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Sometimes being a military family irks me!!

frustratedinMA's picture

So, the baby is now six Diablo short weeks old.. I am perpetually tired, even though dh and I try and trade off nights.. that said!!!!

A job that he is supposed to be at til 2:30ish daily, he doesnt usually leave til about 4pmish.. then there are the days that he has had to work til 8pmish.. (there have been 4 of those!!)

He calls me just now and tells me that he was told that he has to go to school.. in another state.. for a week.. ok.. fine.. when is that?? 2 weeks from now!! WTF? nice notice huh?
So he gets to go sleep in a hotel room and get totally rested for a week.. then when he comes home, we get the skids that weekend.. GREAT!!! so he will be totally rested, then he is picking up the skids and coming here.. So, I wont even get sleep that weekend.. or much help if you read how little I got the last time they were here.. GRRR...

So.. this weekend will be telling for sure. I am so going to make sure that he helps out w/the skids here.. so that when he gets back from his school and he is completely freaking rested and relaxed and I am the complete opposite, as I wont be getting ANY SORT of break for a week straight.... he is SO helping w/our son, regardless of who is visiting for the week!!!!

God, I am so mad right now.


kaffonseca's picture

What is your DH and what armory is he out of ?

"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"

frustratedinMA's picture

I didnt refer to him being at work as a break.. I was refering to all the nights that he is going to get uninterupted sleep.. and I know its common that one spouse is at home w/an infant while the other is at work.

I am not happy that they told him today.. so that I cant make arrangements of any kind, and that they arent even sending him for the whole class, but rather just a portion of it.. kind of half @ssed.

Further, I thought this was a place I could vent w/o being judged.


melis070179's picture

I don't think she was trying to judge you, I took it like she was trying to make you feel BETTER. I am a military wife too, I know your pain. We have an 11 month old. I've dealt with similar stuff, but not a week gone yet. My DH had to go on night crew which means he gets to work anywhere from 10-14 hrs a night, and then sleeps all day. Not a lot of help when you need a break! Luckily our son was sleeping through the night by the time this happened. He did it for a month & this is his first week back to out normal schedule, thank God! Hang in there...hopefully he will be more than willing to help out a lot when he gets back, I'm sure he'll miss the kids and want to do a little extra (hopefully?) Military is infamous for little to no notice and leaving us wives stranded...and it really is out of their hands...but I am totally guilty of taking it out on him when the military pisses me off! LOL Good luck!

"You never realize how short a month is until you pay child support"

kaffonseca's picture

after surviving two deployments I have to come to realize that not only are our troops to be thanked but the families at home that support them.

I don't have any advice on this one but I would DEF make sure DH helps at home when comes back..

"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"

Catlover's picture

My DH is a pilot and is gone sometimes up to a week with less than 24hrs notice. He doesn't have a schedule, and at times he walks in the door, only to turn around and walk out again 5 minutes later. It sucks! We have a baby too that is just over 1 year old, and the 2 skids (9 and 11) are with us 50/ I end up being the full time single parent to three kids (two of which aren't mine) for sometimes days on end with no help.

I have to keep in mind that this is not by his is his job/career. PM me if you need to talk. Hang in there!

"Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get me"

frustratedinMA's picture

Thank you, I just was feeling overwhelmed, wondering if I can do it. I was supposed to start working 1 day a week from home that Monday, and now dont think I will be able to, as I was going to do the work once he got home from work.. I had to email my boss and push it back by a week..

Again, just hoping that he is sleeping better by then, as he is like a car alarm when he decides he is hungry.. piercing screams as if someone is beating him w/a bat!!! I am sure we will survive, I just felt blindsided. I know about the 5 week training he has this fall, and I am ok w/that.. as I feel that by then we will be in a routine, and I can prepare to get some help by then.

sweetthing's picture

come stay with you that week? My DH had a convention he went to for a week when BH was 3 months old and I had just gone back to work. My mom came & helped out that week. I know how hard it is adjustiung to no sleep and I know I felt very resentful because I can no longer travel for trade shows because I know my husband can't handle our 2 year old & the house while I am gone.

You need to nap when the baby does & keep yourself taken care of that way. I would also let him know that the weekend he is home & brings the skids home that he is getting up in the morning & you get to sleep in and the kids need to be quiet so that can happen. Get ear plugs if necessary. It should never be Dad & the skids verses SM *& new baby. AT 10 the twins are old enough to help out with things, picking up after themselves & doing things like throwing diapers in the garbage & fetching things for you.

If you were here in Minnesota I would say "the general" ( our name for BS, as he pretty much orders the older 2 around) and I would come help. The general loves babies. Smile

Hang in there, being a new mom is tough! HUgs!!

jen76's picture

It sucks, but I know you will make it. It's amazing what your body can handle for your little guy. It always seems unfair when your hubby gets more sleep then you and you are the one that needs it more! Being sleep deprived is the worse, but it will get better. I agree with sweetthing, since he will be well rested let him take care of the baby all weekend so you can catch up on your sleep.