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social media issues

jms1013's picture


I have been stepmom for a little over a year. My husband has been in and out of court for 9 years and has to fight to get anything even when it is in the order. BM feels like she is the only parent and does not respect or acknowledge my husband as their son's father. She presents her long time boyfriend as dad. She has always been bitter and lies about everything and changes her story on a issue several times.

BM just sent him a message through the court appointed email/scheduling/joint custody program they were court ordered to be on requesting him to tell me to remove the profile picture on the social media page as it has her son in it. (it is a picture of myself, husband and stepson) my husband and I talked about posting the picture before I did it and he had no issues.

I would like some thoughts on this. I am very cautious about privacy and limit the amount of information others can see but really does she have this much control when Dad doesn't have an issue?

Kes's picture

I don't think she can expect to have any jurisdiction over this, but I would feel hesitant about having a picture of your SS as your profile picture, anyway. How does your SS feel about it? If he is happy it is probably alright to keep it. I am uber sensitive regarding Facebook etc, and recently deactivated my account because of the privacy issues.

jms1013's picture

Thank you! To answer your question she has a problem with everything My husband and I do. So if he posted a picture of him and his son she would still have issues.

I love the "alien invasion of BM into my life and home" that is exactly how I feel some days and I throw the trash out as fast as I can.

I decided to block her and her family members from my social media page and not let her have that control.

Jsmom's picture

I do not put pictures up of my SS without telling his Dad. If he is okay it is fine. You told the Dad, so I would leave it alone. Did you tag him in the picture? That I disagree with.

Kids should not be tagged at all...

Sounds to me like she wants to pretend that the Bio Dad doesn't exsist. Not much she can do about it legally. You should not friend her anyway, since she behaves like this. I wouldn't worry about it.

jms1013's picture

I don't like tags either. I blocked her and have never been friends with her on social media. She is capable of twisting the most honest response into something so negative. IT bothers me that she has my cell number and i had to block her number because she only used it to cause drama between my husband and I.

stormabruin's picture

She can request whatever she wants. The child is as much your DH's as he is hers. Keep her blocked from your FB page & continue to post your pictures.

I also do not tag my pics, & I remove my name when someone else tags me in theirs.

stormabruin's picture

Regardless, the father gave consent for her to post the picture.

I have pics of my DH's kids on my FB, however I have changed the security settings on several of my albums to limit who has access. None of mine are available to anyone outside of my friends, & the albums of me & my own family (siblings, parents, neices, nephews, etc) are blocked from SS because I don't feel there's any reason for BM or DH's kids to access those.

Really, with the privacy settings on FB, you can let or not let anyone see what you post. If only for the sake of drama, use them.