How do you feel about being a step parent?
I am doing some writing and have asked Dawn's permission to post questions here for input.....
So, how do you feel about being a step parent?
If someone asked you to define a step parent,(aside from the obvious answer) how would you define it? What would that definition look like for you?
Thanks for all your input!!!!
- Sia's blog
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Too funny to hear you say
Too funny to hear you say that. It feels like hearing my voice in a different tune. I am the step parent of a child with ADHD.
The package comes with two more on and off.
I've been through so many different avenues from stealing to lying and the child is only 12. I only have one child who is now 17. I only had one for a reason and sometimes I feel like I'm going insane. My sanity is that I try to convince myself I am doing a good thing and the reward (although I can't see it often now) is huge.
Totally agree - at wits end
There are times when being a sd is cr*p. I 'have' three sc, (18sd,17ss,10ss) and when it's going well it's OK. But when it's not, I am all alone. They play me off their mother, yet I am expected to pay the bills, be the ultimate support to keep the world turning. I honestly do not know why I put up with it. Her ex is OK, yet she'll discuss things with him about the kids rather than with me. I get to know about kids stuff the minute she's walking out to do them (eg parent's evenings). Yet.. I am expected to feed them, clothe them, provide space for them to grow, holidays, nice things at birthday time, odd driving lessons, lending money, knowing that when all is done, they will choose their bio-parents over me, even if I've been there for them during the tough times.
Now,we are trying to sort a holiday and the lodger (sd's g/f (who won't sort her relationship out with her mother, rather live with us for little rent)) is expecting to come as well. I just feel suffocated right now, I cannot plan anything without it being like going into battle, when at the end of it I get no respect back.
I find it difficult to talk at the best of times, I fully admit this, but it'll tear us apart if I'm(!) not careful.
I like it :)
I enjoy being a step parent for a lot of reasons. One of the first things that made me be able to fully love and trust my FH is seeing the type of parent he was for SD. Without her, I would have to wonder about this, as in my last relationship, I was very unsure of my partner's ability to parent. Now, I know FH puts his family first, and I can feel safe in that family.
I like having SD in my life. I like seeing that the ways I encourage her to grow and mature matter; I like seeing her learn things, and sharing my life experience with her. I look forward to her enthusiasm, and being a stepmom to her has allowed me to believe more in myself and my ability to parent. The priorities, rules and boundaries I set with her with FH as my partner, are healthy, safe and achievable. I believe I will be a good mom b/c of this.
As far as being a step parent, for me, it's meant assessing this young woman's life, and enriching it in every way I can. Being a special adult in her life who is not her mom, not her dad, but cares about her greatly without seeing her as "my child" I see her as HER. Listening to her without the biases of a parent, but with more concern than a friend, and giving her as many opportunities as I can to allow her to grow into the intelligent, well rounded person, and who she wants to be. Also acting as a mediator between the times when her wants and her dad's wants for her at not in alignment, and I can try to help find common ground between them that they can both live with.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
I couldn't even begin to say.
I have two monologues I wrote that sum up a great deal of it for me. I'll have to email them to you sometime. One was when I still felt like NS, like I was SD's champion against the evil BM empire. A few months after I wrote it, the games began between SD and myself. Or more likely I took off my rose colored glasses for the first time. It was written after the "YOU ARE NOT MY MOTHER!" altercation. At the time BM was out of town for weeks and I was the only consistent mom around her.
I feel like a walking contradiction. An oxymoron.
Heavy on the moron part at times, when I keep setting myself up time and time again.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
I don't think that's a fair comparison....
My SD isn't BP, and I don't think I really have rose colored glasses in my situation. The BM is the true dark cloud on my situation, that's true, but I think the pros far outweigh the cons, and I do enjoy being a stepmom....
But then, what do I know? Maybe she's going to break my heart and treat me like all the other SDs here. Guess I'll be the first to say I was stupid for believing more than that is possible.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
I didn't mean you had the same situation
Just that I had the same positive feelings initially, and tried desperately to ignore what my gut was telling me as SD started showing her BP/BPD symptoms more and more. Sorry if that didn't come across.
I hope you and your SD get to have a fantastic life together and get her away from BM's clutches. I really do NS. I remember Sia mentioning before that her SM was her hero. I'm sure your SD will feel the same about you.
Mine used to, now looks to me as the root cause of all her pain. I guess that's easy to do when BM is out of site out of mind for her now.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
I hate it!
If I had a magic wand I would end my step-parent status. Those that think being a parent is the hardest job in the world have never been a step-parent. It is thankless, tiring, aggravating, heartbreaking, and has very few rewards (only reserved for the extremely lucky blended family with will and sacrific to make it work well).
It is an experience I would never, ever want to repeat and am only going through out of great love for the man in my life. If I loved him even a little bit less, being a step-parent would break me and the relationship.
I rarely even tell people I'm a step-parent because the baggage the phrase brings is too intense and not worth explaining to the un-initiated.
Comment on Brutallyhonest
I agree. Stepparenting is the toughest, most heart-breaking experience I've ever had to deal with, even more so than single-parenting. My husband's daughter can do no wrong. The rules that apply to my children do not apply to her. Her BM tells her that I and my children are not her family; and, my husband does nothing to correct that. My husband's mother spoils my SD and blatently treats her better than mine, giving her expensive things at Christmas time and on birthdays while lumping all three of my children together as one and treating them like a fraction of who my SD is. I have devoted 4.5 years to loving my SD, only to find that my efforts have not been recipricated and have not been recognized. I am frustrated and alienated. While my SD is only 7, she seems to be the one to rule the roost. Sadly, my husband spends very little time with her. When she does come over, I find myself giving her all kinds of special attention, which I think she needs. But, she needs her father, not more things and not grandparents and a BM who gives her every material thing she wants or asks for (i.e., a dozen or so American Girl dolls, 35 Webkinz, etc.) My SD ignores my BD, who is a couple months older. My BD is hurt by my SD's snobbery and the unequal ways my husband's family treats my BD and SD. My sons could care less. I have fought relentlessly with my husband over these issues ... but he simple doesn't want to see it or do anything about it. It's, according to him, all my and my children's faults. Anyone else experiencing such a thing?
yes, except my hubby is good
yes, except my hubby is good about it. But all the rest, crazy bm, spoiled kids who get whatever they want. Making them eat veggies turns into a complaint to the doctor that they are beening force fed. I'm drained. I could give up. I am at the point where I just don't care any more. The 15 year old is so manipulative that when he is going to be grounded here, he stays home sick and goes to his activities with his mother. What a joke it all is.
I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere
Like bh, if I only had a magic wand, I too would end being stepmom. I feel as tho the very life of me is being sucked out by H and his entitled SD17.
I've lost who I was, and am struggling so hard to get her back (school, job). I used to feel loved. I used to feel as tho I am a good person. I used to occassionally feel pretty, sexy. I used to feel intelligent and powerful.
No longer. And it's laid at the feet of H & SD17. I raised two sons - and never ever did parenthood make me feel valueless.
Stepparenting-without a supportive partner-is slow torture, IMO.
I am feelin' those blues too.
"I've lost who I was, and am struggling so hard to get her back (school, job). I used to feel loved. I used to feel as tho I am a good person. I used to occassionally feel pretty, sexy. I used to feel intelligent and powerful."
Empowered with life. Passionate about life. That's how I used to feel. Now I feel like a frumpy old nag.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
I know how you feel
I feel lost too. I liked who I was and also felt that i was smart, attractive and sexy.
I was proud of my self because I did not let my ex tear me down and went from a stay at home mom to supporting myself and my kids and making it to six figures on my own. I still think I am a good person and you are too!! I just don't think that dh sees that girl any more. I don't like how he acts as if he could care less about us and makes me feel unloved and unwanted.
I hate it, and would never again
date a man with a child (if I have to divorce--hope not for the sake of my children). My SD and her BM have changed who I am and who I will be in the future. I wish things were different, I wish it didn't have to be this way, but it is. My H blames everything on BM but the truth is she is only partially at fault. BMs fault is that she believes EVERYTHING that SD says, and lashes out at people becuz of it. (Ex. yesterday she wrote a letter to SD teacher saying she never disciplined a child for pushing SD9. The teacher wrote back saying SD never told her anything about it. Of course SD lied, BM looked dumb but still didn't punish SD)
SD is mostly at fault. If she had never lied about me or my H we (BM and me) would still be on speaking terms. SD is the one who caused this trouble to began with and continues to stoke the fire when she feels there isn't enough drama.
