
Momof2Girls's picture

My SD19 needs therapy consistently and doesn’t go. She has bad social anxiety which is holding her back from making friends or even going to the gym.

Ive asked my H to stay on top of her to take care of her mental health. He said she just needs a friend or two and she will get out and have fun. Yeah easy for someone like him that is a social butterfly. My SD is super awkward and shy. She won’t meet people easily.

my Husband said tonight that I should talk to her about therapy. I don’t have a relationship with this girl. I think it’s his responsibility as he is the Parent and invited her to live in our home. 

I hate this..

sandye21's picture

Yes, it IS DH's responsibility but as in your other posts, he seems to be trying to pawn all of his responsibility - and any potential blame- onto you.  He invited her to live in your home.  Did he have your approval before inviting her?  This makes a big difference.  Is there any planned date for her to leave?  It sounds like you are having more of a problem with communication between your DH and you than with SD.  I know someone is going to write that she is just a young girl and you are being mean.  But we've all had the experience of someone who over-stayed their welcome or of our DH's making arrangements without consulting us, and it magnifies everything because we wind up looking like the heavy - not the a$$ who dumped this on us in the first place.

If this is the case, go forth with the knowledge that NO ONE would be happy in your situation.  You have the right to live in your home, be comfortable and have a sense of privacy.  Insist on a launch date from your DH, document it and don't back down.

Momof2Girls's picture

Exactly my thoughts his responsibility not mine. We have talked about SD moving out when she finishes community college and transfers to bigger school where they offer student housing / dorms. That is the plan so next Fall2020. 

Im scared as hell she will not be ready! She is socially awkward doesn’t have any friends nor is she making an effort to meet college students or socialize with co workers

this stresses me out to the fullest!!!

Harry's picture

You still have a DH problem.  He goes behind your back and does thing with out your approval.  That the main issue.  SD is not moving out until your DH wants her to move out 

Momof2Girls's picture

my husband asked today if any therapy appts booked. She said no. But she is going to the gym tomorrow with my MOM! She is so awkward can’t go alone. I told everyone that they are enabling bad behavior