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Anyone else feel like you are being walked on?

mashpeebonusmom's picture

SD1 comes over 3 nights a week. She is helpful so far, cleans her room, helps make dinner etc. Problem is with the BF. He likes women who wait on him. I'm the maternal type always have loved kids( dont have any of my own) So I dont mind doing the house work and laundry etc BUT there comes a point that I dont want his daughter to think I'm just a maid. I have talked to him about how a simple thank you goes a long way and he is getting better but still sometimes I feel like he disrepects me the way he talks. I know I need to nip this in the bud before his daughter starts getting ' comfortable' with his ways. I have the benefit of knowing him and his daughter on and off for 10 years. So i know the history and baggage that comes along with them. I knew what I was getting when I encouraged him to be more active in his daughters life but its a little too much at times. I"m trying to juggle working full time, keeping a house, doing homework 2 nights a week and getting to know my bf since our relationships is only 3 months old. Maybe I took on too much to chew but kids is nothing knew to me. I have worked with them for over 15 years.

It's just nice to have a place to vent...........

Greenfig's picture

A positive: "She is helpful so far, cleans her room, helps make dinner etc."
At least you do not have to battle the SD1. But BF is another issue. That is a problem. So, he never cooks?

mashpeebonusmom's picture

Oh no he does cook. He's the grill man. So all summer he cooked. Now that cooler months are here its my turn to cook. I love cooking hate cleaning. I just feel like its been on my shoulders the last few weeks. He does handy man jobs for work and I have a career. All I'm looking for is a thank you every now and then.

Couldawouldashoulda's picture

Awww, you deserve one! You could just NOT do the things you normally do (like cook) for 1 day (or however long it takes), and when they notice, just let 'em know you didn't feel appreciated and felt they should fend for themselves. The next night they would be all over themselves to let ya know, right?

Nobody should be taking anyone for granted, but it probably won't change unless ya hit 'em where it hurts. The stomach, hee hee Smile