My definition is that being a SM is the hardest parenting job there is. Much harder than being a BM. I am a BM (BS2 and 7 months preg.) and it is a breeze. No matter what happens, what my son does I can handle it without a hitch. SM are given tons of responsibility and told to care for the skids. But are never given the love, affection or recognition they deserve. NO ONE that is not a SM or SD understands the issues we deal with.
That's really the word that I have to define it. You start off with all these thoughts of how your new family is going to be. Everyone will live like the Brady Bunch. It's all roses and buttercups. The first time you get called by 1 am by BM you're shocked. You're even more shocked that DH allows her crazy behavior. Because let's face takes us all years to get that straight! Then you are shocked the first time one of your step kids treat you like shit on the bottom of thier shoe. Then you are once again shocked by the lack of discipline DH gives that step kid for treating you in such a manner. You are shocked by the lack of rules, and the babying these kids get. I think alot of dads really feel guilty for getting together with someone else. It's guilt parenting, we know it. But it still sucks to get DH to understand that! You are shocked that when you extend a helping hand to the BM you get it bitten off.
It's shocking, every part of it.
For me though, it got good. The first year or two was really hard, I didn't understand alot of what was going on. I felt left out, hurt, and avoided alot. But now my life and my family are great. We parent together, and we love our kids together. He's a great dad, and tells me I'm a great mom. To make things better, I have my SD14 that loves me like I'm her mother, when really I've only known her for 3 years. It's gotten good!! You really can love a kid that isn't your own, like they are your own.
The best and funniest thing I've ever heard anyone say was Crayon when she posted something about SK's sleeping with the parents in the bed. She said "They all huddle up to make it through the night hiding together from the evil step mother" OMG I laughed so hard!!!! But that's pretty much how you feel about it.
The worst experience of my life
There have been very few bright spots in my eight years as a custodial stepmom. BM checked out a long time ago, so she is not involved at all and lives in another state, but her legacy lives on in her daughter. SD18 is lazy, defiant, surly and manipulative, like her mom. Always has been. The apple certainly doesn't fall far from the tree.
I have done everything I can to be a good role model and parent, but the odds were stacked against me from the beginning.
I have stayed in the marriage due to my love for my DH. W/O SD, I'd have a lot more money in the bank, and a lot fewer wrinkles!
Totally agree here!
I would have more money and fewer wrinkles too! I have stayed in my marriage because of my dh. Can't stand my sd and don't have much use for her.
I used to hate it but not anymore
I used to hate being a SM because:
a) having to deal with a bad mother who treated my ex like a wallet and like s**t. She treated me like that too. I just thought of something- those two words- "bad" and "mother" start with a "B" and an "M"!
b) Because they were living with BM, and DH was letting them get away with murder, the SDs also treated us like a wallet and like s**t.
c) Seeing a totally unfair amount of my DH's hard earned $$$$ go to a woman who would not get off her fat a**, get a job (even a part-time one), and save some of that money to pay for her existence and some things for the SDs.
I now like it because:
a) DH woke up and smelled the coffee in regards to BM and the SDs and started holding them accountable for their behavior and started making them be nice to me.
b) Since their dad has been enforcing rules, the SDs behavior has improved very, very, very tremendously. It's at a point where I now like them and I think they like me. If you had asked me a few years ago, "do you think you will ever like your SDs," I would have told you that he** would have to freeze over first. The progress they've made is absolutely remarkable.
c) DH started sticking up for his rights as a father. BM withheld visitations, violated the court order many times, and it wound up hurting her because she lost custody. SHE now has to pay US child support and SHE now gets EOW visitation. It also cost her because through therapy, the SDs are starting to see through what she did and how evil and detrimental it was, both to them and their dad.
d) The SDs relationship with their dad has improved tremendously. They each take turns going with him on father-daughter dates and we all do family stuff together. Their dad loves them to pieces, but he's learned that the best way to show them that is by preparing them for the real world, not guilt-parenting them.
Thanks guys
for your input......I pretty much figured that the responses would be right or left. I have found that usually being a SP is something one either loves or hates! Thanks so much!
I agree with brutallyHonest
I hate it and stay just for the love for my hubby and wait til SS turn 18. Bm who are not stepparents themselves have NO clue!
I so agree with
I so agree with brutallyhonest!!
if your in a realationship were your going to be a step parent RUN!!!
because when you do have children of your own it's only going to get harder. THen you will make yourself stay in it because you want what is right and best for your own child.
THen you will recent your husband because the BM and SK needs are being meet before you and your child. and then it is your marraige. it's seems like it's never one family, but more like three
you and your child
BM and SK
I hate it, I hate the feeling. I get jealous when I see a mom dad and THERE kids. They look so happy.
'My SD and her BM have changed who I am and who I will be in the future."
I agree, MY SS and his BM changed who i am and I feel like a monster!!the BM knows how to push my buttons and I take it out on my own family.
"I rarely even tell people I'm a step-parent because the baggage the phrase brings is too intense and not worth explaining to the un-initiated."
Yep!! soooooo agree!!
"My definition is that being a SM is the hardest parenting job there is. Much harder than being a BM. "
so agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Give me the magic wand
If it were not for my beautiful child, I would regret ever meeting my husband only because of BM and SD. I love him with all of my heart but it is so hard to be happy when you have everything stacked against you. I feel like I am constantly trying to keep BM and SD happy while DH gets the worst of me because I exhaust all of my energy towards them. Even though SD and I get along great, I feel like I have to constantly entertain and do things for her. She never thanks me for what I do. BM thanks me in words but her actions rule it out every time.
If anyone ever asked me for advice on dating/marrying someone with a child, I would tell them to RUN. far far away! I am 24 years old and used to have so much life in me. I used to be so happy and in love. Now I am a bitter "old" woman who has given up. I have decided however, that if this situation ever starts to hurt my son's life, then I am out. I will not be the BM who keeps her child away from his BF.
It is the hardest job ever and would not do it again.
I agree with stepmomjen. Me and HD have a 16 month old son together and my SS is so jealous he will not let HD spend any time with our son when he is at our house. He is constantly needing attention and always tring to get in between my DH and our son. When my SS is at our house I feel like my HD babies him and puts him on a pedestal(I guess maybe because of guilt) I hate this because I dread when my SS is coming over and when he is there I am not in a good mood. I hate feeling like this, so answer to your question, I do not like being a Stepparent.
Its like babysitting someone elses child while the parent is still in the room.
Its like being a third party in your home when SD is there. I lose my husband to a great extent when she is there.
Every good thing, every hug, every bright smile I get from SD8, I cherish, but have learned to do so only in the moment because I know that tomorrow she may be rude, disrespectful and thankless.
My Husband pays exorbitant child support and alimony. I work and am away from home for 11 hours a day. My husband doesn't pay me. I resent it. I don't expect him to pay me, that's not the point. I resent that we work hard and BM gets so much of his money even though we have SD8 over 50% and DH agreed (volunteered) to pay 100% of ALL expenses for SD8. I resent that she works only part time.
I feel comfortable when in control. Its my nature. However, I have had to change my whole personality because I have control over so very little. I'm sure I mutter to myself at least once a day: "Not my kid, not my problem".
"Its like babysitting someone elses child while the parent is still in the room."
I loved this statement and it is SOOOOO true!
Never Again
If, heaven forbid, something happened to DH, or our relationship ended for whatever reason, I would never, ever become involved with someone with children...and by involved, I mean cohabitate in any way.
I hang into this this marriage for DH alone and the rope is tenuous at times.
What do I say....
Being a Sm for me has been very challenging. It has nearly ruined my relationship with my DH and even my own BD's get so frustrated that they could scream.
Most of you know I have 2 SD's. My husband has full custody but the oldest is in college.
I think that being a SP could be easy or hard depending on you and your spouses relationship. RIght now being a SM for me has been the most difficult job in my life. I feel that every day, I hurt, I feel my heart race, I feel so unappreciated.
My husband is one that feels sorry for his girls because their mom is bi-polar and has had very very little contact with the girls... maybe twice to ten times a year depending on her mood swings. I stay angry alot at husband and BM because of how they both parent and what I am left to fill.
But then again, I feel like I was put in this position for some reason, but I cant figure out why because my life is being sucked away and I dont smile anymore. I continue to search for my answer and maybe one day I will see the good in this.
But in my situation if my husband were ALOT more attentive my feelings of SM would probably change for positive thoughts and if we only had EOW visits (gee was that mean).
I don't mind at all....
I have a kid as well. I enjoy it. We all get along well. There only minor issues at the beginning when we moved in together after getting married.
