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I don't think SD is DH's bio-child

Razamond's picture

As you all know my DH has two children - SD 13 and SS 10. SS is a mirror image - top to bottom and he shares his fathers actions. SD 13 has NOTHING of DH, not eyes, not nose, not ears -nothing. She doesn't act like my DH, she doesn't look like my DH and she doesn't look like anyone in the family. She resembles her mother but not a mirror image like SS. BM cheated on DH several times and one time DH confided in me that BM said the kids weren't his - he said she was just being evil and saying untrue evil things. I have no doubts that SS is his but i have doubts about SD - part of this might be wishful thinking and I am wasting my time even thinking it - I would love to see a DNA test done - if I even mentioned it he would be so upset he would probably walk out. I tell you all I am so sick of this hateful, disrespectful SD - DH and i have been fighting for three days now because he allows her to disrespect me. I told him when she disrespects me she is doing it to him too because according to the Bible we are one. he calls his older sister and she told him I was right and then she told me she feels for me because she knows how SD can be. he was so pissed he has slept on the coach for two nights. Tomorrow she goes back to her BM so I am free from her nasty butt for a week - then another week of misery. I told him it has to stop - he has to stop the nasty, hateful disrespect because I can not and will not take it anymore. I have decided that when she is here I am going to say the same thing over and over again until he loses his mind or he makes it stop - I am going to say = She is disrespecting US again - now that he understands when she does it to me she is doing it to both of us. I am tired of having to 'hide' everything every other week. Either she will straighten up or go away - i will be happy with either. Thanks for letting me vent.


Gia's picture

... But that is due to the fact that my husband is white (extremely pale) very light brown straight hair and blue eyes (and his whole entire family is like that), SD4 has light brown skin, brown eyes, curly hair... and that is because her mother is black, so she is a mixed child, she resembles her mother a little bit from when she was young, but she looks nothing like her father, her nose, ears... EVERYTHING... she actually looks like she could be my daughter (I don't think a daughter between me and him would look like her) but she does look like me, and she looks like my son's sister, and they are not blood related... (my son is not my husband's BS)... So all three of us look alike and then theres my husband.. its funny... So people (when we go out) might wonder how weird it is that he is so white and "our children" just like me, what they don't know is that the girl is a mix between black and white and the boy comes from both hispanic parents...

Anyway, let me tell you something, even with the DNA test, I don't think your husband would just bluntly walk out of SD13's life, You might probably expect him to love her less because she wouldnt be his bio child, but I don't think that blood makes a real parent... by now (she is 13) he already loves her as his child... I would assume...

melis070179's picture

Blood type alone will not determine if your DH is her father. The + or - could, but that depends on both parents.

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

disgusted's picture

I had my doubts about the step snot for years also...I have known her mother from high school and knew what a loosey goosey she was back then. Her oldest daughter is the result of a one night stand with some guy she met at a bar and didn't even know his name. She cheated on DH several times with men and women...

My husband is very good looking and half Italian..He is olived skin but not really "dark". Her BM is white as white can be.. SD, on the other hand, is homely and very dark skinned and looks like she is full blooded Mexican. Even his own mother after not seeing the step snot for several years said the instant she saw step snot that she looked Mexican..Hmmmmm...

Furthermore, she doesn't look anything like DH..Especially when she was younger..She looks like her mother a little with the "butt/double chin" thing going on and the big bulbous miss shaped nose. However, the older she has gotten the more she looks and smells like DH's half niece of his oldest half brother..The big bubble booty, horrible acne, powerful BO, and greasy greasy hair just like his half niece..So, unfortunately, I am pretty sure that she is his..

melis070179's picture

or his half brothers! just kidding!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

sparky's picture

If you really want to know you can do the qtip DNA test on both of them. Does it really matter after all these years who the father is? For all the legal reasons she belongs to him.

WowjustWow's picture

SD12 looks NOTHING like DH or any family, including SD14. SD14 is the spitting image of DH's sister. Not that I would ever find out, because it wouldn't make a difference, but it bugs me. SD12 actually looks exactly like her 5 year old half sister, and BM was not the most faithful wife.

My SIL actually told me that DH's whole side of the family has said from the day SD12 was born, that none of them thought she was his.

If we were to find out at some point SD12 was not his, it would break his heart, not to mention hers. And I checked about the child support aspect of it, and the courts will still make him pay, because he has been treating her as his child for so long. So, it's a no win situation, but just one that makes me more mad at the BM, like I need anything else.

melis070179's picture

Trust me, the courts wouldn't do anything. Talk to a few lawyers, they'll tell you. We already did the DNA test and talked to many lawyers. Too bad, too late. You have to do any paternity suits right away, once he plays daddy, they make him stay daddy. cs and all! Whether he knew or not. They say its in the est interest of the child.

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

Razamond's picture

I swear DH told me that one time - that once you put your name on the birth certificate the judge doesn't care what the DNA says - funny he would know that