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Anybody living separately from their dh/bf and skids?

bananashake's picture

Hey all. Smile

I have been posting here for a year or so and this forum has been paramount in helping to prevent me from making choices that would affect my life n a major way.

I have a BF and he has two kids with sole custody (bm is a trainwreck and sees them every couple months or so) (his dd5 and ds3) and I have no kids and very likely not going to have any (medical issues, personal decision). We do not live together, i have my own apartment and live alone THANK GOD, but I see him and his kids very often. His kids are always happy to see me, run to me with hugs and kisses and telling me about school, their friends. I go with him to see their concerts, or to see other mutal friends with kids, we even went camping and I actually enjoyed it. I come to enjoy buying them things, playing with them, bathing them, etc. Don't get me wrong, they still get attitude and can be brats but bf has given me authority to layers thee smacketh should the time come, I find when I do they listen to me and do as they are told. Instead of a stepmother, I kind of am more of a fun auntie? I'm fine with it, bf is fine with it, and the skids are fine with it. Honestly, since all of us have come to this "mutual agreement" my relationship with all of them has been much more at ease.

To be frank, I like the arrangement we have and have no intentions of changing it anytime soon. I like having my own space and peace cause while I am a big part of their lives (and they are a big part of mine), I have my own life that includes my career, hot yoga, running, shopping, vacations with the gals, etc. Again, I have this amazing forum to thank for listening to my gut and planting my feet where I feel comfortable.

Problem is, with this arrangement people are chirping around us and inquiring when we are going to move forward With the relationship(I.e. move in together). They ask my bf when I plan on having my own child, why are we moving at a snails pace. They say the skids love you, it will get better when you move in now that you established yourself in their lives (somehow I doubt that), if you aren't going to move forward then you need to leave bf cause you are not being fair to hm and the kids. That i must not love them if i dont want to move in with them (meanwhile he is perfectly fine with our relationship as well) Since when does every relationship have to be living together? It doesn't mean I love them any less, I am living on my own for my own sanity. And to be frank, I don't want to live with another man again (been there, done that for 5 years and learned that I like my space). Also, this may sound selfish, but I like to have an easy way out of a relationship and having my own place kind of ensures that for me so if a breakup should occur I don't have to spend months packing, moving, etc.

Does anyone have this type of living arrangement with their dh/bf/skids? And you may share your opinions about our current arrangement if you wish to, I trust your guys insight and opinions and do take them seriously.

Thanks all. Smile

WhattaMess's picture


And Especially THIS! : I love my family, but a part of me wishes I'd waited another couple of years before I moved in and married DH. I miss my independence and I miss having an out when there's too much drama here

Orange County Ca's picture

Sounds like you're in the Garden of Eden and the snake is "Pssssst you're missing out!".

When those busy bodies start hissing in your ear tell them you have no intention of ever marrying. That's shut them up for now. Then when his kids are grown and IF you wish to marry think of the joy they'll feel when you finally take theier advise.

If something works don't fix it. And I'm delighted to hear from you as I've recommended this course of action to uncommittee people many times but never knew if any of them took the advise.

bi's picture

your advice usually comes from la la land. that may be why you see little to no evidence of anyone ever taking it.

bananashake's picture

Thanks!! Smile

Honestly things are great between BF and I and the kids with this arrangement. The kids listen and do as they are told when I tell them ( at least, lol) and BF has no problem backing me up and assuming responsibility for them. Things were very hard between us for the first year because of the PRESSURE from other parties (even him at one time) to move in. You'll see my other posts where I bitched about some of his friends putting unwanted opinions in. I'm so glad I held my ground on this and came to this forum and received so much support to go with my gut instinct to remain separate.

Admittedly he has Disney Dad traits (though he keeps the kids in check) and I know I couldn't bear living with that cause I find myself a little more strict and hardnosed, and the kids would hate me if I moved in. From a distance, me and the kids love each other. So if he can be a Disney Dad, I can be a Disney Aunt. I won't have to deal with any (financial and emotional) headaches of parenting kids that aren't mine, he doesn't have to deal with the headache of constant headbutting between me and his kids, and the kids get to enjoy two Disney parents that reap the benefits of happy Disney kids. One big happy Disney family eh? LOL.

smartone's picture

I don't plan on ever moving in or marrying until my (and his) kids are grown. It is just TOO MUCH CRAP. OCC is right on this one and he harps on it a lot, with good reason. Keep doin what you're doin until it doesn't work anymore.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Hey! I'm glad to see you here. I always read your posts. I wish I had lived the step life your way.

If you like the way things are, please don't change! I have always found your way smart. You have a good relationship with your BF, you have your independence and you don't deal with a lot of skid and BM nonsense.

People think it should only be one way. That's their problem. Not yours. I think you are doing great!! I love hearing your updates too. I still hate that stupid woman friend of your BFs Wink's picture

Wish I would have followed your path!!!! I never dated a man with children and now I'm in love with a man who has a teenage daughter and a 20year old daughter. I'm thinking of gettting my own place just bc I'd love to have an out and a place to get away from all the drama.

Sounds like you are smart and think things through. You are doing whats right for you. If you moved in together it may be great for awhile but I honestly think you will end up regretting it.

Don't listen to what anyone says! Live your life!!!!

frustratedstepdad's picture

^My wife did the same thing. My therapist I was seeing (because of the SKIDS) suggested that I might want to get my own place. My wife said that would be the end of our marriage if I wanted to move out, because that just means I don't love her blah blah blah.

The ironic thing is that I would probably get more alone time with my wife if I had my own place than I do now.

frustratedstepdad's picture

Screw what everybody else thinks. When I moved across the country to be with my fiance at the time (now wife) I wish to GOD I would've gotten my own place instead of moving in with her. Even now 5 years later there are times I wish I had my own place so I wouldn't have to deal with all the bullshit from my SKIDS.

Trust me, even when they become adults it doesn't get any easier because half of the time they just end up moving back home because they don't know how to manage money. You are smart for keeping your own place!