BM is insane!
I have long known this woman creates her own drama but she really takes the cake this time. About two months ago, a little less, we text her saying "hey what are you thinking for summer with the kid" since we knew it was getting somewhat close and with purchasing tickets in advance bla bla. First reply "I will only speak to you on the phone going forward not text or email". Umm, ok. Obviously she doesn't want her bullshit in writing. Special. Well, that sparks WW3. ALLLL over us just asking her plans. Per the CO she has the first half of summer. We have always pretty much just let her have more, the end instead, she gets holidays that aren't in the CO since SS ended up in semi year round school so he has a fall break. She got xmas last year even though it isn't hers. We have been totally accomidating.
But noooo, apparently asking her what she was thinking for the summer is mean. That night she goes off on husband via text for hours. So a while later he says "you can have him the whole summer if you want, I'll even pay his way there". Now this was really for us as he has been insufferable and we figured some time finding out the grass actually isn't greener with mom would help. She is full on Disney mom. Nope, she doesn't like that either, even though she CONSTANTLY says she wants as much time with him as she can get.
Apparently she wants the last two weeks of summer ONLY because that is when she has time off between contracts. She doesn't feel it is worth it to have him at all if she cannot literally take him to Disneyland and such. I mean, this woman is LITERALLY a Disney mom. It's amazing. So finally husband says (due to her arguing about this for two months when we kept just saying she could have him whenever she wants) "fine, you can have him the first half of the summer, per the CO, and if you don't take that then that's on you" and hung up. We offered her everything and he finally had enough and said take your time or forget it.
Of course she bitches to SS. Dad won't let her see him. She cant afford this or that (she makes double what we do, and has a working husband and pays a mere $200 a month, when she pays). She even went as far as to say if he is there when she works nights we will call the police on her if he is home alone. He is 17! He has been spending nights home with her working since he was far too young to in my opinion although per the actual law in the state it was legal, we checked.
So now she at this point isn't seeing him. So the terrorist will be home all summer. This woman creates her own problems. She also refuses to parent and just wants him for "fun". What a shit human being. I truly am baffled. She has argued with DH about this for almost two months now. Why is there even an argument?! Good lord.
Why are you getting involved
Why are you getting involved in this and stressing over it? I thought you were leaving?
Oh I am not stressed my mind
Oh I am not stressed my mind is just blown. My flight is tomorrow a.m.
Oh, good! Good luck.
Oh, good! Good luck.
Sounds like you made the
Sounds like you made the right choice by deciding to leave that mess! Safe travels!
Don't pay attention to the
Don't pay attention to the POS she just wants attention!
Yes, I was talking about the
Yes, I was talking about the BM not the OP. Sorry I didn't clarify.
You shouldn’t have had to
You shouldn’t have had to clarify, OP was out of line in her response & should have apologized for her comment.
Sounds Crazy to me
Sounds Crazy to me !!!
Unless I am missing something and of course I do not know the details of your story but your step-son is 17 within a year of being an adult. I am not sure why there is still a visit schedule through BM. He is old enough to choose when to visit and when not to. If there is distance with plane tickets I get that has to be arranged but in general he isn't 5 so you should not have to go through all of that with an unreasonable BM... If I have missed something I apologize but I think it should be just about over!!