe? I cannot believe that BM's boyfriend allows his 18mth old son to go there. So H is left asking just what does my child support go for. He comes out to the house looking like crap in ragged clothes, claims he has nothing to eat when the girls are there keeping him. She has never taken him on a vacation or even to the local swimming pool. She takes them to the creek to swim so they do not have to pay.

My question to all of you is should H say something to BM about the sitter he dropped SS off at today or should he just document it and address when we go to court that he wants SS to be placed in a licensed day care? SS has said that the lady is nice and no doubt that is very important that she be good to SS but the other matters as well.

On another note SS read BM the letter he wrote about how he loved her and his dad and how they were good parents and both his family and how he loved both home. I asked SS what did she say to the letter and he said she got smart with him and told him that he should not be writing that crap!

Please all of you pray for my SS and us! I do not want him to become and angry person because of the way things are with his mom and how she does him when it comes to us...sigh I am at a loss!


BabygotBack1988's picture

i say you should say something as the CS is obviously going in her pockett

life is a box of choclates you never know what your going to get (i always pick the coffe of the box what about you ) Blum 3

chicken little's picture

Hmm? My heart goes out to you. Out little ones being biological or step children are our precious pride and joys so when they are in a dirty or not good situation it does make it hard. With the H paying for 1/2 I think he should have a say so to work out the solutiion. I am not for sure how far you all live apart. If you are close could he not find a more suitable place and sugest he take the child there in the mornings for the summer. He can make it seem like it would take a burden off her w/ the extra trip. She may go for it. Are there grandparents close that can help that is another solution? I know the BM will want to do what she wants so it is not going to be easy. I know when my husband did not like the conditions of the place where his son stayed he suggested paying 100% of it and taking him. Not only did she not have to make the trip but he paid for it as well. In these blended families the BM is not always as concerned for the child as herself so if you make the offer appear to her benefit when in reality you are ONLY doing it for the child she might come around. I hate to say it but with BM's money talks. I think a better enviroment is worth a few extra dollars. The courts are good but so painful, No one wants social service envolvement so I would really try to take the easy way out. It will be better on you, the H and the child. I may be chicken thinken this way but the less arguements and fussing the better for all and in the end you did overall obtain the solution to the problem which is the child is now in a more suitable childcare situation. You got to take the back way in.....

chicken little's picture

I would say that most of the time people try to pull the legal card or get some social service involved. But is that always the best way? We all are human we all are capable of make decisions and coming to conclusions with others why do we have to involve the legal system? God gave us reasoning and a mouth and feeling for a reason and if we express our opinions correctly I think you and the ex and the H can all come to an agreement. Hold your head high say a quick prayer to express the right words and try to talk it out. I have faith in you all to do the right and best thing for the child.