C'mon, Evil Stepparents, It's Time to Provide That Fairytale Christmas
.....you know, the one you won't get thanked for or anything.
My SS (16) is ONLY asking for a $1700 gaming system. That's all he wants. We don't have to get him anything else.
And the real kicker, BM sent DH a text with the information on it. Said she told SS that it was too expensive for "one of us" to get it, so it would have to be from "both of us." Well eff me and my Christmas savings. DH did say that he told SS that anything he gets will be from DH and I.
And we all know that anytime you buy a computer or gaming system, there are always a ton of accessories that are not always just wanted, but needed to run the damn thing.
How many different ways can I say no to this?
Have separate bank accounts?
Have separate bank accounts? When I fist met DH I told him I had to budget for Christmas and I supposed he'd do the same. How wrong! His response: my kids tell me what they want and that's what I get them. Now I stay out of it.
We have one bank account that
We have one bank account that our main income goes into, to pay the bills and buy the food, etc. We also have separate accounts for extra money that we make or get along the way. He has a side business, I get any overtime pay for myself. I have the first $100 taken out of my regular check every pay period for a Christmas account. We have four kids between us (SS and my three BKs). So 26 pay periods a year=$2600. Technically, that Christmas money is both of ours and what usually pays for our kids' Christmas.
DH did mention that he has extra money saved up from jobs the past couple months, but I am not in favor of giving one kid a Christmas that costs double or triple what the others are getting. My kids are grown, and honestly ask for nothing. But I am not giving them less just because they ask for nothing. Plus, if I gave them $50 for Christmas, they would sincerely thank me for it. If I went all out and got that computer for SS....*crickets*
Suggest to your DH that he
Suggest to your DH that he give him what "HE" can afford, in a form of a gift card. Then it will be up to BM and SS16 to decide where to spend it, in regards to SS's system. You can contribute if you wish, so it comes from you and DH.
I don't buy for my skids any longer, for any occasion, because they are grown. DH is thrifty, so they don't get much from him. But I never give more than I can afford to anyone. My DH is even better at not spending too much. We have never purchased such a gift as you have described.
My grown skids always thought it came from DH and have never thanked me. I even made quilts and handmade gifts, they always thanked DH. No more!
I would express your thoughts to DH, then let it go, and insist it not come out of your household funds. We have the similar setup with our $$$$, as you. I told DH "never buy skids anything out of our household", use your own funds. I do not buy gifts from our household funds.
For example: SD57 put DH on her family phone plan, with DH's cell phone (control issue). He was giving SD57 $$$$ to pay for his part of the plan, every six months ($20/month), not much, but not happening out of our household funds. SD was here one day and DH took it from his billfold (household funds) and handed it to her. After she left, I told DH I will take that amount, that you just handed SD57, from your checking account (his retirement fund) and put back the amount in household funds, when you do such transactions. I did it then and I still do it. I also have a separate checking account that my retirement goes to; then we have a savings account. We have joint accounts on everything, in case something is to happen, we can access all funds. It works well.
Of course anything your DH does or does not do will be your fault. }:)
Funny how that
Funny how that works....something good? DH gets all the credit!! Something bad, SM gets all the blame!!
We pay for SS's things from our joint account, because I guess I consider those family expenses. I mean the necessary things. Anything extra comes from DH's money. I absolutely refuse to contribute to SS's every whim. The only time he has use for anyone in his life is if he wants something. I just don't understand how DH doesn't see that, or chooses to ignore it. I know he loves the kid, but he needs to take the love goggles off.
Yep Guilty Daddy is very
Yep Guilty Daddy is very compelling. Chef had me buy (from us) an ATV which they promptly abused until it was broken after about 6 rides. . .then they called CPS on us.
That's gratitude!!
:jawdrop: That's gratitude!!
Yep!! Since my hubby tends to
Yep!! Since my hubby tends to buy what he wants for his kids..I no longer get the pleasure to shop for them for Christmas...as "it's not your job.."
Okie Dokies!! Distanced myself from that one too!!
Separate accounts. I buy a
Separate accounts.
