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Asking for your advice on talking to my biokids stepmom

Janna's picture

I am a stepmom and a biomom with children who have a stepmom. I dont have a relationship with my sk's bm, but I do have a good relationship with my biokids sm. My daughter, 7, is a social butterfly. She has a lot of friends and she gets invited to do things with them on my weeks with the kids, as well as her dad's, the problem is, she is never allowed to go do anything with her friends on her dad's weeks. I have talked to biodad about this and all he says is "I will hafta talk to sm about it", he cant make a disision on anything by himself, one thing that bugged the crap outta me when we were married. Sm does all the planning and scheduling in their house and she is Great with my children, they love her and that thrills me. My concern is my daughter is starting to not want to go to her fathers because her words"they never let me do anything" and I know as she gets older this is just going to get worse. Would it be ok to gently talk to bk's sm?