But that all cleared up.
thanks for posting imagr8tma
I was starting to feel kinda lonely on this side of the fence all alone, LOL....
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
you're not alone! I enjoyed it at one time as well and loved to read your post, it was refreshing. However, I think we all become a little disenchanted at times b/c of BM or DH. I think the common thread here is the "disneyland daddy" syndrome. My dh never really had that problem, and it doesn't appear yours does either, so I think that makes a LOT of difference.
Overall, I am glad she is in my life, even though she is a PITA 99% of the time! So, my dear, you are not alone!
I do think that if SD wasn't mentally ill, we'd have a great relationship. I will admit that I know a lot about her illnes, but very little on how to effectively deal with it. I have been to many therapists, etc....all they want to do is give me ways to reduce my stress level rather than ways to "deal" with SD. It's hard, but I do think overall I was put in her life for a reason, and I think maybe it was to be a life lesson for me, just haven't figured it out yet...
It sucks
I went into this very open-minded because my family embraces everyone, related or not. I used to compare my four nieces to a pack of puppies. You could add one or more kids to the "pack" and everyone got along and played together great. My sister is a foster parents and we have welcomed all of those kids with open arms. So, when SD came along, I thought things would be the same. WRONG!
What I have discovered through this journey is that DH is not the man I thought he was when I married him. Not that he's a bad man, just very weak when it comes to SD. And that has caused significant problems in our marriage and precluded any chance of me having a relationship with SD. So, while I tell my friends not to marry a man (or woman) with kids, I think it CAN work with the "right" partner.
I Agree!! My Husband is not
I Agree!!
My Husband is not the same man I married. I hate having to share him. Although we are recently married we have so many issues that I think walking away would be the easy route for me. The BM doesn't work and constantly hounds him for more CS. I hate that she is in the picture and really wish she would stop calling. SS2 is Ok but when I look at him I see his Leech mom and I resent having him around. And, I also feel like I am a free babysitter, but at least babysitters get paid. I Would NOT do this again if I had to do it over.
You hit it on the nose!
I feel the same way! While my DH is almost the same man that I married - it varies. My SD3 is OK too but I look at her and I am reminded of her mother and it makes me soooooo sick that I don't even want to deal with her at all! It is causing problems in my marriage of 7 months and I need to figure out how to deal with it ASAP. EOW is too much for me to be miserable so this weekend I am going to try to please GOD, my husband and SD3 and see how it goes. I do want my marriage to work b/c I'm married to a sweetie pie - but I have to figure out how to cope!
WAAY too much child warping and not enough parenting-
Told DH last night
No wonder SS16 "loves" it here-he gets to do whatever he wants to whenever he wants to-makes "adult" decisions with Daddy's adoration and blessings ( SS makes decisions with the brain of a teenage neaderthal )
DH turns to me and says "What do you mean-he has a bedtime! I say yes-only because I insisted on something called "adult time"-otherwise SS would be all over you until you carried him up to bed when HE decided! Unbelievable-really, I am getting waaay too old for this!
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
Ask me again in a couple years and my answer may change...
Right now, I really don't mind it although it has it's pro's and con's. The skids are still pretty young and they really are good children. The only thing I really dislike is the BM. But I don't deal with her at all, I just have to hear about her crazy, selfish behavior which makes me soooo freakin angry! I refuse to have anything to do with her, I do not talk to her...ever. I refuse to even answer the phone when she calls because the sound of her voice makes my blood boil.
There have been some trying moments with the skids and some very trying moments with the BM situation and I'm not going to say that I haven't wondered if I wouldn't have been better off finding someone who didn't have kids. Mainly, a couple arguments DH and I have been in over my BS and the skids. I parent a little differently than he does but we are working on that and we do have an open communication line.
SD10 is starting to get more attitude lately and I think she might be hell on wheels in a few years so my thoughts and feelings may very well change. We shall see. I am committed to BF and his children though, and we are both committed to making things work.
Step Mom...not that great
Do it all over again??? NO THANKS, its being a mom but having all these conditions and factors that fall into it, its not unconditional....
ITs like being invited to a party late so you can stay and clean the mess.
They call it STEP,, cause your always getting stepped on...
a women who falls for a man with children, decides that love will conquer all , wakes one day to find a BM, and an ungratefull child, smack in the middle of her life,
and a husband that thinks a child from his sperm cannot possibly do any wrong.
Carol Brady...should write the true story.
Just visiting...
Just popped in to answer this for you, since you told me about it in your email.
I love being a stepmother. I love my stepchildren... even the one that's not my husband's biological child. Even the two exceptional ones that come complete with problems I can't even begin to number. Even with BM, who's made my life hell, but with whom I have been able to find some common ground and establish a working relationship that benefits all of us. It's been difficult, sure, but also very rewarding. I have learned so much and grown a lot. For all the negative experiences here and there, it has been a very positive one for me overall. Whatever struggles we've gone through have been worth it, especially when I see how happy my husband is when we're all together and enjoying each other. It's been a long, hard road to travel, don't get me wrong, but I have no regrets. I'm glad I stuck it out. I would do it all again in a heartbeat.
ღஐ anne|8102 ஐღ
again. I love my DH with all my heart, but if he were to die, I would never do it again. Billions of dollars would not convince me to go back to the hair pulling, the emotional wear and tear, the angry tears, the psychotic BM's, and the spoiled rotten skids. I cannot and will not put myself through any of that ever again.
Maybe... hopefully it will be different... but no matter what... this is the first and last time I will ever be a stepmom.
"ITs like being invited to a party late so you can stay and clean the mess."
Isn't that the truth 99 percent of the time.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
I would not do it again. All of it wasn't bad, but most of it was. Originally, I thought when the kds grew up it would be easier when BM wasn't involved in everything. Now the kds are grown up and my stepsons got married to someone just like their mother. Once again I have to go through the hell all over again. For 2 weeks I sat here with these ins forms to fill out and I suppose I need to put the skds down as the beneficiary, but it kills me to do that. They treat their dad like crap so why should I reward bad behavior?
I am cautiously optimistic about being a SM
Some days being a SM is fabulous. Some days are like walking death. Most days are somewhere in the middle. I love my Hubby to distraction, but he can drive me insane. I love my skids, but some days I just want to hide from them. BM is like some sort of horrible cancer that sometimes goes into remission but always comes back. If I lost Hubby I would never put myself in this situation again. However, for him, because I love him, I endure often being an unpaid babysitter with no real power, being the last person consulted about plans and pretty much the least important person in the household when the skids are here. But it is also an evolving process. I have hopes that it will get better, because it has slowly but steadily gotten better as time goes on. Well, at least my relationship with Hubby and the skids keeps growing. The BM, on the other hand, is like an ice pick in my eye, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
I like being a stepmom...
I heard a quote once that likened stepmothers to guardian angels. I think I could agree with that. But I'm lucky. I get treated for the most part with respect. I got my little claws into them while they were still quite young and after they met me and got to know me...they loved me anyway.
I have three SDs who have fulfilled a little part of me. I am the BM to two boys and thought that a chance at parenting a girl was obsolete. Instead I get to be a mother figure to THREE girls. I get to do the girly things I didn't think possible.
BM is the downside but I also accept that she is an integral part of it all. Once I figured that out and know that she is in my life as a constant regardless, I was able to move forward. She's highly imperfect...but then again so am I.
I am not always appreciated for the extent of what I actually do or have gone through for those little girls. Then again, it's not so far off to the appreciation deficiency that comes from my OWN children.
I've been a primary custodial stepmom and I've been an every other weekend stepmom and now a 50/50 visitation SM. (BM is bipolar, and we're going with the flow here...) I love the 50/50. It's the perfect amount of time with the girls and a perfect amount of time WITHOUT them.
Life is good.
"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley
Step Parent: A parent without genetic portfolio. "Just a parent"
Though I am StepDad to my SS, I am a parent (Dad) regardless of my lack of genetic participation in his existence.
As a StepParent I have no rights or official standing but I am expected to care for the well being of any child (Step or Bio) in my sphere of responsibility. So, I am just Dad.
His Mom and I married before SS turned 2yo, so I have been the only full time Dad he has ever known. He sees BioDad a total of ~7wks per year spread between Summer/Christmas/Spring Break.
I believe my SS said the best perspective on what a StepParent is that I have ever heard.
When he was ~8yo he returned from a 5wk summer visitation with BioDad and the BioPaternalFamily concerned about a comment made by his BioPaternalGrandMa (BPGM).
