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crying screaming brats

alwaysthought's picture

so i very nicely get woken up this morning to the 2 skids running screaming and chasing eachother down the very small hallway. when i go to the kitchen to get a coffee and a smoke (which may i add i was supposed to quit in july when my own children were at their dads) (and now im just way too stressed out to quit) i ask the oldest who is 6, why were you running and screaming around the house, his response with a very lovely f u attitude was "i was not" like im frikken stupid or something. the past 2 nights ive eatin dinner in my bedroom by myself because i do not wish to be around his children that eat like supreme animals even after telling them that they need to sit nice and chew with their mouths closed and not eat like they are in jail, (the son eats so fast)

i am now starting my anti anxiety meds again as i dont know what else to do. i am not happy with these tyrants here. i have expressed this to my bf as well as stating i dont even feel welcome in my own home and that i want to leave. i feel like this milf babysitter that doesnt get paid. i shouldnt have to feel like this in my own home. we have recentely moved and so there are a few boxes downstairs with odds and ends and my bio childrens baby pics, so yesterday i find the ONLY professional pics of my youngest daughter and they are all colored on.... my bf literally had no response for his children doing this. i have told him countless times now in the past week and a half that they have no respect for anyone elses things but their own and im so sick of this. /

am i out of line? i said no more coloring. that seemed like a reasonable punishment... if my own children did this... oh my lucky stars... lol but wait! my own children HAVE RESPECT.... thats right, i have raised my bio children to respect things... :? :? :? :?

just tired's picture

ROFLMAO! "put a little jesus loves you and so do I lesson on their butt cheeks"..............too freakin' hilarious!

alwaysthought's picture

lol i just feel like because they arent my bio children i shouldnt be yelling. he doesnt yell at my kids so why should i yell at his...

alwaysthought's picture


ya,apparently it was art time or something........ i am soooo not doing this... im so stressed out...

DeeDeeTX's picture

If they're not given consequences they aren't going to listen. Not eating right at the dinner table? Ok, you get taken from the table and set in your room for ten minutes. Misbehave again? Ok, your dinner is taken away and you get nothing else to eat that night but plain bread and water. Yelling and screaming by itself usually doesn't do jack.

baseballgirly's picture

Discipline doesn't belong to the person that is closest, but you can still do something about it! If I saw SOs kids doing something that needed to be addressed, I would say something to them immediately. I would then go to SO and tell him to deal with it. He does and the skids learn that they can't get away with anything in our house even if it's me that sees it. SO and I have come a very long way in him reacting to when I say they need discipline. There has to be respect between you and your DH so that he takes your concerns seriously.

My SOs kids also eat like hippos. That is the reason I don't cook for them or eat with them anymore. Both of those boys eat waaaaay too fast and also chew with their mouths open and carry on full conversations. SO does try to correct them, but since it's already a formed habit (it's easy to assume this is how they do it their BMs) it's a lot of reminding on SOs part with little improvement. What I would like to see him do, is send whichever kid is the offending kid at the time to a separate room to eat alone when their disgusting eating habits continue. They need to learn to recognize that they are doing it. I haven't mentioned that part to SO because I know he'll think that's too extreme since his kids are only here every second weekend anyway. But if you point it out and make it a bigger deal than they think it is, they are more likely to correct the issue. So far it's not a big deal to have a parent point at their closed mouths... so they don't pay much attention. After SO points at his own closed mouth, the kid chews with his mouth shut until the next bite. Sending a kid away for a meal isn't too harsh and it will get the point across.

alwaysthought's picture

ya i dont really have a say... he is at work all day so i text him everything that happens, and give full report when he gets home (which isnt soon enough) and all that happens is they go to their rooms till dinner. and then he apparently has a "talk" with them. so i tell him just now what has happend in the short hour that ive been awake and he makes me feel like a frikken bag of poop. "ill send them home tonight" like really?!?!? how about you just take responsibility and beat the snot outta them lol. no i dont want that at all, but really, take some effin responsibility and ground them for the day while your at work so i dont have to deal with this crap. i was supposed to be starting my apprenticeship this month but instead im sitting 2 skids... that i cant effin stand

DeeDeeTX's picture

It's not fair for you to watch them all day with no ability to discipline them. Heck, daycare workers are at least allowed to give timeouts. Your husband is treating you worse than a daycare worker.

alwaysthought's picture

id take away a prized possession except they just started coming around and they only brought a blankey and teddy for the month... they dont really have toys here that they are attached to. and i dont wanna take away the security blankey or teddy.. seems kinda hitler-ish... no?

alwaysthought's picture

oh how effin lovely....... now the 5 yr old skid colors all over her legs and says her brother did it, right after i said NO COLORING! wtf!!!!!!!! shes now laying in her bed... i just told daddyo to get his A$$ home cuz i aint playin babysitters club anymore

ownedbypedro's picture're terrific!! This site has been a BLESSING in my life - and a few of you here are just AMAZING and I wish you lived next door (without your skids, LOL)!!!

tiredandfrustrated's picture

Put your foot down and set rules. With them and their dad. You shouldn't be treated like this. I hate to say it, but if nothing changes, even your anxiety meds won't help. Trust me, I've been there.

Disneyfan's picture

Did you speak to BF about putting them in camp?

If dad's answer to everything is "I'll just send them home", say ok and pack their stuff.

tiredandfrustrated's picture

I really like this idea. It will make him realize you aren't going to tolerate it.

smdh's picture

First, throw all crayons and markers in the trash bin. Hide all pens and pencils. Take their teddy's. If they weren't attached, it wouldn't be effective. I always take the very favorite thing when SD pisses me off.