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BM visiting DH parents

firecrackerz12's picture

Got an email that BM was going up to DH parents house so sd11 can see grandparents. DH is uncomfortable with this but his dad is very welcoming person. Nothing we can do grrr

hippiegirl's picture

I'm so glad DH's ex never visits his family. If she did, then I probably would not. People who hang out with their ex's families are losers.

firecrackerz12's picture

Everyone situation is different, no need to be upset. Some bm's do it just to be a b*tch and that is our case.
She does not like his parents at all. Dh and I just went up there with our kids. We invited sd11 and bm said flat out no.

harleygirl's picture

I can sort of see a long distance situation because really where is she gonna go while dd is visiting. My MIL is best friends with DH ex and spends holidays and talk everyday...that I personally don't agree with especially since DH told her it's her or him you can't play sides because it's causing drama. Every situation is different but I'd agree most people would probably be somewhat if not very uncomfortable with their family spending time with the ex especially if the divorce was very bad.

LizzieA's picture

Yeah, on here it's usually because the BM's glom onto DH's family AFTER the divorce when they didn't have the time of day for them before. It's all positioning. And especially obnoxious when ILs side with the crazy BM because of their own issues. I've been there.

Maroma1984's picture

It would bother me if it were my husband's ex, but the bitch is crazy and she'll do stuff just in spite of us. I think it all depends on what they are like. I know I have a friend that doesn't mine her husband's ex-wife at all. I wish I were that lucky.

fruststepmama's picture

Ha! This very same thing has happened to us several times over the last 4 years. Except, DH was severely physically and emotionally abused by his father (the same grandparent that BM takes SS9 to visit.) We write her over and over again that she's putting SS9 in harms way. But, she cares more about getting revenge on DH than about her own son's safety. Disgusting.