BPGM had told my SS that I was not his real Dad, I was just his StepDad. Since we have never used the term "Step" in our home other than when explaining our relationship to outsiders, BPGM's comment bothered my SS.
He asked "What is a StepDad?" I gave him the clinical explanation of the difference between Step and Bio Dads (one is married to his Mom and the other made him with his Mom). Then I went on to tell him that I did not feel he needed to worry about BPGM's comment because a Dad is someone who loves he and his Mother very much, works hard every day so the family has a safe place to live, good schools to attend, plenty of food to eat, save transportation, coaches his sports teams, attends his school functions, teaches him to ride his bike, reads to him every night and tucks him in to bed.... whether that Dad is a Step or Bio.
His response "Sounds like a StepDad is just a real Dad to me." Then he went outside to ride his bike with his buddies.
Sooooo ..... I am a StepDad. I enjoy being the man who sets the example of what a real man is. Dedicated, committed, faithful, involved, caring, loving, and present. A parent is not a buddy, a parent is a confidant, advocate and disciplinarian. A StepParent is all of the these things. I strive to be these things for my son (SS) every day..... I am just a Dad.
Just my thoughts of course.
Best regards,
I don't like it as much as I used to.
At first, I warmly welcomed the new additions to my life. I enjoyed getting to know the skids and really enjoyed having them around. I was beginning to feel very fond of them and thought that they were really neat. They seemed to take to me too and slowly, we were all starting to form a relationship and I really liked it and them too. Sadly, over the 5 1/2 years with dh, my opinions have chaged dramatically.
The reason for this change you ask? Dh. I can't stand the bias and favoritism when it comes to the skids. He allows them to act in ways that I cannot accept and God forbid anyone tell them "no" or tell him that they are less than perfect. Why is he so blind when it comes to the skids you ask? Why would any responsible, loving parent condone such bullshit? Heck if I know. I am still trying to get this one. I have built a wall of resentment were I once had a garden of fondness.
I actually thought that dh and I were going to work TOGETHER to build our family and provide a stable and warm environment for ALL of the kids. Imagine that. I don't feel so hopefull anymore...
Optimism turns to cynicism...
It was OK at first -- ups and downs. Now that they are adults, it sucks. I've been through a ton of crap in my life and being a stepmom to my SDs has been the worst experience of my life. It's heartwrenching...and my self-confident self has even had thoughts of suicide over things these girls have said and done. When I look into my future, I see DH and me having to justify everything we do to these brats and then when my DH dies (I pray every night I go before him), then I'll deal with the greedy girls over money and everything that goes with that mess. The only reason I'm still with DH is my boys...that's it. I love him dearly and my boys ADORE their dad so I would never split that up. But the baggage he brought into this marriage is TOXIC. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
The good the bad and the ugly
The good is my SD16 she is an awesome kid - and I don't get to see her that much so maybe that helps :). Only about 6 times a year. The bad and the ugly would be BM. I get chills going up my spine just thinking about that crazy women. If FH and I were ever to break up I don't think I would EVER date a man with kids under 25 - and even then I would have to evaluate the kids and how the act with dad!!!
Oh no not me never
In the beginning I forged a connection with SS. We were buddies. I have been there when his BM wasn't. He has shattered that. He treats me everyday with disrespect. Makes faces at me, cuts me down etc. I have protected my skids against their BM. She has lied, cheated, and manipulated them. All I did was do for them as my own, and I have been condemed for that. You think if my ex pulls some BSH*t with my Biokids that I won't make him answer for it. You damn right I will. At least my kids know their mom will stand up for them to anyone. That's what a mom does, right? DH has never made BM answer for anything. He just says "That's the way she is." Always excusing her. It flat out pisses me off. My DH puts his and BM's parental duties on me. SD is just like her mom, a victim of everything. One day SD can be the most caring child and the next she's a manipulator, just like her mom. As far as I'm concerned they can both go live with their precious mother. Why should I have to raise 2 ingrates that aren't even mine? Isn't a man suppose to protect his wife against anyone? Not in my case. Always excusing BM and Skids. I think I need to give it up. Does anyone think love can be strong enough to hold two people together? I use to believe that. Afterall I've been through nothing has changed. It's always promised but never amounts to anything. I hate my life as a stepmom and his wife. I hate the ex bitch. I can hardly stand the skids. I think my HB is a coward. What kind of life is that? I can't pretend to be happy. I deserve to be happy. I'm a good mom damn it. I'm a good wife. Why can't my family see that? I'm tormented everyday with the question, Did I make the right choice, do I continue to put on my smiley face???????
Being a stepmom can be awful
I also agree that being a SM is extremely hard ! I have a 22 year old SS and a six year old BS. I have been married for eight years.I have known the SS for 12 years. At first it was alright. I would spend time with him (taking him swimming, to the mall etc..) and it was pretty enjoyable. He became a teenager and he started hating me. He would say really mean, hateful things. And sometimes not even talk at all. It was really awkward! Sometimes he would not even talk to his dad. Now the SS is an adult and we rarely see him. His dad calls and emails him and it's days or weeks until he even answers. I think he hates me and that's why he stays away. His dad will hand me the phone to talk to him. I'm always nice and ask him how he is doing. It's impossible to have a conversation with him. He either answers me in one word or does not say anything at all. It is always a very awkward conversation. He always talks to his dad though. His dad thinks he is the greatest. He was a star athlete in school, plays in a christian band and has a very good job. Anyway, I'm with the others. I think being a step mom can be HORRIBLE!
If I had a choice I think I
If I had a choice I think I would rather have a root canal done on every tooth without any anesthetic.
One statement says it all
Someone in one of the above message said it is responsibility without getting any appreciation/respect. See a nanny/babysitter gets paid (monetary form of appreciation). A parent (bio) gets love and usually respect. A stepparent gets the responsibility of influencing/raising this child. Teaching her how to become an adult, how to deal with the world and be successful. Then at the end of the day the stepparent gets abused (usually an influence from one of the bioparents - creating enough guilt within the stepchild that they cannot and will not build any loyalty to the stepparent - in the fear of alienating the bio parent). The feeling this creates in me is bitterness. It is very difficult to show someone love over and over again, do for them over and over again and each time be rewarded not with appreciation or respect but with hatefulness, snideness and disrespect. Only a crazy person would keep it up - and a step parent is not sane.
Not just monetary reimbursement for Nannies etc
And I would lump teachers and coaches into that category. The kids overall respect them more. Don't take them for granted as much. Though SD has tried to ruin a male teacher's reputation (started an inappropriate rumor) because he was one of the few she didn't dupe. If she was talking/causing trouble in class or not doing her work he called her on it, and called DH a few times. Then came the rumor. I wouldn't have blamed him if he kicked her out of his class. But he didn't. He has my utmost respect for that.
But overall SD teachers are amazed by her intelligence and social grace. So are other people's parents. She tells them how horrible we are, or BM is, depending on where she can get the most sympathy. I am always amazed when SD does finally let her guard down, or can't remember what story she told, or does something majorly offensive to a teacher or someone else's kid, and the teacher or parent is so shocked and dismayed.
I think, "Man...the Cleaver's knew to watch Eddie Haskel. How come people are so gullible? Well, so was I in the beginning.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
My SD9 was never good
No one has had trouble seeing the nastiness in my SD! Everyone, even when she was just 3 1/2, strangers would say "wow you certainly have your hands full don't you" She is so badly behaved you can actually see it in her.
SDs daycare teacher said it best to BM "She is the WORST child I have ever dealt with" BM quickly pulled SD from that center at 4 yrs old. I wish I could have been there, of course even a straight statement like that didn't open BMs eyes.
I would never do it again
When I first met DH he was mentally healthy & my skids were adorable. The kids themselves are pretty good but between my bipolar husband & his controling, stupid ex wife I have had it. If I could walk away w/o being ruined financially & have to fight over custody of our son I would. I could never trust my son alone with my husband on eow. Last Saturday I got to sleep in for a change & he got up with our toddler. I was woken up by the sound of my husband SNORING downstairs as he " watched" our son. The lazy asshole fell asleep the first time in months that I got to sleep in past 6 or 7 am.
I think that my user name about sums it up! LOL..Step parenting is the most unenjoyable, frustrating, irritating, and draining experiance of my life..It's left me with feeling nothing but disgust for the entire situation. If I would have known when I met my husband what I know now..I would have run for the hills the instant he asked me out to dinner the first time..
I will never get involved with a man who has children ever again. Too many of them are not looking for a partner, wife, or a mate, they are looking for a free and built in maid, personal assistant, and day care provider..It's not worth it..
