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BM's vicious and long-lasting detrimental effects upon the kids

lostandalone's picture

I posted this in reply to another blog...but felt it needed it's own topic here...
Didn't actually realize the full extent of the damage until I began to write the following:

I have no advice...only commiseration.

My late husband had two children from his first marriage.
Their mother took them back to her home state prior to filing for divorce in 1994.
(We married in 1998)
Despite numerous court orders in two states, judicial warnings levied at the bio-mother and legal fees which we could ill afford...
My Darling Husband died in September 2005...
After five years on the heart-transplant list...
Waiting for a call that never came.

He was never allowed, by their set eyes upon his own children ever again.

The courts did nothing but garnish his pay until the day he died.
And then advised his ex how she could get death benefits for the kids.

Now those children are both adults...and they will never know their father's version of events, only her poison.

They'll never know how he fought for them,
fought to know them,
begged the courts to let him see them...just once...

They'll never know that we used to send them presents,
plane tickets
and cards...which all came back unopened.

They'll just never know...

ScornedSM's picture

It may not be your place (to me it is) but do these kids a favor and speak up and out for your husband that cannot do such.

My heart goes out to you. (please watch your marital investments as a couple)

best of luck.

stormabruin's picture

I agree with ScornedSM. You are the only person who knew who their father truly was. Share your knowledge with them. You're the only one who can give them that.

I think about this often myself. DH doesn't get to see his kids. We have been to court. The judge has given them the option of visitation & they have chosen against it. I often wonder what I would tell his kids if something were to happen to him. I wonder if they'll have regrets, or if they'll continue to ride on BM's hate train. Will they ever feel guilty? Will they ever understand the things he felt...the hurt, the sadness, etc?

I'm sorry for your late DH & for his kids, & the opportunities they've missed out on by not knowing each other.