Dh has no ballz
So fed up with dh ex wife. She is a poor excuse for a mom. Selfish and thinks the world revolves around her. Plus when she says jump or anything DH does "cuz its for the kids " ....help how do i get my husband's balls in my court and not hers.
HATE TO SAY IT, BUT GOOD FUCKING LUCK!!!!! Men all act so fucking ridiculously helpless, its BULLSHIT!! Search the comments here..... they'll all agree MEN SUCK FUCKING ASS when it comes to breaking up with stupid X-CUNTS!!!! Sorry, SUPER BAD issues tonight with the X, feeling horrible, need a friend, OH, YA gave the, all up for DH.... apperently, I'm a stupid CUNT also......
Sorry...wish my DH would just tell his X to fuck off, you stupid bitch
Wish mine would put her in
Wish mine would put her in her place and tell her to grow up and be a mom. And i tell him to stop kissing her ass and he says hes not. Everything he does is only for the boys...that's getting old. Then he expects me to be a mom and do things for tyem that their bm should.
Yep. Until he's ready to be
Yep. Until he's ready to be in possession of his balls again there's not much you can do. How much are you willing to put up with until if and when he's interested in standing up to her and realizing who's approval he should really be worried about?
Great Oral Sex. Seriously,
Great Oral Sex. }:)
Seriously, you need to make a stand. My DH knew I wouldn't tolerate it before we ever got close to serious. You need to make it clear you won't tolerate being second rate. THEN, act on it. I point blank told DH, he was not going to keep both BM and I happy at the same time. He had a choice to make does he keep me happy - the one who treats him well (see above
) or does he keep BM happy - who he wasn't able to keep happy for the last 4 years? I won't stay in a relationship I am not happy in nor will i ever be a sister wife.
I have set my expectations
I have set my expectations and it seems as though he toes the line. But i like the comment that he cant keep her and i happy at the same time. BM has a boytoy but acts totallt different when hes around. If hes with her she flat out ignores us if not she tried to talk and flirt with my dh. And i told him no more. Maybe ill tell him to get his ballz back.
My bfs ex got his balls in
My bfs ex got his balls in the divorce and she's not giving them back. He's too weak to ask, so there he stands neutered. He lost her and me. He has his kids though.. and is in ballless bliss.
You must tell your husband to
You must tell your husband to stand up to his ex wife. They are divorced. He must respect your wishes.