In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. ~ disgusted
Step Parenting – you might
Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!
replacement part....
That is what my stepmom experience has been like for me. The "original part" was broken, so my DH had me become the "replacement", so I could mother the kids the way he wished his Ex would do, but was to crazy and did not care about her kids to even try. I have denounced the "throne" of motherhood to those kids, and have taken my life back, bit by bit. I'm glad to still be with my DH, but I will never allow anyone to ever put me in her (fat-ass) shadow again.!!!"~waiting on the world to change~"
First Liked it, Then Hated it, Now...never again.
I think that from reading most of the posts, the majority regret it. A lot depends on the biological parent you've married. This guilt parenting can kill the relationship. All I needed was the BM, my wife, to scold her son when he was disrespectful to me our the property. I knew kids would be kids, teens would be teens, BUT the adult had to be the parent. When they act as a friend and are afraid to hurt the feelings of their child before their partner it leads to resentment and disrespect for all.
Another dependent is dealing with the ex and it seems most StepMoms here can't deal with the BM and their husbands putting up with their craziness.
I lost the woman I loved due to her coddling her child, but I am much better now and would never do it again because it can start out great, but it can quickly change and all the love in the world won't overcome feeling of being alone in your own home.
Parenthood, in general...
Is difficult. My OWN BS (24) has been just as awful to me, if not MORE, as the adult SDs have been.
I think it's the inconsistency that gets me. If every event could be as harmonious (a few incidents, but NOTHING like in the beginning) as the past Christmas holiday, I would be fine.
But, once the "neediness, daddy daddy" monster, rears its ugly head, I just wish I could be GONE.
Detaching and getting on with your OWN concerns works with Skids as well as Bio Adult kids!!
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt
my (belated) take on stepping
i think ur experience highly depends on the other parties involved, specifically DH and BM, and so the definition is further defined by them as well. if u are lucky enough to have a DH who supports u, puts u and the marriage first, does not guilt parent, does not act to appease the ex, does not have inappropriate relationships w his children, AND u have a BM who recognizes what an integral part of her kids lives u are, respects that role, DHs life w u, the kids life as part of ur family, HAS BOUNDARIES WHICH DH ENFORCES, and acts accordingly, then being a stepparent can be an extremely rewarding experience. (like NS and others) if youre not lucky enough to have either of these, it can be the hardest and worst experience of ur life. i know that i would not do this for anyone else other than DH and the fact that i do is an EXTREME testament to my love for him. all my life i said id never date a man w kids, i knew i coudlnt handle it, and i ended up marrying one. he is also the only father ive ever dated, so ive definitely made an exception for him.
for me, stepping is not so black and white as many here. i dont have a love or hate relationship. i can say that at times i have felt like each and every one of u who responded here--the good AND the bad. and i feel alot of u have summed it up perfectly. shocking was just one excellent definition. (way to go, stepmomjen!)
my feelings about being a SM are greatly different for each of my stepkids, so thats why i say that i feel it is greatly defined by the other parties involved. for example, i like being a SM to SS15, who DH has custody of, lives w us, and whose BM leaves us alone. the only way my feelings would turn to love was if DH was more like me discipline wise, and i felt more confortable and more in control of SS's behaviors. for example, i think stricter rules should be enforced and stricter consequences, esp w school, but since DH doesnt, i cant overstep. and this is only bc i love SS and want to see him succeed. DH goes easy on him, not due to guilt parenting, but bc he grew up w a VERY strict, borderline abusive dad and doesnt want to be that way. DH does ask for my opinions, listens to my advice, has changed and gotten better bc of me, values me as a partner, and for that i am blessed. DH is a dream.
SD3...*sigh* i feel my relationship w her has been poisoned by BM and her allegations of abuse and all the undue stress she has caused us. if it werent for all we've gone thru in the last year w her, i think i would feel better about the whole situation. its hard for me bc BM literally lied and trapped DH was SD, and i harbor resentment on so many levels. so all the harassment, court visits, allegations, CS, fights, name calling and so on, have not helped to foster a good relationship w SD. BM also does the bad mouthing to her, she started it at the age of 18 mos when SD told me that momma told her she cant love me
so to her, its so heartbreaking being her SM. BM has treated me like shit and like i have no business w her child, has actually told me such and gone so far as to BAN me from even picking her up at daycare bc she simply cant handle my existence. from day one, she has made my life a living hell. i resent all i go thru, all DH and even SS have gone thru bc of BM and SD. i hate the way shes raising her. and even though we try, we have little influence on her only 4 days a month. its also very difficult for me to separate SD from BM...she is nothing like DH. after all Bm has put us thru, and what an UGLY person she is, i cannot for the life of me understand why DH was ever w her in the first place. his reasons are very sad. basically, he describes his time w her as the lowest of his life
bc BM is such an awful person, this causes soooo many fights between us. i honestly feel that our lives would be perfect w/o all that drama.
its strange for me to think that i have NO problem being SM to a teen who lives w us FULL TIME, yet i hate being a SM just EOW to SD. i disengage as much as possible, try to leave my house bc i feel like shes a little invader. shes just a walking reminder to me of his awful past and all the hurtful things we've gone thru bc of it. i try to get over it all but i cant and its so hard. it makes me feel like an awful person, and a bad wife
sometimes i wonder if i can make it thru the next 15 years...i honestly know that for anyone else, i wouldnt even try. if i stay and try to be a good stepmom, DH and i just end up fighting, and i dont want that, for us OR for SD. so i feel its better if i just leave. DH said the other day that he wants me to be a part of SDs life and to have a relationship again, but honestly, im afraid to after what BM has done. i tried taht and BM just shit all over it. why would i put myself thru it again?
*sigh* so i guess i feel being a stepparent is just so very vague and something that is controlled more by the other parties and less by u.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
I think you just illustrated
The many levels and complexities of stephood. It is not black and white like really all family relationships are not. But dependent upon a million variables, most having to do with living with someone's prior relationship for most of your life.
Good job Bella!
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
thanks sita
that means alot, coming from u, who has such ease and eloquence in putting thoughts into print.
i thought long and hard about this before posting. and as i read everyones response here i literally thought "yep, ive felt like that." and everyone had a very different definition, yet separated into 2 groups, well a couple people didnt, including u. thats why my post ended up the way it did. so many time sover the past couple days i wanted to respond and say I AGREE. but after a few days, i decided to give it my own take. it really is just so very hard
at least we have each other, bc WE are the only ones who truly know what its like. i really dont even know where id be w/o this site and all the friendships ive made here that have carried over into my "real life" too.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Depends on circumstances
I agree with some of the other posters that it depends on the parties involved. My own two kids have a SM and while it's not always rainbows and butterflies, we have a mutual respect for one another and the part each of us plays in the other's life and in the lives of our kids. We've both commented to one another how lucky we feel that we have the SM/BM relationship that we have.
My new husband, his daughter, his ex, and I are in the very early stages of all of this so time will tell. At the moment, I feel like my "good" life as a single mom has been replaced with this tension filled disaster of a life. But DH and I are good at communicating our problems and working together at a solution. BM is a piece of work (though not nearly as bad as some of these horror stories), but I learned from my first divorce that if you couldn't change someone when you were married to them, you sure can't change them after you divorce them. So I'm learning what type of person she is and how to adjust myself so that I can ignore what I can and accept what I must.
One thing that has helped us tremendously is that we told both exes they don't have to pay their court ordered child support. We've gotten a LOT of grief from the few people that know that we've let them off the hook, but in general it makes the exes more agreeable and effectively put a stop to most of the "games". Trust me, that's worth WAAAAY more than the money.
Liked it in the beginning
Thought I could make a difference to three young girls whose own BM was totally failing them.
At the time I first came into the picture, they were 13, 11 and 8 and BM had gone "off the reservation" and into self-serving mode. Her new motto was, "Don't you want me to be happy?" So I jumped in because they were always suffering. And I never bad-mouthed BM. I just always did what needed to be done, because it was the right thing to do.
And what did I get in return? A BM who constantly bad-mouthed be to the girls, filling their heads with nasty & ugly lies about me. And they all believe them. Because MOMMY would never lie to them, would she????
And I also got criticized (behind my back) for the things that I did do for them as well. Their laundry wasn't done to their specifications. The food I cooked wasn't exactly what they wanted. I didn't buy the "right" snacks for them. Never mind all the things I DID do for them- those weren't appreciated. I was "scary". (oh yeah, I'm big and scary- that's why I was a kindergarten teacher for years and also currently teach 5th grade religion classes. I'm REALLY scary around kids!) IT was always how I fell short.
