SS home from school sick today
Skids came home from BM's this morning. Of course SS9 is ill (Every time they come home, one of them has some illness when at moms). BM made a big deal, he's running a fever, shouldn't be going to school today, dying of some rare disease. Well we took his temp and he was a little warm (99.1), but sent him off to school as he had no other symptoms. Lo and behold an hour after DH goes to work....the school calls. Gotta go pick up SS because he's sick. So I pack up the baby and go pick him up. The little sh*t is grinning ear to ear in the school office. The next words out of his mouth were "my mom said I should've stayed home today." UGH Then he proceeds to tell me how he should have McDonalds for lunch, and go home to "rest" on the couch where he could play the wii "for the day" because that's what mom would do to help him feel better. HAHA I look at him with a very straight face and tell him that since he is soooooo sick, he'll have to have soup for lunch (he HATES soup) and then rest upstairs in his room in bed for the afternoon (he could pop in a movie). }:) the look on his face was priceless, and he proceeded to whine for about an hour. I mean come I'm going to let him rot in front of video games all day and feed him crap when he's "sick". I admit I get a little satisfaction out of that so bad?
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I would do the same thing.
No TV. No video games. No anything!
Except soup and a nap.
I would love to have that much power over SD8.
let bm take him to mcd's
ya he can call the Bm and tell her he needs her to take care of him. He doesnt sound like a stupid kid, he knows what he is doing. As far as im concerned when kids are home sick from school, they better darn well be sick. No fun and vid games, no junk food. They finally learn to stay in school rather than play that game again.
100% with doglover1
you're setting things up for a bad time when staying home is happy fun time. If you're sick you're in bed recovering end of discussion.
That said, I personally believe in mental health days...
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
I have done the same thing
I did the same thing. My sd9 came to live with us at the begining of the school year. About 2 weeks into school she calls and said she is sick, so I go and get her. She spend the early part of the evening in her room because this is what we decided a while back would be what happens when you are sick ( she fakes sick a lot to get attention) She claims to have headaches, hard to prove on a parents end that she doesn't. This then happened again about a month later, so again I left work early to go get her. When I get to school she is outside for recess. Needless to say I was not too happy. So now when she does this and she is lying, she has to spend the evening in her room except for supper and no tv, phone or computer. This works some what, but then we decided to start rewarding her for not being sick. So if she is not sick at school for an entire month she gets to decide on an activity. So far so good as she has not done this again for 4 months.
No I do the same thing
I tell SD if she is sick and has to stay home that fine. But she has to stay in her bedroom--only come out to go to the bathroom. I bring her drinks and food so she doesn't comtaminate the house. She has only stayed at our house 2 days when she was sick. And that was when BM called to say that she could not miss anymore work, if my H could keep her. Nope---if she wants CS he has to work. I of course got stuck with her. At least I could control what she did, no fun on sick days.
You're not wrong
in the least bit. SS went through a period where he was always with some ailment and needing to stay home. Not a problem. Anytime ours stayed home from school or came home early they got soup, tylenol or whatever meds was required for whatever ailed them and their bed. There was no going outdoors, playing video games, friends coming over (because surely we don't want the friends to "catch" what's ailing them). >-0. Let's just say that my kids have perfect attendance and they have to REALLY be near death before they mention that they are sick. We've only had to pick up from school 2xs each in 5+ years. Afterall, being sick is not fun.
People who get on HIGH Horses will find the fall to be painful. ~ME :->
Spontaneous recovery
This reminds me of the time BD12 started the "I'm sick" routine and wanted to stay home from school. The school nurse would call and I got tired of being played. BD12 decided it was better to be lazy on the couch all day than to work in school.
So I unplugged the TV, unplugged the computer, and removed her IPOD. I told her that I was very concerned about her being sick, and sick kids needed quiet to recover. I fed her vegetable soup (which she hates) and made her take a nap (oh the indignity of it all!). I told her that a trip to the doctor may be in order too, and that he'd have to check to see if she's up on all her shots while she's there.
After two days, BD12 experienced a spontaneous recovery and hasn't been sick since.
So congrats, Catlover, for being such a concerned parent! Keep it up. Our kids deserve the best care we can give them }:-)