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BIG weekend, in laws and family coming to town

aidenmama's picture

OK I have a HUGE weekend going on this weekend. My own family sister, and aunts cousins etc. will be coming into to town because I am throwing my mother a surprise birthday party on Saturday, there is going to be over 100 people.

the next day Sunday is our son's baby Christening I have a 6 month old. and my hubby's family is also coming into town. Now as you know I have 3 skids sd18, ss16, ss9 and my own bs9 and new bs6months.

I am already stressing...why because I dont want to be bothered with my skids that weekend. as far as my mothers event they will not be there and it will be all my family and mom's close friends. the next day is the Christening, and I told dh that his kids can not spend the night #1 because my sister and her fiance and son are staying with us, so there is no room, and also I told him #2 they are never on time so I dont want them to mess my timing up for the christening..

I know his mother is going to wonder where the kids are but unless they find their way to the church I can not be stressed about it.
am I wrong..

besides i dont want the bm to find out about the christening because she will purposely delay her children getting there on time she is that evil, and they are also that slow.

but I feel in my bones some drama is going to happen because of this

Hatecopycats's picture

No you are not are entitled to your special day, without skids!!!

Try not to get too stressed.....this weekend should be all about your family and baby.....not drama.

Wishing you the best!!!

oneoffour's picture

Change your mindset. If my SSons miss something because their mother isn't interested on getting them there
on time, they miss out.

It isn't YOUR job to make sure everyone is on time. And how will it disrupt the proceedings? Baby is still being christened, right? And isn't that the point of it? To enter your child into Gods family? The only really important people are the baby, parents, sponsors and grandparents. Everyone else is peripheral. Keep your eye on the prize and ignore the fancy packaging.

aidenmama's picture

This is true, I agree. I over heard my dh talking to ss18 on the phone about it and he put his foot down and said to her "Look if it's important to you guys you will make it there you are an adult now and have your own car (a Lexus I may add) and you should be responsible enough to get you and your brothers there ON time."

Her reply was "well why cant you come get us, or why cant we spend the night"

he said "because we have 3 people from NY (we live in Atlanta) already stayin with us so that would make 10 people in the house trying to get ready at the same time, in two bathrooms and 3 bedrooms, yeah where the heck would you guys fit"

I admit I was proud of him because he did understand my point that it's not my issue to get the skids there.

The last part he said to me was "I guess I have to call the ex to let her know to get the kids up"

YEAH we shall see