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deadbeat mom always getting away!

BabyGirl2005's picture

my DH ex went to court today and what do ya know they give her ANOTHER continuance!!! she has not had a job in over two years and hasnt even attempted to find one..every time she does have court she brings in "proof" of applications but never gets work with any of them..idk is it cuz shes a woman? idk anymore and im losing faith in the system! it pisses me off..shes a fat ho that lives off state assistance, hasnt seen her two kids in almost two years and even sent my DH an email from facebook today bragging that she didnt go to jail..what a *itch! she also has a convicted druggie as a bf too..some black guy in his 20's that has coke charges..i know what a winner right! last payment she sent in for her girls was 10 bucks the last 3 months and it isnt even her own money its either her moms or friends that feel bad for the skank..why does it go like this??? we are busting our asses taking care of these kids and the lovely state of nebraska keeps letting her DH will call child support tomorrow and find out what happened but i think its f*ckin bs!!!!!!!!! do women like her EVER get what they deserve?! then i saw her fb posts and they were so negative saying how all exs need to die and how people need to leave her alone or there will be hell to pay..she has gotten away with so much for so long she thinks she is untouchable..idk anymore is she cuz it sure as hell seems like it! then on one of her postings her bf posted how my DH was a *aggot that needed to leave his gf alone and that he wanted to beat my DH head in..only reason he is mad at my DH is cuz my DH wrote him an email asking him to have his ex contact him to discuss an issue with one of the kids..ever since then her bf has been making snide remarks and threats..i even wrote him and told him to back off and stop threatening my husband and he wrote me back saying i need to shut up and *uck off and quit writing strangers or else i can get my *ss wooped.. would there really be any reason to turn this loser into cops since my husband started the conversation?? it just all pisses me off badly cuz it just seems like people like her and him get EVERYTHING handed to them and do their drugs and all and never ever get caught and lie to the state and get all this assistance and here we are a single income family and im raising her kids my husband has custody of and our just irritated with it cuz we get hardly anything in food stamps for a family of five and dont even qualify for anything else other than medicaid and she brags about how she gets utility assistance and rent assistance and food stamps and god knows what serioulsy! ughhh so irritated at people like her and her nasty bf! oh and fyi his DH ex was only ordered to pay 75.00 a month and has back child support total 2,045..would a man get away with being that far behind and not ever seeing jail i dont think so! only time she went to jail was once in 2010 and was supposed to be for 30 days but she only served 25 then was out and while incarcerated refused to work with the work release program..ughhhhhh so *ucking frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what the hell is the court system thinking?!?!?!?!?!!?!!

stepsonhatesme's picture

My state isnt much better (ohio). My XH was ordered to pay $432 for 3 kids each month. He had it lowered to just over $200. He is well over $47,000 (actually closer to $48,000) and he has only served 30 days total. he is facing 90 but somehow I think he will get out of it just like he always does. Mind you this has been going on for a almost 14 YEARS!!
Good Luck!