Never again. I hate it. I absolutely love and adore my DH, but...never again.
"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis
I wouldn't say
that I wouldn't do it again but being a step parent wouldn't be my first choice.
After 8 years of officially being a step parent, it's not any easier. Some things get easier but then other problems take their place.
The ever present, evil Bm, is probably the biggest draw back of being a step parent.
It's just not very fun at all. There is rarely the "big happy family" thing happening. We tried in the beginning but now I've disengaged from some things for my own sanity.
To me...
Step parenting is an experience which tests our physical and emotional boundaries. It puts us in situations in which we must ignore or quash our own parenting instincts. We are constantly reminded and at times forced to accept the fact that these children are not our own and no matter how well-intentioned our actions or words may be, or how much experience or knowledge we might have, in many instances we are not allowed to exercise our own discretion in terms of how the children are raised or even how we act around them. Discepline, priveledges, rules, punishments, food, hygeine, clothing, etc. are things which we may be allowed to give our opinion on but ultimately will be decided by the "real" parents - a reality which is often harshly rubbed in our faces with or without realization by the biological parents of the children. And in a lot of cases, you're having to deal with all this AND a crazy, jealous, hateful ex-wife.
I believe that in the right situation step-parenting can be an extremely rewarding experience. I love my own step-mother, and consider her to be more of a mother than I ever had. But many if not most of us are not that lucky.
Being a step-parent is being slammed into a family which already has its own structure, dynamic, and rules. As much as you try to change things, or think you know best, most of the time you have to learn to accept them how they are. If you go into step-parenthood thinking, "things aren't that great now, but I know I can change it all for the better," you are setting yourself up for disappointment and heartache.
Many step-parents are blindsided by the harsh reality of what being a step-parent really means. We go into it with a picture of sunshine and happiness in our heads...of love and acceptance. You picture a smiling family portrait with you, your spouse, and your step-child(ren). I've been with my BF for five years...we have yet to get a family portrait.
Now, having said all that...It is hard, it is disappointing, it is emotional...but I love it. I love it because I love my BF. I do not, however, love his ex-wife...and I could stand to do without her.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
Depends on the SK
It sure makes me appreciate my own kids a lot more. It's hard to feel or want to feel like a "parent" when you are totally ignored and treated with disrespect by an SK. It's hard to mesh with someone who was raised totally different then you raised your own kids. After all there was a reason I raised my kids the way I did, I didn't want them to turn out to be selfish, self-centered and rude. And suddenly I am faced with living with someone who is all of those things and who despises me as well...oh well one day she will move out, she will move out, she will move out...
is how I feel about being a stepparent. I came from a big family, with stepkids, stepparents, stepgrandparents, you name it, we had it. I never expected anything like what I've been through in the last 20 months. My SD17 & SD21 have no respect for me (or their father)and have always treated me like an outsider. They and DH accuse me of being cold and unloving towards them. Anytime I've tried (and believe me, I've tried) to interact with them they pretty well made it clear that I'm their dad's wife. Not once have they ever referred to me as their stepmother. Granted, I don't have any kids of my own, which the SD's constantly remind me - just tons of nieces & nephews that I love spending time with. But just because I don't have bio kids doesn't mean that I couldn't be a good parent.
I truly was looking forward to all the girly mother-daughter stuff with the SD17 - shopping, hanging out, etc., etc., and since SD21 was a little older, becoming friends with her(neither SD has a good relationship with their BM) but after almost two years, I've pretty much given up on that idea. It tears me up inside and I'm afraid I am becoming more hardened because I do feel so cheated. I'm a very loving and giving person, and after so long of being mistreated and left out, it's very upsetting.
Your post made me cry
because I hadn't felt that way for a while. Cheated.
In the beginning, when I first found out DH had girls, I was SO excited, because I was never around girls a lot. We always had boys in our family. I have 2 boys. I have all nephews. So, like you, I thought this would be a terrifc experience. Finally, girls to go shopping with, to do their hair & makeup, etc.
But because of an insecure, crazy BM, I quickly found out those things wouldn't happen. Oh, they happened...just one time, and the S*#t hit the fan when BM found out that, "5Teens did our hair and nails for the 4th of July, Mommy!"
Oh yeah, that was the beginning of the end. It got turned into the emotional abuse of, "If you ever let 5Teens do your hair or your nails, or take you shopping or even LIKE her...that means you don't love me" tirade. Over and over and over again.
And I was crushed. And then, like you, felt incredibly cheated out of a life I thought I should have had with them.
Because I'm a nuturer at heart. I'm a teacher by trade. I WANTED to do things for the girls, but had to pull away so they would not receive any more guilt from BM than they were already receiving.
But at least I could still give it all to my own two boys.
"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis
"Because I'm a nuturer at heart."
When I first read your response I felt like I could understand why there may be some discomfort when the DH and Skids are around you.
Then I realized that you meant "nurturer" and not "Neuter-er" :jawdrop: I took phonics as a kid and obviously got "nuturer" completely wrong.
Best regards,
OK, Rags- have you been talking to my SKids????
I try very hard most of the time to double-check my spelling before I finalize my comments. And the ONE TIME I rush through and make a spelling error, someone has to call me on my mistake and point it out...
So again I ask...have you been talking to my SKids?????
Because THIS is EXACTLY what they do to me all the time!!!
But at least you called me out to my face
They, on the other hand, always run to Daddy whenever they feel I have made a mistake and complain to him behind my back.
Hey, so THANKS for that! Feeling SO much better right now about having to deal with them ALL weekend long...NOT!
Now where are my pharmaceuticals?!!!!
"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis
It's ok 5 teens
We fellow nurturers got what you meant!
Oh- and I am guilty of one time commenting on someone's misspelling, can't remember who it was. But we all (including them) thought it was funny once realized.
Wish I could remember it now. I guess it wasn't THAT funny or I would. Or my mind is failing. Hmmmm....maybe that one.
Oh- and leave it to rags to get NEUTER out of misspelling nurture.
Only a MAN!
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
Thanks Sita
I was only busting on Rags just a little-
his timing was perfect, because I JUST experienced one of the Skids doing the whole "Guess what 5Teens did WRONG" thing to my DH behind my back RIGHT before I read his post.
So I guess it rubbed me a little raw.
"If you have never been hated by a child, you have never been a parent."
-Bette Davis
No offense intended, your typo cracked me up.
I make fat finger mistakes all the time when typing and of course never catch them (even when I proof read) until after I click send.
I do apologize though, my Wife gets frustrated when I "correct" her also. I do not do it to embarrass. These things just stand out for me and I notice them.
You would think having been raised by a female and being married to one for quite a while I would learn to reign this behavior in a bit.
Best regards,
I totally agree
My grandparents raised my mom's cousin who lost her own mom to TB when she was only 3. She was NOT my mom's cousin. She was my mom's SISTER. My mom's other cousin moved in with us when she was a sophmore in high school, because her mom died when she was tiny, and her dad had remarried a woman who was a horrible SM (way before people thought they had to try to be good SPs.) I had just been born, so I don't remember her living with us. But my older siblings still call her their sister.Growing up, different people came to us who needed a surrogate family, and we never hesitated.
I grew to a friendship with my exH and his wife- to me they are FAMILY.
So I could never have fathomed the impossibility of our situation. It came so natural to my family, that blood bonds are not deeper than chosen family bonds.
Why does it have to be that hard?
I should have had a big warning from my exH's blended family though. He is the only BS of his father, his 3 sibs are from my late MIL's 1st (abusive) marriage. They felt my FIL favored my Exh, and after MIL passed away, they barely tolerated their SF's existence, which put my ex in an awkward position. Then when the old man was dying, they appeared out of the wood work to "help" care for him. We had been doing it for YEARS without help from anyone but his closest in age sister. The will had removed all of them from it, due to their lack of concern for him after MIL was gone. So DH convinced his dad to at least gift them all 10K a piece, and for each of the spouses, and 1K for each grandchild. He also, reverted the will back to them splitting half, and gifted SIL who had helped out a little all along another 5K after FIL passed.
Her H called asking when the rest was coming. Other SIL threatened to contest the new distribution (which was reverting back to the will FIL and MIL had.) He had to keep what was left to pay off medical bills, maintain the house etc. When we divorced and he then moved into the house, the family stopped speaking to him. He has now reestablished some relationship with his brother, the only sib left in town. One sister talks to me now and then, but the crazy one (who was going to contest) convinced her to stop talking to my ex.
