He is so mad because im going out of town...He ask me if i was really going...I laughed and said yes....He said why do you have to go out of town,,,,I said that i didnt have to, but im am...That i dont have to be hear waiting for him to come home from darling ex step daughters graduation,..That he needed to go have a wonderful time and maybe he could even sit next to his EX...He told me that im jealous of is KIDS AND THE EX>>>that im insecure...I told him i didnt have the problem HE DID....Im gone...Talk to you girls MONDAY YEE- ha
- nicole's blog
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have fun and
forget about his sorry butt!
You got it..
These arent his kids...They were married about 10 yrs...Now the or should i say His GIRLS are 20 and 23....He is going to the oldest graduation....He is mad becaue i dont want to be around this weekend.....Its a real messed up situation...THe ex is remarried and yes they have a real DAD that lives like 2 blocks from their Mother....Wont that be a great sight....The ex wife...2 ex husbands and the new husband....not me..Im not gonna go and be apart of that mess...I wasnt invited thank god to that screwed up situation anyway...Its like Jerry Springer.....
okay so you said he raised
okay so you said he raised them from the ages of 5 & 8 yrs old and they were married 10 years...he calls them his kids, they call him dad...so he was their stepdad until they were 15 & 18, then you stepped into the picture for the last 5 years, right? How have you managed to be uninvolved with them for 5 years if he's so involved? And do they also call their real dad "dad" too or just him?
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
HA HA...Jerry Springer!
You are SO SMART to not be part of that "clan" event!!
I get/got the same thing about being "jealous"....oh, yeah, of WHAT??? Loser behavior? If anything, I was/am sick of feeling DEVALUED? WHY put their feelings (jerks) ahead of someone who is pretty damn competent and a valued member of society?
Just makes ya think....are "they" really worth it? Just game my H another warning this AM...any SCREW UPS this Christmas, he can start checking out lawyers. (And his response is that I make his "nervous" and that makes him say and do dumb things.)
So, no matter how you look at it, per him, it's MY FAULT.
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt