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I need your honest thoughts/opinions

Everyones Interest's picture

In the interest of full disclosure, a little context:

Both my FH and I left unhappy relationships to be together. We started an affair on the 1st of the month and had separated with our spouses by the 15th of the same month.

There is a lot of back-story, but I needed to provide that context in order to get your honest opinions.

The Situation:

My SD(s2b6) is graduating SK. She loves me and has adjusted very well to the new situation.

She asked me the other day if I was coming to her grad. I deferred to her dad who then asked her if it was really important for me to be there. She said yes and started telling me all about the songs etc. that her class have been practicing.

So, FH informed BM that I would be attending the grad, that it was important to SD. Now...keep in mind that this woman has come to my house to 'interview' me, I pick up and drop off her daughter on visitation, we have conversed (although awkwardly) about her dog/I gave her a build-a-bear coupon and will be serving her with court papers this week (with her consent). We have not had a lot of communication, but can get by in a pinch.

Well...BM went to SD and asked her if it was important for me to be there. SD said that yes it was, but then Mommy, Daddy and Everyone's Interest will have to talk. Well brilliant BM said, yes that's true and it will be VERY uncomfortable, ( an almost 6 year old?!?!) and basically told SD I’m not allowed to come.

So...BM tells FH that she wants him to go alone and sit with her during the grad. Then there is a social after that they would do together, and then they would all go out for ice cream together.

So...I'm not a jealous woman. Honestly, if this were to happen I wouldn't care. But my questions are:

1. If they do the 'one happy family' together is that going to confuse the child? Any experiences?

2. The child wants me to be there and, although now it really is going to be uncomfortable, should I go for the child? SD is smart and senses things. She is very reserved with me when her Mom is around, but once her Mom is gone she's in my arms telling me she loves me. I don't want my presence to ruin her day.

3. Do you think it appropriate to discuss adult issues with an almost 6 year old? In my mind, BM should have asked if it was important, SD says yes and then we all suck it up. Aren't we the adults?

Anyways, based on the above 'context' of the situation, what would you do/what do you think?

Thanks in advance!


BMJen's picture

1. Yes it will confuse the child. The child will always see mommy and daddy as the core family unit. That leave out moms and dads new BF's or GF's. Very confusing to the child, but will foster hatred to you and anyone her mom hooks up with because in her eyes it's coming between mom and dad. Not a good thing.

2. Yes, go.

3. No, BM is a nutcase and shouldn't be discussing this with her daughter IMO.

~Happiness is defined by the smile on your face, not the frown on others.~

libby's picture

You MUST GO .Dont let it start now of BM telling you what events you can go to or what ones you can't dont give her any control on this type of stuff. Or you will be looking at a long list of events you will never be able to attend.

Be there for your SD and your FH.

SD already told you her feelings she wants you there, who know BM could just easily tell SD that you didnt go because you dont care about her.

My DH X does this to him at any event that he does not attend whether he knew about it or not.

And no BM should not be talking to SD about this, she will start to pick up all the adults feelings, and behaving the way the parent she is with wants her to re-act. Its called stage one of PAS

Just my thoughts

Amazed's picture

It will confuse the child. Dh and I had numerous discussions about this EXACT thing...his daughter kept thinking mommy and daddy were getting back together bc they kept doing happy family things together. It's so adorable that the child wants you there and that's REALLY important! Forget BM, you are there for your husband and that child!

~I've been drinkin down your pain...gonna turn that whiskey into rain and wash you away...~

Angel's picture

Oh my gosh! This is a very uncomfortable situation for all. The most important thing is that the child have a sense of serenity and stability.
You have 12 more years of this until she is 18.

All should be done to make the child feel the least amount of tension, but consulting a 6 year old directly isn't really a good idea. It sets a precedent for them demanding their way when they are teenagers. The adults need to evaluate the situation and make the decisions taking into account what the child wants and what he/she NEEDS.

If it were me, I wouldn't go. I'd let the kid have her day with her mom and dad.

Everyones Interest's picture

I have a follow up question:

So...SD confimed to both parents that she wants me there. First to FH, then to BM.

We have SD this weekend and my FH wants to ask her again if it's important for her that I go. If she says yes, then he thinks I should go.

My concern is that her Mom has already told her that she's going to be uncomfortable and doesn't want me there. I'm trying to think of the best interests of the child...on one hand she wants me there, on the other hand my presence will create an uncomfortable situation.

Any thoughts?

Amazed's picture

I know it could be hard on SD either way you do this. I think the lesser of two evils would be for you to go and then just talk openly to SD about why you're making this decision. Be sure she feels safe and supported by you. Make sure she understands that you're sorry it makes her BM uncomfortable having you there but you're going to be there anyway. Let her know it's a grownup problem and it isn't her fault BM will be uncomfortable. Let her know that sometimes grownups have to do things that make them uncomfortable because that's what being an adult is about sometimes. If she really truly wants you there, it won't matter to her that BM is uncomfortable. With any luck it will help BM to adjust since she's obviously having issues. Maybe it would help to express to BM that you're not trying to shove her just want a positive role in SD's life. Or like my SD11's BM she could just be a raging bitch and be impossible to deal with logically! I hope that's not the case for the BM you're dealing with!

I'm really glad that your SD seems to have such a healthy view of your role in her's really refreshing

~I've been drinkin down your pain...gonna turn that whiskey into rain and wash you away...~

BMJen's picture

"We have SD this weekend and my FH wants to ask her again if it's important for her that I go. If she says yes, then he thinks I should go"

It doesn't matter if she says yes or not. You should go. You are the stepmom, you are a part of the family.

~Happiness is defined by the smile on your face, not the frown on others.~

Gestalt's picture

and dad speak with mom about it and figure out how the child can share this important step with all of the important adults in her life? Maybe sitting on opposites sides of the room or whatever

The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change, So that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger, but in wisdom, understanding, and love." -Jennifer Edwards

Anon2009's picture

for SD, and do some research on parental alienation syndrome and how to combat it. For BM to say what she did to SD was unfair; it's penalizing her for something she had nothing to do with. SD shouldn't have to go through that and FH needs to make it clear to BM that he won't tolerate her putting SD in the middle of adult issues.

Everyones Interest's picture

See above follow up question...

melis070179's picture

This kid is need to make your presence in her life a normal thing, and the only way to do that is to be there. Both my stepdad & stepmom have been in my life since I was about 3, I've never known anything different and I view my mom & stepdad as one set of parents, and my dad & stepmom as my other set. If it was only my dad & mom going to my events as a kid, I think THAT would've confused me more. They are not married, they do not live together, so don't confuse the child by ACTING like they are a family without you. Regardless of how you got together, whats done is done and this is how things are now. The best way for her to adjust is for everyone to fully support her, not treat you like an outsider. GO!!!!

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

libby's picture

She already told everyone she wanted you there. By all means go. Just make a statement to her about how excited you are about her graduation. And watch what happens, ask her about her dress and who's her best friend and what dress she will have. She if she says something like Mommy doesn't want you there. If thats the case you have a lot of problems to come! Not to scare you just stating the experience I have had and by the looks of it other SM have had

With all the adults asking a 6 year old what she wants is going to cause more problems as she gets older any ways.

LotusFlower's picture

all a six year old knows is that she wanted u there, but u didn't come (if that's what u decide to do)....she won't "get" that u wanted to, but BM was uncomfortable and all that if u feel better....go, and skip the social if u feel badly about it.....I for one would I have always been there for my skids whenever they asked.....I have even been there when BM was either too drunk, or shacked up with one of her bf's and didn't care to skids r older now, but they remember every single thing I showed up for....that's all that really matters......and as for yur presence creating an uncomfortable situation, if u love this man and he loves u.....the situation with BM will be uncomfortable forever, IMO, u need to draw yur line in the sand now Smile

"there are three sides to every story....your side, my side and the truth :)"

Angel's picture

"With all the adults asking a 6 year old what she wants is going to cause more problems as she gets older any ways." ABSOLUTELY TRUE

and if you keep asking her, and you don't go SHE'LL REALLY NOTICE. Had you/dh made the decision quietly ---it would have gone unnoticed or noticed and quickly forgotten.