I just think it's all so sad. And all about greed. And my exH did everything he could to split it fairly.
I think for many of us here, blended issues come from the kids thinking their needs won't be met if there are more people to have needs met. So they try to TAKE whatever they can get through manipulation etc. This may come from their other BP telling them it's so, or they may just come up with it on their own from their own insecurities.
SD was an only child. And before BD, the only girl I ever thought I would get to raise. We connected as mom and daughter, mostly til BD came along. Now, she actually thinks she should get more than my sons, and is very concerned with BD getting more than her.
Luckily, my sons understand that BD needs more from us- attention time, Christmas toys. And I have helped my H to see, that in our will the older kids get to split half and BD 3 needs the other half. B/c the older kids only have 4 or less years as minors for someone to help raise them if we're gone. But BD has 15 years left. Once they are adults we are not going to leave them a lot. It's our goal to take care of our needs as we age, so they don't have to.
It is a complicated and evolving question SIA!
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
I feel cheated too
I was so excited about SD because I have no kids of my own. She loved me up until we got married, but it has gone steadily downhill from there. DH and I have tried for years to do all kinds of things for her, to make our own little family of us and give her what I consider a normal childhood, where she is prepared for the real world, but now I refuse to contribute anything to our relationship, because she and BM are just using DH, standing there with their one hand constantly out to DH and a knife in the other hand to stab in our BACKS publicly. To our face all has been suck up until we have called them out on SD behavior.
My SD wrote lies about her DH on the internet, then invited my family as her 'friends' to read it. She claims to remember situations that happened before she was born. She has no problems using my DH then talking shit about him and thinks that is what he deserves, because her mom divorced him after cheating on him, beating on him, you name it. I am the only one who has ever put limits on this kid and then got DH to use his backbone to do it, so they hate him. Oddly SD claims to love me, but hate her own dad. But at least their hand is not in my wallet any more except for court ordered child support.
I feel cheated but more I feel DH has been and will always be cheated out of being a dad to his only child, because BM is bitter. Never mind BM's arrest record for assaultS and DUI-S, her bankruptcieS, her foreclosureS, her being 'blackballed' from getting a good job, etc., DH is the cause of all 'their' problems, because SHE divorced HIM 13 YEARS AGO. BM has called us 5 or more times asking us to take SD because SD is out of control, but then reneges when she realized would have to give us custody, therefore giving up her only paycheck, child support. BM is cheating SD out of having a parent by trying to be SD's 'friend' and co-hort, when SD is flunking school, always has, and is now sexually active with the worst thugs you can imagine.
I feel a step-parent is ideally a help to the child, if the child's mom will let them. I would not trade my experience for anything because it was good for a long time. I feel I and DH have done the best we can, and the rest is up to SD, ONLY. I have a bad feeling for SD's future, but we are not allowed any influence with her, so she will have to reap the results of what she is sowing. And that makes me very sad.
"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin
yep, I think that would
sum up my experience as well....most of the time anyway. I never thought about it like that, but I do think I was cheated out of being a good SM b/c of the BM and DH was cheated out of being a good dad b/c of BM. He now is being cheated out of his granddaughters life b/c of BM and her PAS of SD19. It's sad and I feel bad for him most days.
It's Meaningless
I became a "stepmom" when the skids were in their 20's so it's meaningless. They have made it clear that I have nothing to offer them.
I am a college-educated, funny, smart, confident woman. I have raised 2 children. I have freed myself from one horrendous marriage. I have experience and I have resources. But as far as the skids are concerned, I have nothing to offer. And that's exactly what they are now getting from me -- nothing!
I would
have waited until youngest skid was 18---to get married.
I would NEVER have entered this type of family arrangement when my kids were young---I was very cautious about who entered my children's lives. I feel it would have totally disrupted my children to bring any chaos into their surroundings----and step situations more often than not, are chaotic.
The EOW totally threw me off. I did not know what it was to live like that. The "switching" weekends threw me for a gigantic f loop. Took me a while to catch on, but the minute I realized that I had been dragged into this craziness I PUT A STOP TO the switching weekends. These two (DH & HIS EX)had the nerve to ask me to live my life around their f problem. "YOu keep him for two weekends so I can do thus and such.." F YOU! I put a stop to that. NO SWITCHING WEEKENDS PERIOD.
THE GUILT!!!!!! Since I raised my children in a two parent home until the last one was 18 I DID NOT KNOW WHAT parenting thru guilt was. I saw it first hand and I saw what it does to kids----boy am I glad I didn't do this to my kids.
I didn't consider myself a step mother because I did not do anything to raise his children. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I was on to what people do to worm their way out of watching their own children...TOTALLY ON to that behavior so I didn't enter this arena wanting to impress the "children" or beguile my dh with my mothering skills. Most people want to pawn their children off to any loving soul that is willing to give their kids any attention (obviously way overstating this for effect) and that wasn't going to be me.
I think that to be a step parent the noun should be turned into a verb---in order to be a step parent one must parent and I didn't do that. So many of you give your heart and soul away. You need to be kinder to yourselves because this stepping stuff is totally thankless and you could easily lose your mind in the process.
Things are soooo much better now that the SS16.9 doesn't come to my home for babysitting (the EOW THING) anymore. So there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Hardest Job on the planet
Being a stepmom is a JOB. I have to do all of the things that REAL parents do, but I don't have that deep undying love for my stepson the way that bioparents do for their biokids. It takes SO much of the "joy" out of it. It feels more like work and I get very little satisfaction out of it.....I have to say that I, personally, would do it again because I am so in love with my husband - but you better be with a man that you feel you can't live without, a real "soulmate", because anything less than that and I can't imagine that your marriage will last. Without a DOUBT, being a stepmom is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. by the way, I am a full time stepmom, my ss6 lives with us, so I don't get breaks on the weekends...biomom is barely in the picture...I'm not sure if that makes it easier or harder, because I really don't have to deal with her very much, which is nice, but she's not around to take on ANY of the parenting duties....I think if I had it to do over I might seek some counseling BEFORE becoming a sm to prepare myself for the job.
Not stoked
is how I feel about being a step-parent. I would rather give myself a home colonoscopy without anesthetic WEEKLY than be a step-parent. I wish I would have know how much it sucks, although I love my H so much, I would have married him anyway. That's how big of a sucker I am.
It has its rewards and I feel good knowing how much I mean to my skids and being able to provide them with a stable, happy home life (well, for half the time). They also get to see what a loving, healthy and respectful relationship looks like and I know that will help them with their own future relationships. So, it has it's good points, but mostly it just sucks. The drama with the BM is probably the worst and feeling totally and completely unappreciated is also not super. I feel like no one understands how hard it is to be a step-parent (except for all you awesome people!), we are very isolated and society, our friends and even family have no clue.
"A lot of people are afraid to tell the truth. That’s where toughness comes into play. Toughness isn’t being a bully, it’s having a backbone.” ~Robert Kiyosaki
I am a step parent to 3
I am a step parent to 3 great children. Being a step parent means that I look after their best interests; sometimes that means putting their needs above my own. I try and raise them as best I can. I tuck them in at night, I discipline them, I help with homework, I respect them and I love them. I have had a very difficult time with BM who is incredibly threatened by me and has repeatedly told the kids that she hates me (though she has never met me). The kids are super confused by that and are asking how she can hate someone she doesn't know. Hate goes against everything we teach a child. They are not programmed to do it. Now one child is very sick because of the mental stress of the divorce and because her mother won't let her discuss what we do at our house, won't let her talk about me and cries if they do. She makes them keep secrets and tells them that if they tell she could lose them. The poor kids are super confused and torn by it all. Now that one child is very sick with anxiety and depression (can't even go to school), I decided to take matter into my own hands and wrote BM a letter asking that we put our differences aside for the sake of the kids. They have no control over any of this but we, as adults, do and we need to step up. I asked her to bring her bf and meet with FH and I. I'd like to discuss was we can help the kids heal and I'd like to grant them the wish of having us meet and get along. I hope she takes me up on it. I'm still waiting.
It isn't the perfect situation but I love my skids and they love me. Sometimes things are great and sometimes not so much, but I would never trade them in. BM needs to grow up and she's the root of many of their issues, though she would tell you it's me. I just don't get why women have to be so insecure? She is who she is due to the choices she made, and I am who I am. Big deal, let's just agree to disagree and move on. Let's just be the best caregivers to those kids as possible. Why is it that I can see to put my feelings aside for their sake but she can't?