I buy a minimal amount of things for SDs, on a budget, just like I do for my niece.
Once I'm done I'm done.
What DH does is all on him.
Yep again!! He buys what he
Yep again!! He buys what he wants for his kids..and I concentrate my time, money and Christmas shopping on my sister, her husband, my niece, nephews, and their kids!! Having a ball not having to worry about buying what his spoiled daughter won't appreciate anyway besides a $400 X-Box and brand new laptop....
lol, just no. 1700 is more
lol, just no.
1700 is more than I spend on gifts for THE ENTIRE FAMILY, including a full 5 course meal AND extra wine.
And by ENTIRE FAMILY, I'm including my brother, his fiancee and child, my mom, partner and friend... dh, myself, and the 4 kids.
I agree, it's a ridiculous
I agree, it's a ridiculous amount. I remember the days (pre-DH) when I didn't have to really save up for Christmas. I bought what I could, as I could. He had asked me how much I normally spent on the kids for Christmas the first year we were together. I told him around $1000. He said, "yeah, me too." He actually thought I spent $1000 on each kid. I was like...no, TOTAL.
Speaking of wine, I appreciate the reminder. I just ran out after five days with SS.
This kid is too good to ride
This kid is too good to ride even a school bus. Has not ridden one in his life. He has always been given a ride to and from school. DH one day went to pick him up from school because he didn't have a ride. We live an hour away.
Like you, my kids are grown
Like you, my kids are grown and don't ask for anything. We get together & pull names for "secret santa" (me, SO, my kids and their SO's, my ex & his wife). We put a $50 cap on the gift so there's no stress for anyone. SO has 2 daughters that live near us and a son across the country. I chip in to buy them stuff cause I want to but there's limits to that too. And this year, because the stb 18 yr old is being a real s**t again, she gets nothing from me. He says he's still getting her something which is fine - its his kid. But I won't contribute to her gifts at all and I told him whatever you do buy her, do not put my name on it like its a joint gift.
I wish I could "opt out" of
I wish I could "opt out" of the gift giving. It's such a joke, anyway. SS starts buttering DH up mid-November with extra visits and calls. That all goes *poof* as soon as the gifts are opened. I just hate that my DH is oblivious to it, even though it's happened every year I've known him.
ONLY $1700?? Jeez, what a
ONLY $1700?? Jeez, what a bargain! DH's kids/skids are aaaaaaall about how much he spent. But can they be bothered to get him anything? He gets the same thing every year. NOTHING. Not even a $1 card. They are all their 'ho mother's children: it's all about MONEY!
I know. What a deal. It was
I know. What a deal. It was so considerate of him to say we didn't have to get him anything else.
SS buys DH something, with our money. Just like he does BM. I'll be so glad when he is grown.
This would be a no in our
This would be a no in our home. SO and I do combined our money but if he tried this that would end. There is no way I'm spending 1700 on a Christmas present.
Well, I feel like I have put
Well, I feel like I have put my foot down on this one. I've told DH it's too much, even half. And reminded him of the last gaming system we bought him, then had to tack on all the accessories, because "how could we expect to buy him something he couldn't even play?" I'm some kind of a heartless bitch...
Omg, no. For a 16 year old
Omg, no.
For a 16 year old child that’s already heading towards being a permanent boil on your DH’s butt - there would be no way in hell there would be ANY contributing to this. I foresee this kid being a grown ass man, living under one of his parent’s roofs, yelling for a Hot Pocket while gaming.
No desire to work or get his license? Nope, nope, no.
You kill me!!! I am dying.
You kill me!!! I am dying. But mostly because exactly what you're saying is true. I've said this here before, but if you've ever seen the commercial where that kid calls his grandma to get him a fresh soda and she walks by him with her walker to get it while he's gaming....THAT'S my SS. He literally would text his mom or grandma to get him a sweet tea. And they would.