You are setting up this "teen in waiting" to be very powerful. That is more unsettling than the original question.

Amazed's picture

I'm ashamed of myself for not remembering it isn't good to ask a child what they want constantly! I went through the SAME arguement with my DH about SD11...he ALWAYS would say,"well sweetie, we'll do what you feel we should do" OMG it used to drive me insane! Her BM still does it and honestly, the older she gets the more awful it becomes. Kudos to Angel and the others for remembering a very important rule!

~I've been drinkin down your pain...gonna turn that whiskey into rain and wash you away...~

Everyones Interest's picture

because I don't want to stray from the original question, (and I value your opinion), but when she asked her Dad if I was coming it came out of the blue (consensus was I wasn't going to go). Dad said, "Is it important for you that Everyone's Interest is there" and she said yes. I don't see the problem with that.

BM wanted to confirm. And then told her it would be uncomfortable etc... We have not asked her again, that is what FH wants to do when we get SD this weekend. The reason he wants to ask her again is b/c BM has said that SD now understands that it will be uncomfortable and therefore I won't be going. We are not convinced.

I don't know if it's the right thing to do (to ask her again) but this isn't what the original question was about.

Everyones Interest's picture

I'm torn b/c this IS a really special day for SD's Mom (and Dad of course). And, I guess I feel guilty about creating awkwardness for BM on this day.

In writing that, I realize though that it is a special day for me too, as I'm in her life and love her to bits. will likely always be a little awkward.

I don't want to ruin everyone's day b/c it is special. But you're right LotusFlower that she'll only remember that I wasn't there. And how long is this going to go on? Will I be 'allowed' at her high school grad?

BM did say that she'd rather me attend events once FH and I are married. I've been around for a year and a half, but once we're married then it'll be okay?

I dunno...I agree with all of your opinions and advice including Angel. I guess that's why I'm still torn on this.

BMJen's picture

To bad for her.

You are his GF, wife to be, etc. You are a part of HIS family.....and should be there for this event. Not only so the daughter can see you two as a united front, so can the rest of the community!

~Happiness is defined by the smile on your face, not the frown on others.~

smnikki's picture

too bad for bm, if we sm's didnt do things because the bm didnt like it, we wouldnt be here at all because they dont like it that we even exist! You already asked the child, she said she wanted you there, that should be the end of the conversation, no matter what bm's 2 cents are.

i agree also though, that because you guys keep asking her back and forth is going to cause issues. However, i think that rather than giving her too much power, it rather gives her the ability to realize that she can play you guys against one another.

Lastly, if i were you, i would go! this child loves you, and regardless of what happens, all she will remember is that you were not there, and that bm gets what she wants all the time. I would nip it in the bud now if you plan on being with this man!

Amazed's picture

that's such a cheap shot! Especially because you've been around for a while and you're obviously not going anywhere! The BM we deal with pulled the SAME she has a BF herself and he goes to ALL of SD11's activities...even though BM is "dating around". I know it's easy to look at your situation and tell you what you should do...but really none of us know what will REALLY work, it is possible that nothing is the right answer.
Sd also won't understand being told,"SD I wasn't there for you because your BM thinks I should be married to your daddy first." Obviously you wouldn't really say that to her but making up an excuse would be even worse than that.
I'm really hoping that you don't let BM guilt you into not showing up. I'm almost jealous of you because you have such a good relationship with your SD:) keep up the good work honey! It is worth the effort for a good child.

~I've been drinkin down your pain...gonna turn that whiskey into rain and wash you away...~

Amazed's picture

Dirty slut on the street! ME TOO!!! I THOUGHT I saw you workin my block!!! High fives girl!

