Another weekend, BM crap
Another weekend with ss and BM crap..SS had bb game out of town this morning and took the bus with his team to a school about an hour away.
We didnt go and it was our weekend, but sure as hell BM and her dumb husband drove in their car to the game. We informed ss 14 to call us when the bus got back to the school and we would pick him up.
I sent ss text msg called him twice, to contact me when he was on his way home, so I could do my stuff accord. I text him several times and called twice. nothing.
Finally contacted my H to ask him if he heard from ss. "He is on the car ride back with his BM...and BM will drop him off" WTF?.
Rule no 1 for me is that BM cant come to my house, a very strict and personal rule, that my H always seems to forget. Her Husband verbally assaulted me at a bb game once and since that all bets are off.
Im upset, first the kid should be on the bus and second why the hell is he letting that bitch near my house.
I told h is going to have to contact ss so that they can drop him off at the school and h will pick him up their. Im pissed now not only is the kid in the car he totally ignored my calls and text.
Now H is upset with SS cause he finallly catches on..."daa yeah he sould of went on the bus..they always pull this crap"
BM and idiot arrived at the school before the bus and were sitting in the car When H picked up the kid, H just drove away, not saying a word to them.
I m angry cause the ss ignored my msg, because BM had the nerve to take him home, because my H is still clueless.
- Never Ending's blog
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SS probably ignored
your text and calls because if he acted like he shows you any ounce of respect or curtosey, or God forbid, love....BM will flip out. He probably did it for self preservation. I don't blame him.
I would be upset with DH though....he knew about this the whole time and didn't bother to call and tell you? You had to call him and find out? Plus why let her come to the house when he knows you don't like it?
I have the same thing going on here. I don't want her in my house, or even at my house. I'll do all the driving to pick her up and drop her off just to make sure she's never even around my house. We have a new home, bought it in Septemeber. Beast Bitch has never been out here. I want to keep it that I sympathize with you there.
Bet he wouldn't want your x at your house either would he? Especially if he isn't home!
I agree
he may have felt like he was being loyal to his BM when he didn't reply to your text. But I would still talk to him about this and make it clear that you understand him feeling like he is being disrespecting BM by respecting you, but it is not like that and he is EXPECTED to always return your texts or calls.
Your right
Your right, I think SS ignored my msg, because I would of told him to get on the bus. Tonight SS hardly looked at me, he knows.
I sent an email to BM, letting her know that ss must travel with the team. H did tell ss that if he was not going to use his phone to communicate, we will just keep it.
I only have one issue of complete control that is truly my rule with BM, H, and SS BM and/or her dumbass husband cant come to our house. I dont want her to see my house, grass, or even hear my dogs barking.
Me neither!
I don't want our Beast Bitch doing that either! Frogs croaking or nothing! LOL!!!
I guess I'm siding with bio parents today
But what's the big deal if they drop him off at your house? They don't have to come in, you don't have to go get him. It's not like you can control whether or not they can EVER drive by your house. I guarantee if my ex or my DH's ex ever FORBID me from coming to their house, I would certainly make a trip out there just to see what all the fuss is about.
I also don't understand why you're upset that they went to his game. I go to all of my SDs stuff (as does both of her parents and her Sdad) and my ex and his wife go to almost all of our kids stuff (as do I and my DH). I just think you're being unnecessarily territorial.
I do agree that ignoring your text is not acceptable. I can kind of see ignoring the calls if he's in the car with BM, but he could shoot you a text from the backseat and they would probably never even know he sent one.
There alot of things going
There alot of things going on here besides just BM going to the game and taking SS to our house.
First, my ss is a teenager and at his age he is still having seperations issues with his BM. We only have him every other weekend. She is up his ass constanly, texting him non-stop,, My ss is spoiled his BM married wealthy and he get everything.
My ss has difficulty living out of his circle..his life, his food has to be a routine. He only eats a few thing. He doesnt like doing anything new.
So...if BM wants to go to the game..fine.but she knew that we were picking him up at the school, we sent her an email. SS should of went on the bus with his teammates No other parent went to that was over an hour away...GIVE the kid room to grow,,,
I texted ss during the game to let me know when he was on the BUS home...he only replied when he was in the car. He knew we would tell him not to go with her. that is sneaky.
and finally, this BM has put us thru hell, I mean it,hell. Courts upon Court,...badmouthing , perjury...hiring expensive attorneys when we cant afford a lawyer...She is jeoulous petty manipulitive and a liar, and after 5 years. Im done. Leave us alone stay away from me and my house my children.
BM husband is just as dumb and wacked out as she is...he verballly assaulted me once at a bb game. I dont want this guy near my home.
When SS is with us..he is on our time, he is our responsibility..
She can drive by our house all day and probably tried..I caught her once driving in my complex, her biggest problem is that our house is on a dead end so she has to make a complete u turn in front of our house..
I couldn't agree more with the...
"when SS is with us, he is on our time, he is our responsibility" statement. I thought she was just going to be a supportive mom. I go to all my kids stuff, but they're younger. I don't know how I'll handle games and such when they are teens. If she's going to be supportive, fine, but if she's going to hold his hand, that's ridiculous! Besides, why would he (as a teenager) prefer to ride with mom than with his teammates? I guess it is seperation anxiety, I never looked at it from that point of view.