SS is currently discontent at his mom's because of his stepdad, so I don't see him staying there any longer than he has to. Our marriage will not work if he lives with us, that I know for a fact. So the next couple years will be interesting for sure. But I am at peace with whatever happens. I think once you let go of the notion that you will save your marriage at any cost, you are free. And that I am.
take heed. my brother has a
take heed. my brother has a 30 year old son who dropped out of college and quit his job. he claims he wants to be a professional musician and his father bought him a garage full of expensive musical instruments.
the son goes to bed in the early hours of the morning after being on social media and playing video games all night. he does not get out of bed until after noon.
the son wears his hair long and dyed colours. who will hire a man like that. at 30 his life has passed him by. can you see him in a job interview. he has done nothing but loaf around for 7 years. now the young man has no more friends because they all have strong parents who forced those young friends to finish college and find jobs.
now the son is my brothers best friend. they go every where together, they finish each others sentences, and brother spends all his free time out with his son. the son has become his mini wife.
it is very unhealthy.
my advice is to get the boy off of games. dont fuel his addiction to them. gaming addiction is as bad as addiction to alcohol and drugs.
Is your brother happy with
Is your brother happy with this arrangement? I feel like I’d be sad for my life if I ended up with my 30 year old kid as my best buddy and closest companion.
Then again, I sometimes look at SSs who are in middle school, so not yet living in the basement as adult gamers, but both definitely have that potential, and think that I’d be pretty disappointed if they were my bio children.
Hahaha! I nearly spit out my
Hahaha! I nearly spit out my coffee while reading this. “Yelling for a Hot Pocket...” I can’t stop laughing at the image.
To me $1700 is to much money
To me $1700 is to much money for a Christmas gift for one person. :jawdrop: I spend $1700 to $2000 total on gifts for everyone I buy for. And I buy for many people. I hope you don't buy gifts for a lot of people. This seems like a better idea for a birthday present because you only buy for one person. I hope you can get this worked out with your DH. It kind of takes the joy of giving for the holidays.
You are so right. I remember
You are so right. I remember years of looking forward to Christmas. That has been replaced with a feeling of dread.
dh and i have bought quite a
dh and i have bought quite a few game systems for the three boys. not ONCE have we ever spent $1700.00, OR 850.00 for that matter.
unless i was filthy rich, i'd say no just on principle alone.
Same here. Probably every
Same here. Probably every other year. I always tell DH no to the extended warranty, because he's just going to want something newer, bigger, and better before the factory warranty is up anyway. We are far from filthy rich, but SS didn't get the memo.
My son is 28 now, but we used
My son is 28 now, but we used to get him used game systems from the pawn shop. They always worked and were about 1/3 of the price. $1,700 is what I spend on my three kids, their SOs, my DH including his December birthday, and my brother and mom. And I buy a few small gifts for friends. :jawdrop:
NO!! (That is all.)
(That is all.)
Wow, I feel like you are
Wow, I feel like you are following in my footsteps. Let me share two little nuggets with you:
1. Way back in the day, when I used to try and "win" my skids' love, I often got into a "toy arms race" with their "perfect" daddy. This would involve spending countless hours searching every Toys R Us and Walmart trying to find the hot toy that year. One year the hot item was a "My-Size" Barbie doll. I probably spent 20 hours hunting one of those damn things down. I finally found one, and SD played with the Barbie for about 10 minutes on Christmas day, and then went to her dad's for the rest of the Christmas break. When she got back to our house, she never touched the Barbie again. Except when she got "scared" of it, and put it up in the "prison" in her closet. She even drew a prison tattoo on the Barbie. Uggh.
2. My SS sounds very similar to yours, just a little older. He's 27, weighs 350 pounds, doesn't know how to drive, and lives with his grandfather rent-free. And guess what? HE'S A HUGE GAMER.
I hope it gets better for you, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
My SS used to spend all his
My SS used to spend all his time with his grandmother, who lived across the street from BM. BGM used to give him everything he wanted. BGM died. BM's dad is still alive, although a very low quality of life, practically a vegetable. SS never goes there now, because grandpa can't do anything for him.
SS is a pretty big boy already. He claims he wants to join the service, but he would have to lose nearly 100 pounds to do that.