~I've been drinkin down your pain...gonna turn that whiskey into rain and wash you away...~

melis070179's picture

If you are engaged, that means you plan to stay in her life FOREVER. Start supporting her now, regardless of how BM feels about it. If it is truely a special day for BM (and I'm sure it is) She will be more focused on her daughter and the event once she is there. If not, then she is selfish and thats her problem! Your FSD wants you there, you are in her life to stay, you NEED to play that role!

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

onehappygirl's picture

Whether your BM likes it or not, you are this child's stepmother. You go and you sit with YOUR husband and cheer your little girl on. She wants you there, you belong there.

Harleygal's picture

As adults, we reserve the right to make ALL the decisions where our children are concerned. Children do not get to make those decisions - especially six year olds. DH and BM need to stop asking the child what she wants to do and act as though they are the adults that they are. Also, the BM is creating a PAS environment. Someone needs to let BM know that she is hurting the child and will find herself in family counseling if this situation continues. I would let BM know you will contact your attorney and have them document these instances.

In this situation, I believe you should go. You can't worry about what BM thinks or try to make BM happy. You are DH's wife - BM will have to accept it. Whether or not it was an affair at this point is irrelevant. Something must have been wrong in the marriage in the first place for it to have ended (they both had opportunities to fix their issues and didn't for whatever reason) and that is neither here nor there at this point. If you give BM an inch she will take a mile. Don't do it.

If you go and SD acts as though she doesn't know you, don't be hurt. This will be due to the PAS her mother is inflicting in her. It's a shame that at six years of age a child learns to compensate in this way. I have seen this in my own daughter. My exH (yes there is such a thing as man-PAS) is doing this to my daughter as well).

Just my two cents. Good luck!!!

Harleygal's picture

and a big no to the after graduation celebration with just BM, SD and DH. You should not be excluded from that. Can you all bite your tongues and go out for ice cream together? The old saying rings true for me " Kill them with kindness". Last time BM showed up at our house to visit SD I invited her in, invited her to eat dinner with us, (she declined) and she hasn't been back since. Worked for me!

Everyones Interest's picture

And we don't leave decisions up to the child. However, I think this is a different situation.

It had been 'decided' (although thru assumption) that I would not attend. Then my SD asked her Dad, while holding my hand, if I was coming. Dad replied, "Is it important for you that Everyone's Interest comes?" and she said yes.

We were taken off guard by the question. She had never asked me if I was coming. Like I said, although we never discussed it, both FH and I assumed I would not be going as it would be awkward.

Now the BM is an 'asker'. They child does whatever she wants whenever she wants with BM. SD is a perfect angel with us.

BMJen's picture

ruin what you think to be a happy day with her daughter. It shows you are a wonderful woman.

But don't let your worries stand between the lines that shouldn't be crossed in step families. I know I may come across harsh with that......but I'm afriad if you let this go then the BM will think she can always have just your DH there, and no EveryonesInterest. Ya know?

~Happiness is defined by the smile on your face, not the frown on others.~

BridgingTheGap's picture


Stick's picture

You should go... go.... go!! BM may be uncomfortable with this now, but she'll be uncomfortable with it eventually at any time you decide to go to any event in the future. Might as well tackle it now and nip it in the bud. I lived through this personally. I met DH when SD was 8. I went to birthday parties at mom's house (uncomfortable!!)... chorus concerts (not as uncomfortable!) and more. BM treated me with coolness, but I was always pleasant and respectful of the fact that this was not everyone's ideal situation, but it is what it is. Go... Be there for your SD. And in this case, I am going to say what a lot of people don't like to hear.... be the better bigger person in this situation. Smile and say hi to BM and if the 3 of you even have to sit together so be it. Like other posters have said here today - you have 12 more years of this, so everyone needs to get on the same page. And if BM tries to make it bad, or treats you badly, keep the smile on your face and let SD know that you are SO VERY HAPPY TO BE THERE FOR HER and her alone on this important day. Because that's what the day's about, isn't it? She's what matters. And DH needs to tell BM that. This isn't about BM... this is about SD and BM needs to get over it. BM can not like it and show it, and drive her daughter away by being stupid and acting like she doesn't like you - which is exactly what my SD's BioMom did. It backfired. SD does not have good memories of her mom or her mom's family at that beginning point in our relationship. And it has since strained their relationship. DH may want to share that tidbit with BioMom as well. SD is too young to understand the why's as in why would Mommy have a problem with Everyone's Interest? I love her!! So, last thing, in my own opinion of course, is that DH should NOT ask daughter again about you going. She's made her wants clear to all adults involved. Now it's up to the adults to make it good for the kiddle. Anyone?

