Need Advice - And Fast
So, very very long story, but the short of it is this: Last night we got into a terrible fight. We are separating but still living together. The children were here, all in their rooms, and I was preparing to leave so that things didn't escalate to a point where they would hear us. Unfortunately, he followed me downstairs to the door, and continued to argue with me. He was being very loud and I kept telling him quietly that the kids might hear and to please lower his voice. I would have just walked out the door, but was really worried that his reaction might be extreme, and the kids would overhear us. He continued to say some pretty awful things and loudly. I knew at this point at least one of them would hear. Finally, he went upstairs, and his 13 year old daughter came down crying, asking if I was ok. I gave her a hug and told her that I was fine. She said she heard everything daddy said and asked why he would say such things to me and why he would tell me to leave and not come back. I tried to explain that it was grownup stuff, that we got a little mad at each other and sometimes grownups act like kids - but not to worry about it. She asked me if I was leaving, and I told her no, not tonight. She said she knew something was going on and everything was changing and asked why it had to be so complicated. Again, I tried to tell her how much I love her and that she shouldn't have to worry, I was sorry she heard it, and just go relax and get some sleep.
I am devastated. I am just so upset that this happened while they were here and she heard it. I want to try to talk to her a little more about it, but I'm not sure what are the right things to say. Has anyone had to deal with this before? I want to let her know that even though I may not be here in the future, it doesn't mean I won't be in her life if she wants me to be. I want her to not have to worry and be upset and confused. I want her to enjoy her time as a child and not have to deal with this. I'm just not sure how to handle this right now.
- juniper23's blog
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And most importantly.....
if I do talk to her more about this, I don't want to say the WRONG things. I don't want to say anything that might damage her.
wow....i can just imagine.....
My skids adore I can just imagine what they would feel if their father treated me like that...I have always told mine matter what ever happens in life....I'll always be there for u....that's all you can really re-assure them that even though you are not really "blood" u love them as if they are and will always have a bond with them throughout their lives. Any chance Dad can at least explain to her that he said things in anger but didn't mean them? But I dunno....if he trashed you while his kids could hear, he probably wouldn't want to do anything to repair the damage...remember tho...she's 13...she knows how she feels about you in her heart already, all you have to do is let her know even if you do leave, you won't ever leave "her" as long as she wants you in her life
Stay Strong juniper!!
"Sooner or later, everyone's bill comes due"
I think you handled it very well!
But I would NOT make promises that you can still be a part of her life if/when you leave. You simply can't enforce that. You can tell her that you'll try, but I would make sure she knows that it may not be possible. I obviously don't know your SD, but I find with my kids that if I tell them I know something's bothering them and take them for a drive, they spill everything. There's something about not having to sit down and face you that makes it easier for kids to open up. It feels less like an interrogation. That's been my experience, at least. That way you don't have to "force" her to talk and if she wants to, she will. I envy your relationship with her and I know that's got to make it tough to say goodbye. Good luck!
Like you Crayon, I expect at any given moment to come home and find that SD8 has set my bags out by the curb. And somedays, I feel like picking them up and skipping happily on down the road!
Serena....that's exactly what I do....
something about being in the car and not having to face u for some reason makes them eventually open up and talk....and u are right...u can't promise u will always be in their lives...all u can do is promise that u will try on yur end, juniper...hang in there....
"Sooner or later, everyone's bill comes due"
Thanks everyone
for your support and advice. The kids will be here tonight, and I was thinking of heading out before they all got home, but I'd like another chance to talk with her, without all of the trauma from the event just happening. I'm going to try to take her out to talk, but not sure if I'll be "allowed". Her father did speak with her this morning about it, and according to him, she told him she couldn't really hear what we were saying. I made sure that he knew she did, just so that he can see the severity of this (even though I'm not sure it really sunk in with him). I will definitely make sure she knows that if it's possible, I will always be here for her, as well as the other two younger children.