Just in case DH ever comes to his senses...I have made a list
For the day when DH realizes that SD11 needs serious and possibly, in-patient analysis...I have made a list of all the bizarre, disturbing, creepy, odd and downright unnatural behaviour, that I have observed, in the past 4 years.
Any feedback on the following would be welcomed and appreciated...
Any opinion by an actual professional will be used as my evidence to plead my case with DH.
· Oppositional.
· Manipulative.
· Obsessive need to participate in power struggles.
· Unwillingness to practice correct movement of legs and feet.
· Pathological lying.
· Inappropriate and constant attention seeking.
· Absence of fear of strangers.
· Lack of self-control to curtail speaking.
o I.e. Rambles, speaks out of context, intrudes into non-involved conversations, baby talk.
· Blames everyone and everything else for own behaviour refuses to claim ownership of self-responsibility.
· Unwillingness to do simple assigned tasks, consistent irresponsibility.
· Impulsivity or the unwillingness to plan ahead, even in previously encountered situations.
· Unwillingness to cease inappropriate/disproportionate crying.
· Deliberately annoying behaviour.
· Passive-aggressive behaviour towards authority figures and rules.
o I.e. consents to a known rule or requested task when addressed and then simply never completes task or ignores existence of rule.
· Over-reaction to mundane situations.
o I.e. startles when spoken to in normal tone and volume, crying copiously upon being spoken to regardless of topic.
· Lack of eye contact.
· Grandiose self-expression and self-esteem. Narcissistic. Egocentricity.
· Unwillingness to speak coherently when asked a question (highly inarticulate for age group).
· Unwillingness to stop “dancing” from foot to foot when spoken to, regardless of subject matter.
· Unwillingness to speak in age-appropriate tone of voice.
· Apparent lack of conscience. Shows little to no remorse. Guiltless.
· Harm to family pet (only two incidents where she was “caught”).
· Inability/unwillingness to feel or show compassion.
· Inability/unwillingness to feel or show sympathy or empathy.
How does dicsipline work in
How does dicsipline work in your house? Are there consistant consequences?
How often do you have your SS?
Step-Daughter actually... And
Step-Daughter actually...
And her father and I were both widowed before marring each other...so we have each other’s children full-time.
My previous posts have...unfortunately for those that have read them...have gone into great detail of the many different ways and means which we have tried to teach consequences for actions...all to no avail.
There just seems to be no withholding of privileges or treats,
no removal of her belongings,
no punishment,
no additional chores,
no exclusion from family-fun-times,
which leave even a dent in her attitude or actions.
And personality disorders
And personality disorders cant be diagnosed until 18 years of age, so that really sucks because they can't get any help.
yep yep.. in someone under 18
yep yep.. in someone under 18 they call it a mood disorder
I think I agree in that while
I think I agree in that while it's a great list of things a professional will also want specific examples of how that was displayed.
Before the child get's a
Before the child get's a label, think about how the disciplinging works. To me, a lot of what you described (not all) it normal behaviour for a child that has no boundaries or consequences placed before them.....
Alot of these behaviors sound
Alot of these behaviors sound like SS10, the therapist told DH and I to get him a psychiatric evaluation. DH didn't want to hear that, SS never got the evaluation and things are getting worse. I would at least try therapy, but I think an evaluation is in order. Therapy will at least get DH to see that he needs to discipline (hopefully).
If you do put SD in therapy,
If you do put SD in therapy, take that list to give to the therapist, I wouldn't present it to DH. He will get defensive.
We have had her "evaluated"
We have had her "evaluated" by 4 separate child psychologists.
These included tests for Aspergers - negative,
ADD - negative,
ADHD - negative
and a series of CAT scans as well as an MRI...all of which showed no brain malformations and correct functionality.
I did not make this list lightly nor did I wish to make a volume to rival War and Peace, so did not include every little example under the assumption that I was asking for opinions (as well as the opportunity to vent…just like the title says) and was not asking to have doubts cast upon either my observation skills nor my ability to determine age-appropriate behaviours, especially considering I am the biological mother of two grown, well-adjusted, and university educated daughters, who are contributing and law-abiding members of society.
Not to mention that the various problems I have had with this particular SD are well documented by me during my membership here for over a year!
So...try doing your homework on someone and their past blogs and posts BEFORE you decide to shoot off your know-nothing opinion, specifically you..."spinknottle".
As for the discipline comments, a quick read of my additional post above (If certain people had bothered!) should have left any reader in no doubt of our endless and exhaustive efforts to teach this child the consequences for her behaviours...both the good as well as the bad.
What an amazingly combative and opposing place this has very abruptly become!
If I had wanted this kind of lack of support I would have gone to my in-laws!
I apologize, I am totally
I apologize, I am totally guilty of not reading past blogs before I comment. I am sorry that you are going through this. What did they say after the evaluations? If nothing is "wrong", then what is going on? I know how frustrating it can be.
K honestly?? You're letting
K honestly?? You're letting posts about me colour your opinion of me. Not once was I inflammatory, opositional, judgemental, etc.
I asked about discipline, I asked about backround. I mentioned that some of the behaviour sounds normal *if* it hadn't been corrected before (and that means even if you tried to correct it and your methods did not work).
I guess it doesn't matter what I say, people here will find a way to twist it. It's ok, I'll just keep on merrily posting away
first I am guilty of posting
first I am guilty of posting without reading any other posts, I read the list, and most of it hit home!
with that said I will say that I do agree with spinknottle "I mentioned that some of the behaviour sounds normal *if* it hadn't been corrected before"
I am sure it is not your intention to get a lable slapped on SD, and I have seen that no one is willing to do that without fighting it, which I dont blame them...
Do you get the completely blank stares when you are talking to her/asking her questions? Does she lie about the simplest things not just to get out of getting in trouble.. like say she watched spongebob, but instead says she watched Hannah Montana.. not that it matters what she watched, she will flat out lie about it anyways, or the lies that are in front of your face.. like she is stand on the new rug with her muddy shoes on and you say hey why are you standing on the new rug with your muddy shoes.. and she says Im not..
best advice I have is keep taking her to people till someone listens to you..