It seems like throughout the year, there is constant talk about how BM and DH are trying, TRYING, trying to get him to get a life (my words, not theirs). I am pretty far removed from the equation, as it was my best move to keep my sanity. But DH will still come to me when there are problems with SS and tell me what they feel they should do to correct the issue. I always tell him that we (by the gifts) and BM are simply enabling him by giving him all these things. All the gaming stuff in the world basically guarantees he will not leave his room and become productive. I usually spout off one strong sentence about it, and let it go. Wish him luck, basically, because that's what he will need.
I can't begin to tell you how many dollars worth of unused/unloved toys we gave away when we moved. SS went through his room with me and kept barely any of it. Such a huge waste.
I barely get involved in buying anything for SS at all, unless it requires me ordering it online. My effort matches his gratitude.
Just say no with your closed
Just say no with your closed wallet. That really says it all![Smile](https://prod-cdn-1.ststatic.com/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/kolobok/smile.gif)
That's exactly what I am
That's exactly what I am doing. I've already told DH as much. But for some reason, I don't think he knows the discussion is over.
Then try this for Dhs
Then try this for Dhs benefit regarding his man/child with appropriate 'air quotes'...
"Santa" only comes for good "boys and girls". You know, kids who have "good grades, help around the house, kind to others and visit elderly relatives". Christmas isn't a "reward" for existing in the state not far removed from his grandfathers as he blobs in front of TV or monitor and doesn't life a finger to help out. Maybe he can earn some "Christmas Cred" by volunteering for the Salvation Army as a bell ringer. Until then "Mrs Claus" does not deliver to "lazy naughty boys and girls".
You may want to add that it is likely his gift to be ensconced in BMs home and DH will never see it again.
That's exactly what I said. I
That's exactly what I said. I have never, ever seen a kid who needs so badly to feed the hungry and help the needy. I don't think there has ever been anything but entitlement instilled in this kid. Sad, really.
And you are right, BM's house is exactly where the computer would end up. We would surely never see it.
I found this post quite
I found this post quite triggering for some reason. Possibly because what these two lazy, screwed up bio parents are doing to their son is similar to what I've witnessed over the years in DH's family. The skids and their cousins are all in their twenties and thirties now. And all are screwed up takers, too.
I learned the most from what I DIDN'T get as a child. It helped me develop coping mechanisms and a sense of gratitude that continues to serve me well to this day.
Aside from the ridiculous price tag and the blithe entitlement, giving your SS that gaming system is no different than providing booze to an alcoholic or oxy to a drug addict. If he is to ever launch (ha ha), his parents need to pull their heads out and start pushing their pwecious towards the edge of the nest. And make sure you and your DH have a policy that NO kids can move back in, because as sure as Santa is coming, at some point BM is going to boot that stunted mooch and he'll want to move in with Daaady.
You're so right. My kids went
You're so right. My kids went without a lot when they were growing up. Every single one of them has come to me at one point or another and have said some version of "I wouldn't have wanted it any other way." They are all independent, caring people. Happy people.
I am definitely going to use the comparisons regarding the addictions you've given when we talk about this again. You're absolutely right. This kid admitted at the age of ten that he was addicted to video games, and he has been indulged, enabled, and provided for in every way possible. It's ridiculous.
My DH has always maintained that our kids could live with us (mine were grown when we got married). I was the one who said no to that (without stipulations, anyway...like having a job, etc.). But I know he will probably use that down the road to open the door to the mooching SS. I'm mentally prepared for that. My first grandbaby is on the way. It would take nearly nothing to make me move closer to that baby. DH knows it.
What he is wanting is an ASUS
What he is wanting is an ASUS Desktop PC G20CI Gaming Console. I said the very same thing about how he could ask for that big of a gift with a straight face. It blows my mind.
Your last line is really what sums this whole conversation up. That's exactly how I see it, too.
Rahrah what IS the name of
Rahrah what IS the name of this system?
In our house with 2 x spouses and a bunch of children. WE never ever ever went together and split the cost of gifts.
Bad bad idea.
JMO of course.
