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BM is using my DH's last name

jms1013's picture

I need opinions and what to do. We finally received a bill from the dentist of my SS. On the bill the BM is using my DH (and mine and I earned it) last name. She never was married to my DH. It creeps me out. Is there anything my DH and I can do about it? I know she goes around using her current boyfriend's last name and claims she is married but we know for a fact she is not.

smileygirl's picture

I chuckled at this. I thought it was just my psycho BM that opened credit cards and had dr.'s invoices sent to me. They are fantastic. DH had a court order in place saying that she couldn't use his name but I guess that's my fault for never making mine off limits. Wink

liks's picture

OH that is soooooo funny.....

our BM was using her married name...which of course is now my married I told DH that its offensive to me and his family that she go around signing off on this....and he should request she go back to her maiden name via email ....and so she did....only damn thing she has eva done wen asked.

anyway....current manners are that you do this once you are divorced...unless of course you have good reason not too.....and you then take the title of ms not suggests you are divorced in some others it suggests you are neither divorced or eva you prefer...

current manners also dictate that if the previous husband makes a request that his ex wife revert back to her previous maiden name then she should do so....buggered as to why some women would wanna keep it anyway...

I have been called and written to by my previous marriage name from the school as the girl at the front desk just assumes my name would be the same as my kids....If I have time I ask the clerk to change it....but If I knew it was something going to my ex and his dog of a wife I would leave it there just to annoy her....dont know why i feel i need to annoy her....oh well..she helps me to understand that the stuff Im getting off my BM is premeditated and done delibretly to upset me...

hornet64's picture

I have to say that my DH's last wife kept his last name and it does bother me. When I divorced my ex, I did't want to have anything to do with him including his name! The last thing I wanted was to be called by his name everyday until I decided to get married again. Honestly, I don't understand why women WANT to keep their ex's name. To me, it could be seen as a way for them to hold on to him.

But get this... she also uses her old married name from her first husband plus her maiden name sometimes... just depends. Weird. Of course, she is running from a lot of creditors. That's probably got something to do with it.

You know what ticked me off one time though? When my SD came home from school one day and there was a note addressed to "Mrs. last name" and the Mrs. wasn't me... I really wanted to call the teacher and tell her to either call that egg donor by her first name or at least change the Mrs. to Ms. the next time she needed to communicate with that woman... because the only reason she got my husband's last name was because she stopped talking bc and didn't tell him. Convenient.

liks's picture

Yeah I dropped my ex husbands name BEFORE I GOT DIVORCED....yuk...why keep them...and yes my kids have their fathers name whilst I had my maiden name....

I have had calls to this house asking for Mrs....blah. but its not me...

really upsets me

lac925's picture

I hate this too! BF's ex still uses his last name, and being the kind of person that she is, I feel it puts his FAMILY name to shame! Sure, I can understand the inconvenience of having to change your last name for all your licenses and documents and such, but c'mon! Let it go! I hate that my own son has the same last name as her - his father and I are not married yet. *shudders* Plus, she always claims that my BF was "abusive" and "controlling", so why in the world would she still want to have the same last name as him??? There should be a law stating that once a divorce is final, the ex-wife has to go back to her maiden name until she remarries, and I'd be the first to sign that petition!