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BM is a substitute teacher

kalinda's picture

I don’t really have much to complain about these days because both SD’s (12&14) refuse visitation. They told DH that if he wanted to see them then he had to make me leave for the entire visitation period, he told them he would never do that and so we have not seen them for about 8 months. BM has done an excellent job of PAS and all that good stuff. I have learned to just ignore all the rumors I hear, have learned to ignore the fact that on every single one of DH’s visitation weekends his daughters are with his parents. I have learned to ignore all the things in our small town that relate to BM & SD’s.

EXCEPT 1 thing that makes my blood boil.

BM is a substitute teacher (her only job and only 1 or 2 days a week)at our small town school for any and all grades. I have 2 bio’s in this school, DS14 & DS13(Both in 8th grade). BM is NOT allowed to sub any classes my sons are in, and this is not just something I told the school. Last year when my boys were in 7th grade I requested she not sub any of their classes and the school complied without problem. This year I decided to let it slide at the beginning of the school year, hoping that everyone involved could behave like adults. I was WRONG, about half way through the school year DS13 came home telling me that BM had sat in class and bashed me, my husband and all 4 of my bios to another student. Included in the conversation she had with this other student was her telling that we had purchased our new vehicle with HER money (ummm her money? dh pays his child support every single month and has never been late, I don't have a dman thing that is hers), that I was abusive to her kids, that my kids are bastards…etc. The next day I called the school and had a lovely discussion with the principal, he called in other kids from the class and confirmed that yes she had done this. She DID NOT lose her position as a substitute teacher; they just won’t let her in a room with my kids. So whenever she has to sub for any of the 8th grade classes they take my boys out of that class and send them to study hall.


Maybe it shouldn’t, I don’t know, but I feel like my kids are being punished for something she did.

This is a woman that is too lazy to get a real job, using the excuse she has kids she can’t work full time. She lives off of child support and welfare (food stamps, government housing, government funded utility programs), and then bashes my kids in the classroom when she is playing at being a teacher.

For the past 6 weeks every Tuesday and Thursday I have to take DS14 to physical therapy for a knee injury, his appointments are early morning so I then have to drop him off at the school before heading on to work. Every time I see BM’s car in the parking lot my blood begins to boil and by the time I get to work I am ready to claw someone’s eyes out.

How would you feel about this, what would you do?

tryingmom's picture

You need to call the principal and demand that your son's shouldn't be punished this way, it takes them out of their normal learning environment and forces them in study hall while the substitute carries on as if her transgression didn't matter. They need to not call in that substitute teacher for that grade EVER. If the principal doesn't make it happen go to the superintendent and on up the ladder. I would have a field day with this.

misSTEP's picture

Where's Dtzy? She can tell you all about raising holy Hell with the school administration. This is NOT right.

AllySkoo's picture

I get what you mean, but I think it misses the point. Sure, she might be the only person available. But putting two students behind the rest of the class because the TEACHER is guilty of misconduct is unethical.

I'd raise holy hell too.

kalinda's picture

I understand that, my husbands cousin is the receptionist at the school and tells me she has no one else to call but WHY do my kids have to be punished for what she did? She is the freaking adult and she is the one that screwed up but my kids are the ones that get removed from the class. What does this teach the kids? Do whatever you want someone else will pay the price!!!

Rags's picture

Oh hell no. Do not let the bottom 10%ers of the college educated dipshits in your school punish your kids for the toxic BM's bullshit. Have your attorney initiate every legal action they can imagine to get and keep BM out of any school that anyone your kids know attends.

I would destroy that toxic POS. Her money bought your car? Own her ass and see how she likes living under the local highway overpass as you drive by waving at her from the window of the new car that you and DH paid for.

I can't believe the idiots at the school pull your kids out of class when she plies her toxic crap rather than closing the entire campus if not the entire district to her access.


Make her destruction your hobby, get good at it, and enjoy every second of crushing her nose into every pile of shit she creates. }:)

kalinda's picture

Damn I love the way you think LOL. And yes she claims that her money bought our new car. Umm yeah she works 1 or 2 days a week as a sub teacher and lives off of child support and welfare while DH is a Crane Technician and I am an accountant.........I wonder how that works?

