Adult stepson born on the express lane from HELL!
I need some advice on this issue. I have a stepson that will be leaving jail for the 4th time. He has been locked up for a little over a year now. I know his BD will want him to move back in and this 25 year old son rules the household. He hates to work, lazy, disrepectful to me and his dad if he does not get what he wants. The SS show no remorse for anything and feels as if everyone owes him. He is a theft.I feel as if this young man is evil. I could go into further details of what this young man has done to me, but it would be a book.The last time his BD moved him in I disagreed and said no but he allowed him to move in anyway. I called 911 to have him removed and the law officer told me his dad had the right to allow him to stay in our home even with my disagreement. His dad had to finally kick him out for not following the rules, so he moved in with his BM and got into lots of trouble and ended up back in jail. His BM just got out of jail for volating her parole.
SS has a child that was born while he has been in jail and have not seen. The BD said he would be different this time. Need advise!!!!!
Tell DH to move out and let
Tell DH to move out and let SS move in with him. Thats all I got...sorry. My own kid would NOT be allowed back after 1 time in jail, much less 4!!!
Wow...I'm with Willow on this
Wow...I'm with Willow on this one! I'd let my DH know he & his demonic SS could go & be a happy couple elsewhere!
I would tell him that if he
I would tell him that if he moved him in then I would be moving out! Period end of story! It will not be different! it will be worse as ss has no consequences as his dad keeps letting him stay with him.