Never Ending's Blog
Please Clarify.....adios
I certainly do not want to offend any Stepmom by offering a disenting opinion. It has been clearly stated to me that this a website for venting. Advise is given great..but do not dare to disagree..because then you would be considered a BM or a trying to be "SUPERSTEP MOM"...
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SS them or Hate Them
What makes STEPMOMS dislike their SKIDS so much, at such a young age?
You can say its the H, BF or the BM,,but when you come down to it,, they are really just kids. I never looked at a child (and I worked in elementary school) and honestly said "I dont like this child"
I have things older in my closet then most of these kids and I think stepmoms have less patience for their Skids. .We just see them as little demons, that came from BM, when they are just kids being kids, issues from H and BM are just toppled on the kid.
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Another weekend, BM crap
Another weekend with ss and BM crap..SS had bb game out of town this morning and took the bus with his team to a school about an hour away.
We didnt go and it was our weekend, but sure as hell BM and her dumb husband drove in their car to the game. We informed ss 14 to call us when the bus got back to the school and we would pick him up.
I sent ss text msg called him twice, to contact me when he was on his way home, so I could do my stuff accord. I text him several times and called twice. nothing.
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Sports Events
My daughter and ss are on the same same 2 sport teams for years, Ive had to handle seeing BM her H, and all her ditzy friends, three times a week.
Giving us HELL is this BM hobby. Now she has become good friends with coaches wives. One year they had the end of year party at BM house. GUess who was not invited? and my daughter is on the team? that is just another story how manipulative she is.
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EX WIFE,, that wont stop
Im glad I found this website, I thought I was going to go out of my mind. Few people can understand, the frustration and aggravation and ex wife can bring
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