I am new to this forum but
I am new to this forum but have been a step parent for 2 and a half years. My opinion of it is that I love and hate it. I love all the kids and do tend to classify them as ours. BUT, I get no thanks, I work my butt off to have the BM throw it in my face and the only saving grace I have is my hubby. I am very lucky to have a great relationship with him (although SD9 would rather I fell off the face of the earth so daddy can be hers again)and we are trying to face the difficulties together. I get really tired of giving the SK good wholesome food for them to tell me how horrible it is, or to not eat at all. My BS12 is really good about most things but he has had behavioural problems in the past and my ex sucks at being a parent. Once again, I have ended up being the one to take all the crap and sometimes I just want to scream for my sanity to come back. Anyone else feel like that?Thanks!
I hate it and wish they were
I hate it and wish they were gone. They have caused so much grief that I don't know if I can ever find it in my heart to love them ever again.
I really hate it too. Not
I really hate it too. Not so much that I needed to step in and do the parent thing to kids I didn't know, but moreso that I get no appreciation, have had to sit by and watch the skids treat DH like crap, the fact that every day is a new challenge (like it is with all kids) but I'm always the outsider and def feel like one. Its like you can see whats going on, but youre behind this glass wall, and cant do much about it. And when you DO stand up for yourself, youre labeled the mean evil one, and then it just gets worse.
I like it. I am an only
I like it. I am an only child, once divorced, and my parents have both recently passed away. Having my husband and my two stepdaughters in my life has given me a family that, without him, I would not have. I relish having my stepdaughters and husband here for holidays -- what would I do without them here? Sit at home with my cat, probably.
The SDs' mother makes my life a living hell, if I let her. She is completely threatened by me and bi-polar, so we have a fair amount of The Crazy in our lives because of her. But that aside, I love my stepdaughters, and feel lucky to have them.
"No matter how cynical I get, it's never enough." - Lily Tomlin
I really wish I could feel
I really wish I could feel the way you feel, belle. My concept of family became so very messed up after experiencing my parents' divorce and dealing with a step-father and a step-mother. I truly wished I could have this big, happy family with lots of kids and love and activity and animals. But the hatred and vitriol directed towards my daughter and I by his children, and unadressed by him, smashed that dream to pieces. I think I'm still mourning it. If we had handled things differently at the beginning, maybe our blended family would have had a chance. As it is, we're fractured. I don't know if we'll be able to get that chance back, especially with his kids living so far away and the costs associated with each visitation. That's why I hate it. That's also one of the reasons why I like to read your posts. Thanks for demonstrating what could be possible.
Selkie, that's so sweet of
Selkie, that's so sweet of you -- I'm glad that reading my posts doesn't make you MAD. Sometimes I worry about actually writing positive things on ST, because I don't want people to feel like I'm gloating.
Thing is, my situation is a pretty easy one, all things considered. First, I don't have kids -- SOOOO much less complicated! Think of how much easier your situation would be if you lifted your H's kids out of the equation (or even if your daughter weren't in the picture, think of how your SKs might be less hostile toward you.) Second, I think that I stumbled into a way of dealing with things that ended up working, purely by luck: About 3 months into the relationship, I had gotten a bead on the guilt parenting and how DH jumped whenever BM snapped her fingers. The lack of boundaries was really clear, and I realized I couldn't live like that. So I sat DH down and told him I was not going to be treated as an add-on, and that he had to make a choice of who is girlfriend/wife was. If he was still "married" in spirit to BM, I was history. And I really was ready to walk.
It's not like I really had anything "figured out" when I gave him that talking to. The only reason I did it was that I was in pain, and I had already been through a marriage that caused me pain. I wasn't willing to go through that again.
Honestly, I read so many stories on here and I think, "There but for the grace of God go I." Your story could easily be mine. I recognize that I'm lucky my DH listened to me and stopped guilt parenting, always made it clear to the SDs that I was to be treated with respect, and never let them (or BM) think for one minute that I wasn't every bit his partner and his equal.
Selkie, the situation with your skids is not one you can change -- it's only something your DH can change. The holidays are a crappy time to be thinking about the family they wish they could have -- because the holidays are filled with movies, tv shows, etc. about ideal families. It's a lot of pressure to put on us when we should be using the time to rejuvenate, connect with people who really love us, and remember the good things in life.
Stay strong, Selk -- Love and hugs,
"No matter how cynical I get, it's never enough." - Lily Tomlin
Those are some very kind
Those are some very kind words, BB, thank you. I'm not sure if the situation with the skids is one I can change or not. I'm the one who set the "one kid at a time" rule but now I'm beginning to regret it, given the consequences. FH hasn't seen his children since a week in the summer, a brief visit at Father's day before then, and a brief visit at Easter before that. That's three visits with his children in one year. Pathetic. And the judge undermined our authority in our own home by disregarding this rule and ordering group visitation once again. Since SD16 planned to come last weekend on her own, I guess it's not a big deal to BM anymore, which I suppose will give him some leverage.
But you're right - Christmas is coming and it's a bad time to wish for things that will never be. In fact, I think I'll post a new blog entry about that right now. This is the most painful time of year for all of us.
Please keep posting your positive experiences. They really give me hope, at least for the three of us who are living together.
I would NEVER do it again.
I would NEVER do it again. And i'll be honest, while my SD is no saint, she is not the sole reason. My wife has played a hand in it as well as SDs BD. They created this monster by not being parents and trying to out do each other for her affection by getting her anything her heart desires. This child has no idea what the word no means...when she first heard it from my mouth her response was, but I asked nicely and really want it. So I said thats nice, but NO. She looked right past me and said Mom? I moved into her view and said I don't care what your Mom says, I've told you NO and that is final! I agree with what most posters have said about feeling like a third party in your own home and having this huge responsibility of a parent but not sharing in the rewards reserved for parents. I was not blind when I got involved with my wife and knew from jump it would be the hardest thing I've had to do in my life....and I was right! But even knowing that...I still wasn't prepared as to just how hard it really would be. My love for my wife is the ONLY thing that has made me stay. If not I would have been outta here years ago.
It's like a slap in the face
It's like a slap in the face for caring!! I love DH like a mad woman and he feels the same way about me, he is the SD to my 3 children and we have one child together, this is our family. He is a wonderful SD and my kids love him to the moon and back and he loves them too!!!! It is his 2 sons from first marriage that don't belong!!! SS's are absolute monsters!! Even DH is tired of them being around because they are just like their evil BM!!! Perhaps someday things will be different but I can't see that far ahead. I guess it depends on the age of the child when you become the step parent and of course how much time you spend together and the child him/herself but mostly weather or not the Bparents are on the same page with rules and routines(rarely happens) I just personally hate it, it is like working for a kick in the face!!!
I also like being a step
I also like being a step parent! I have chosen not to have kids but also love mentoring kids. We have the kids 50% of the time.
My two SDs, 6 and 10, are great kids. Their mom has BPD, which brings lots of challenges, that are sometimes totally frustrating and humbling and too much, but also a kind of closeness with the girls and feeling of usefulness in their lives that is really great.
I like the closeness and mentoring relationship but the little bit of distance that lets them see that if I am angry, it is me being angry, not them being bad. I used to think I would hate it if the kids ever said "You are not my mother!' --they really do not say that, but they do say intense stuff when I get angry--usually when they have just come back from mom's house. And to me this is a good sign, a sign that they can separate others' anger from their own selves.
I have worked so hard on that for the past 3 years with them, helping them to see that mom's feelings are her own, the kids' feelings their own, daddy's feelings his, and mine are mine. I remember one morning when SD10 was just back from mom's and faking being sick, crying and saying mommy never makes her go to school, we are mean, etc. (she missed 35 days of school in mom's care) in exasperation saying, "I do not want all this negative stuff all the time! I am not okay with having my morning ruined by crying and whining and yelling!" to which SD10 replied, "I cannot ruin your morning! Only you can ruin your morning! I am just having my feelings!"
I was so proud of her I forgot to be mad.
But these conflicts are rare...after the first 24 hours back from mom's. For any of you who are not familiar with BPD, it is characterized by lots of raging, extreme blame and anger, and distortions of the the kids come back creating problems with each other, then blaming each other, screaming and yelling, blaming daddy and I for all ills in their lives...but only for about 12-20 hours. Then things calm down and they say stuff like, "You are the best step-mom in the whole world!" and "I love you with all my heart, and if I ever say mean things as a teenager, do not believe me. I just am not good sometime at saying "I am angry" when I am angry. So just remember I love you." Plus, the kids are really interesting, cool people. I lucked out as a step-mom.