Rags's picture

I would sue the district also. They need to get the very clear message that they do not get to expose your kids or anyone else's kids to this kind of toxic idiot.

Put the dipshit who made this decision and the people who hired that idiot in residents under the local highway overpass along side of BM.

Don't forget to have fun doing it. }:)

IamexhaustedSM's picture

I would be raising HELL! NO WAY is a school singling out MY kid for BMs nasty, hateful, lies and remarks. I would demand an investigation and that my kids are not loosing out on their education because they want to keep a person as unfit for a classroom as BM on the payroll. Your taxes pay her salary and your kids are removed from a classroom where you damn well know BM is talking shit about you, DH, and YOUR KIDS while they have to be removed and go to studyhall because the bitch is unfit to teach.

I would be raising hell.

kalinda's picture

Thank you guys so much for your replies, I have been having a hard time with this and couldn't decide if I was being unreasonable or not. Like I said to osweet, I understand that the school has a hard time finding subs and part of me was trying to understand that she was who is available but the other part of me keeps saying HELL NO. We are teaching the kids in that class that it is ok to say whatever you want about others because someone else will pay the price for your BS. But then the other side of me would come back and say "but if they have no one else what are they supposed to do?"

I really do appreciate the replies.

Indo's picture

This is VERY true...

Other kids in the classroom supported these statements and she still has her job?!

Removing your children from their classroom disrupts their school learning environment.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

I would go ballistic--sue the school, her, AND bring every media willing to lend half an ear. You want a party? I'll show you how to party.

I don't know how women like these get jobs where they are responsible for other people's children. This makes my blood boil because our BM works at a Montessori preschool as well (probably to keep her control over SS lest anyone else fill his head with things that she doesn't approve of) despite not particularly liking female children and being known to shit-talk little girls as young as 5 years old simply because the girl(s) get more attention at whatever even than her. Yeah, a mid-forties woman competing with a 5 year old. Makes me sick she is actually allowed to work with children.

soaif6's picture

I don't think they should bring her in to the school at all, but if they have to instead of your kids getting punished by being isolated from class they should have her sub for a different grade and have that teacher take over your DS's grade. A bit of a pain for the school? Maybe, but that is not your problem!

soaif6's picture

I don't think they should bring her in to the school at all, but if they have to instead of your kids getting punished by being isolated from class they should have her sub for a different grade and have that teacher take over your DS's grade. A bit of a pain for the school? Maybe, but that is not your problem!

soaif6's picture

I don't think they should bring her in to the school at all, but if they have to instead of your kids getting punished by being isolated from class they should have her sub for a different grade and have that teacher take over your DS's grade. A bit of a pain for the school? Maybe, but that is not your problem!

notsurehowtodeal's picture

I would also raise holy hell. Before doing that make sure you have copies of any documentation about the incident. Did the kids backing up your kids put their statements in writing? Did the person talking to them put anything in writing? If this does end up in court you need documentation.

The school is not without options here. Like someone else suggested, move another teacher to your kid's class and have BM cover that class. The principal or vice principal or some other administrator could also cover the class.

Stormyweather's picture

I am a teacher (in Australia) and if this was to happen in our schools, we would be hauled over to the Principals office with a written warning and a dressing down. Its NOT OK to sprout of
1) own personal opinions
2) religious beliefs
3) personal details etc

You get the picture. We are here to teach....not to force our opinions onto young and inquiring minds. Our schools arent the breeding grounds for raising the next generation of potential terrorists (I know....a bit extreme but you get my point).

She should be given a written warning at least by the school with the threat that they WILL terminate her working there, should she continue with her hate campaign with your family. How utterly unprofessional.

BUT its important that you document and send in a written complaint to the Principal (head master) ASAP also explaining that you have sent off a complaint to the Education State department ( every state in Australia has the equivalent of a Head Office). Also, if you can, request an interview with the Principal to explain the back story and explain why this woman is so toxic to your boys. Stick to the facts and insist that the notes of the meeting is documented and put on file, in the event you need to sue the teacher for negligence and un-professionalism along with the school for allowing it.

Be calm and stick to the facts and you watch how things will be suddenly fixed and how BM will be muffled when dealing with your sons in the school. Word needs to get out in your small community, that this sort of behavior will NOT be tolerated and BM needs to be seriously smacked and put back into her place.

Im angry for you.