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The Detente ends-Evil SD 13 redux

used_to_be_blonde's picture

After joining this forum a while back I was so grateful to find others that were experiencing the same feelings.
So thanks to all of you for sharing and caring.
And thing got MUCH better.
I learned : to keep my mouth shut.
DH is never going to say "You're right! I am much too consumed with guilt to make the right parenting decisions.
SD is never going to say "Oh yeah, I am much better off to help around the house and keep my room botulism free".

But then things started coming up missing. Makeup, clothing etc. I didn't say anything cause I am always losing things. Then her GM said she had some Victoria Secret items and said I had given them to her. So know I knew. I tell husband and he is resolved he is going in there to punish her. Instead she lays on the guilt- the kids at school call her fat (she is almost 300#) ; she feels bad about the divorce, etc. etc.
She snows him and he falls for it. So I open my big mouth. I tell her the next time I catch her in a big lie, or stealing -or any big mess up- I am going to her school and will tell her teachers. I'll make sure everyone knows about her problems.
Maybe that will deter her more than the 2 days without TV that Dad punished her with!!

used_to_be_blonde's picture

Her response - her mouth dropped open and she said nothing. Then she ran to him to tell!!

DH sd he was handling it and I said then you should have remembered our talk about how you were not going to let her come to you with "SM said this, SM did that". There was to be no more reporting on me.
Oh he said. I forgot.
I just couldn't keep my mouth shut this time. I did not like the way he was handling it.