I don't like the idea of
I don't like the idea of splitting the gifts, but that just may be me.
What he is wanting is an ASUS Desktop PC G20CI Gaming Console.
Here's this link from last
Here's this link from last year regarding A Stepmom's Holiday Experience: https://www.steptalk.org/node/234233
No way for SM to win
Your husband agree with this
Your husband agree with this purchase?
For real?
Rahrah (love the name), what could the gifters *bm/dad* possibly gift next to out BEAT this one. You better hang on to every penny you earn or stash a huge amount of money. DH and BM will want to buy the boy a Cadillac Escapade for his 15th birthday.
Sure hope he spends that much on YOU this year.
Even parents who make a lot of money do NOT over indulge their kids at Christmas. Nothing good comes from it.
HEY Darling Husband I want a
HEY Darling Husband I want a 14day Cruise on Viking Cruises during the summer of 2018
You bet I would tell YOUR dh that if he was mine
He better deliver too.
Believe it or not, he would
Believe it or not, he would totally indulge me. That's part of the problem. He is sweet to a fault. He wants the people he loves to have what they want to have. But he sees the problems that arise from giving a child everything he wants already, so you'd think he would think about that.
One time, very early in our relationship, I had this talk with SS:
"SS, your dad is by far the sweetest person I have ever known. He loves you and I so much, he would give us anything we could ever want. But it's our job to show him love by not taking him up on every little offer."
SS laughed and said, "He just makes it so easy. He gives me whatever I ask for. If we go to the mall, I don't even have to say I want something; all I have to say is that something is cool, and he will get it for me."
This conversation was had because SS shows no empathy for anyone, and will take advantage of my DH's generosity. And the entire conversation took place on our back deck, with DH sitting right between us.
I think this sounds like a
I think this sounds like a fantastic idea!!! Of course, that's just me. His parents would most likely scoff, like he's supposed to get enjoyment from a gift, not work!! They would be appalled at the suggestion.
Good for your boy getting that scholarship, that is awesome!! I wish my SS was the least bit inspired for the future. Your son was lucky enough to have someone kick him off the couch and make him get a job. That will never happen here, at least until he graduates. Even then, I have my doubts. His parents still view him as the eight-year-old little boy he was when they divorced. It's like they stunted his growth in their own minds by divorcing.
I too, would like $1700 for
I too, would like $1700 for Christmas...could someone please get that for me?
Seriously, what sort of gaming system costs that much? Also, why would a teenager think he was entitled to that?!
That's the part I don't
That's the part I don't understand. Had one of my kids asked for something like that, I would have literally laughed out loud in their face and told them to get a freaking job. But this is a child who has been given what he wants constantly. So I guess I get it, to a point.
If his gifts go unloved
If his gifts go unloved anyways, get him what he really needs, is less costly, and can renew every year: a gym membership.
We took him to the gym with
We took him to the gym with us once. He complained the whole time. Sat like a lump. Wouldn't look around. He would never go.
I like the way you think.
Just like you, it doesn't
Just like you, it doesn't matter how much money or effort I've ever put into it, not one single thank you. SS also made the comments about how he wanted to hurry up and get to BM's so he could get back to his gifts.
If my DH decides on his own that he will take his own money to make sure this happens for SS, I will be pissed, but will also see it as a blessing. I will be removed from the contribution, not just this year, but every year to come. I will do exactly as you do from this point forward. If DH wants me to contribute, then he will stick by our budget.
Then there is the issue of
Then there is the issue of where said console resides... and if any damage comes to it who will pay or replace it etc. Not worth the hassle in my opinion. It's a lot of money for a christmas present.
It's a given that it would be
It's a given that it would be at BM's. I will give him credit, he does take care of his things. But if it did break, I would certainly not feel any obligation to fix it.
It's way too much for a Christmas present. Period.
Just say, "NO, NO, NO, NOT
Just say, "NO, NO, NO, NOT WITH OUR MONEY." It would encourage helping to raise a spoiled kid. Maybe having SS help out at the house and in the yard to earn money to pay for it himself. BM has some nerve requesting such an expensive gift. Good luck.