Stick's picture

what they want... In this case - the 6 year's olds wants are to have ALL of what she considers her FAMILY together to see her graduate, having fun together and just enjoying her day. That isn't a bad thing for a kid to ask for. I hear all the comments about giving a child too much power - yes I have lived through that too with DH and BM literally asking child about selling their house... which flipped my lid and drove me up the freakin' wall. A child doesn't need the responsibility of making decisions for us adults. But a child can ask for family to be there and by doing so, ask us to put our differences aside to see them excel. No one needs to ask child again what she wants, because what she wants is motivated by love for Everyones Interest - and that should be cultivated and respected! Again - this is all in my own (sometimes flawed!) opinion!

trophySmom's picture

Your part of her life now and she does want you there, she's made that clear,(no need to keep asking her, imo)

...And you need to stand up for yourself now to the BM-I don't mean verbally-I mean by being there you will show her that she doesn't have control over you or your FH and what you choose to do in these situations. If you don't go it will set a precedent-DO NOT LET THAT HAPPEN- It doesn't matter if it's uncomfortable for the adults the only thing that matters is that your SD knows that all her parents, Bio and Step, will love her, support her, and be there for her when it's important.

I had this same situation happen to me in the early stages of my relationship(I too got together with my husband while he was still married-long story, lots of extinuating circumstances.) My SD, who at the time was 8 invited me to go to a play that she was in at her school, it had only been a couple months since we had started doing things as a family and once BM found out she called my DH and told him she didn't want me there it would be too awkward-he told her that SD made a point to invite me and that I had every right to be there and she would just have to deal with it-we didn't have that problem again because BM knew that DH was going to stick up for me and that I wasn't going to stay away even if it did piss her off(and most importantly I wasn't going to let my SD down)

....also, I've always had a terrific relationship with both my SD's, 11 and 13, but they also act differently towards me when around their BM-not rude or dismissive-just more reserved, but when it's just us we're the best of friends, so don't let that bother you too much.

Good Luck

squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

She wants you there, so go! It really doesn't matter what BM wants. Do not let BM control your life. Our BM desperately tries to control EVERYTHING in our lives. After all this time, she still tries to tell my husband what to do & how to do it. Um, they've been divorced for over 6 years...get a life!

BM wanting you to stay home & have your husband sit with her...uh, I don't think so! She needs a reality check! *If* for some reason you didn't go, your husband should sit as far away from her as possible. It's not a jealousy thing, it's a living 2 separate lives thing. BM needs to understand this. If he sits with her or "pretends" like they're one big happy family, not only will it be confusing to your SD, but to BM, as well. Trust me, there's something missing in their brains & they will see this as an open door for them.

Over the last 3 1/2 years, we've slowly stopped doing things with BM. She fought it kicking & screaming. Last summer, we had to tell her that we would each do separate birthday parties for SD8 because she was fully expecting us to throw a party & do all the work (as usual) & she would just show up for an hour & not lift a finger. BM was deeply offended by this. Then, when school started, my husband set up a separate parent-teacher conference from BM. BM blew a fuse over that. Then it was school pictures...previously they split a package every year, but every year if BM ended up with the pictures when they came in she would take forever to get them to us (one year we got them a whole year later, despite repeatedly asking for them!). BM did not take this "separation" easily & has gotten even bitchier than usual because of it.

Lesson: my husband should have done it YEARS ago. He let it go too long & BM used it for all it was worth. There needs to be a handbook on this for people getting divorced...