If you were going thru a custody battle wouldn't you think you would want to be on your best behavior??
My BM is giving us the case! Little background...DH & BM have shared parenting and 2 live with us and 1 with her. BM taking DH back to court for modification because he is 'physically & psychologically" causing harm the 2 he has.
Ok...to answer my question....BM can not control herself and screw up.
So SS11 spent the night last Sunday and DH went and got his "new medication" for ADD. (the kid wasn't on medication while they were married and thru their separation but when the divorce was final and he started living with her SS11 was on medication all of sudden)
DH got 2 prescription bottles. One of the "old" medication and the second was the "new" medication. I have a job that I have to look at the fine details...so I happen to look at the "old" medication bottle. It was originally written in Jan 09 but wasn't filled until March 09. Then the 2nd one was filled last Friday. Why would you fill 2 bottles of basically the same medication?
I had DH call the doctor about it. They told him that SS11 hadn't had a doctors appointment since Nov 2008. BM did call in for a prescription in Jan 09 but SS11 still didn't see the doctor. I thought this was interesting. The medicaid for the kids (which they had 3 insurances in 2008 and 2 for 2009 and she only qualifies because she doesn't go to work) ran out in Nov 2008.
So...BM is accusing of DH not taking them to the doctor. (BM always has made the appointments etc) and here she is not taking the one child she does have and have the medication filled because she would have to spent a max of $105.00 in copays. Funny, she gave in her deposition that she is having money problems but could spent $176 in Feb for dinner.
DH attorney called about something else and DH brought it up. DH got the records printed from the pharmacy. BM is so stupid she uses the same pharmacy. (this is how we even found out in the first place that the kids were on Medicaid. She had to admit they have been on it for years and only told DH about it in 2008)
I am wondering what her excuse will be. BM life = excuses. This medication is a controlled substance and SS11 has to see the doctor every month in order to get a new prescription.
I have been trying to think of BM excuses:
1 = I been saving the pills during the summer when he doesn't need them
2 = I had enough pills to cover because I (BM) has forgotten so many times to give it to him
3 = I switched his doctor. (she is on record for doctor shopping)
If anyone can think of another one...I am trying to think of it in all angles. BM is a complete loon!
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4. he doesn't need the meds all the time....just when DH an SM upset him......
that's a classic.....I had the Medicaid BM too, too lazy to get a job.....now that we hav custody, we pay out the butt for health insurance....notice a recurring theme with all these BM's.......they don't work, they lie about EVERYTHING, they put the kids you, yr DH thru hell, and nothing is EVER their fault.....I wish u luck, hopefully the Court will see right thru her crap......
"Sooner or later, everyone's bill comes due"