I was deemed to be hateful
I was deemed to be hateful when I expected SS to take his own things out of boxes in his room when we moved. It was literally about 15 minutes worth of work (clothes already on a hanger, games had to be put on shelves). DH told me we don't bring him here to work. :O I don't care...whatever he doesn't want to make SS do, DH gets to do.
I'm a grown woman with a good
I'm a grown woman with a good income of my own. There is no way I could justify to my husband spending 1700 bucks on a gaming computer, no matter how much I want one. And I do want one very much. But I'm doing things like paying bills, keeping food on the table, saving for the future. I'll live with a little lag and some less than optimal graphics settings.
Well, you sound like a
Well, you sound like a downright responsible adult!![Wink](https://prod-cdn-1.ststatic.com/sites/all/modules/contrib/smiley/packs/kolobok/wink.gif)
Suggest that the $1700 go
Suggest that the $1700 go toward his "launching" fund.
YAAAASSSSS!! Oh my gosh. Best
YAAAASSSSS!! Oh my gosh. Best idea ever.
$1700 for a single Christmas
$1700 for a single Christmas present for one kid is crazy. My parents are rich (7 figure income) and neither I nor my siblings ever asked for (or received) a $1700 Christmas present. My parents are generous, and we always receive nice gifts, but if I had asked for a $1700 gaming system they probably would have laughed at me.
I told my DH exactly this,
I told my DH exactly this, that even rich people don't buy their kids something that costs that much. They don't want them to grow up entitled. He says, "well a lot of them do..."
I thought we had settled on a monetary gift of $300. But DH and BM are still entertaining the thought. She told him just today that she found it cheaper at Best Buy. I looked on their website, it is $1599.99. The cheapest we had found it anywhere was $1625. So they got it knocked down a whopping $25. BM is loading SS up to take him to Best Buy to see what they can find out. This is ridiculous. And also not happening.
Yeah, I don't get basic
Yeah, I don't get basic respect, much less a thank you.
Reminds me of that one time my step daughter told me she got a $50 gift card to hot topic for her birthday but she couldn't spend it because no one would drive her to hot topic. I offered to drive her, only to realize she took that to mean I was also going to pay for her shopping spree. When we got to the check out counter, I looked at the total and said, "Okay, that much, minus your gift card should be...." and she looks at me, blinks, and says, "Oh, I didn't bring the gift card." I asked her to put some things back but still paid for the rest.
She didn't say thank you. She went home and texted pictures to her mom. Her mom then texted my husband saying I was a loser because I spent all that money on regular clothes when she was in need of a school uniform.
Couple years ago, I brought
Couple years ago, I brought my Sony PS3 to let the kids have a game console to play. STBSS would get frustrated and throw the controller, and has ALL ALONG complained INCESSANTLY about my console (while calling it HIS console). A lot of "looking the gift horse in the mouth," for sure.
This year, DW said she wanted to get this kid the latest, newest PS4 because "he is really struggling with the PS3." Ha, no kidding? After throwing the controller, after all this time of not turning it off properly and all that?? So I said, "Go for it..."
She shopped too late, I guess, and couldn't find one. I feel silly for White Knighting this, but I looked and ordered, and he'll have it. My main thing is I want him to give me mine back, with all the accessories, and I'll go sell or trade it. Then he'll have his to mess up. I'm sure DW will want to say it's from "us" or "Java got it for you," but TBH, NO. HELLNO. I will say it's from DW, and only her, because:
1. He'll treat it better than if it came from me.
2. He won't complain about the console when it's his poor skills or his scratched up disks BECAUSE his mom got it for him.
3. If he complains, SHE will know the frustration I have had the past couple of years when he messes up and then complains about MY stuff.
4. I've given too much to this ungrateful little goof already.
5. This whiny chump doesn't deserve something this nice; it was her decision, and she'll get to revel in the joys of feeling the pinch from an ungrateful kid.
6. This will be THE LAST TIME I do something nice like this, and I will cite this time as the last straw.