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DH needs a Jethro Gibbs head slap *SS6's ridiculous public behavior*

Auberry2's picture

We attended an impromptu baseball game last night. DH had received four tickets to the game as a safety prize at work and we decided it would be fun to take a spontaneous trip to the ball park. So, we all pile into the car and head out. BS9 had been to a ball game before and was super excited. SS6 had never been but seemed excited for his first game.

I should have known things were not going to go well when SS6 threw a crying hissy fit, punching himself in the leg, because he didn't like the color car I told he and BS9 to look for on the way to the ball park. We were trying to play a car game to make the hour drive less boring, and I was having the boys look for certain color cars, as soon as they found one we moved on to the next color. An innocent enough game, until I announced purple and SS6 lost it because it was somehow unfair to SS6 specifically to choose a purple car. He felt because there was a car dealership on BS9's side of the car that BS9 had an unfair advantage, regardless of the fact that the dealership was soon passed and BS9 then had nothing but cows to see on his side of the window.

We get to the ball park and all seems well, we take the kids to the bathroom before we sit down, get our seats, and prepare to watch the game. It all went down hill from here. SS6 wouldn't remain in his seat, he was constantly climbing all over DH, talking about everything but the game, crying to go to the bathroom, complaining that he was bored, you name it. He would move from flopping all over his chair to sitting in DH's lap, to hanging from DH's neck or shoulders, hanging off DH's knees. The poor man sitting in front of him kept getting knocked in the head as SS6 climbed around, at one point SS6 fell on him, and SS6 kept screaming right in his ear when he would pitch a fit. That man must have all the patience of Job, because he was just as friendly as could be and never complained even though he was very nearly as much SS6's personal jungle gym as DH was. And through it all DH just sits there, ever now and again fussing at SS6 to be still and hush, making empty threats.

a little over half way through the game I couldn't take it anymore and let DH have it, telling him that it wasn't fair to anyone remotely near us to have to endure the misbehavior of SS6, especially the poor man in front of him, and that we needed to leave because it wasn't right to keep subjecting people to this. Surprisingly enough, DH didn't argue, and we left, but SS6 commenced to screaming and crying all the way from our seats to the car because it wasn't fair that we were making him leave.

DH explained to him that we were leaving because of his behavior and if he had wanted to stay he should have straightened up. Of course, SS6 just got mad and everything was everyone elses fault. SS6 is also on work duty today and tomorrow because of the behavior.

I just get so tired of SS6's behavior in public and DH's apparent tolerance of it. He does this anytime we go somewhere. We are prisoners to his behavior and he knows it. And DH sits there and says "Oh, he is only six years old, oh, it isn't his fault his BM and I never took him anywhere when he was little, oh, he is tired," and so on, and so on. There is always an excuse. DH reacted more strongly last night than he ever has, he even admitted that he was embarrassed, which is a huge thing because he never admits that. I was mortified and wish I could have worn a mask out of the building.

I swear, DH needs the V8 head pop or something.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I get this all the time about my SD6. "She's only 6. She can't control herself."

It's come in REAL handy a few times lately. I was getting ready to take my DD9 to a couple of consignment stores yesterday, and SD6 asked if she could go. Her dad said that she would have to ask me. I said "Absolutely not. We'll DD will be trying on clothes and you know SD6 is only 6 years old. She can't control herself. She'll have to stay here with you."

I also refuse to take her to the pool because she doesn't follow instructions. Her mom has convinced her that she doesn't have to listen to me, so she doesn't. Which is fine. I just don't take her anywhere. EVER.

RedWingsFan's picture

Yep, I've used it too! DH said "she's just a kid" a few too many times. I learned to use it to my advantage when she'd want to tag along...NOPE, she's "just a kid" - this isn't for her Smile

Anne Boleyn's picture

I used that on YSD once. She was asked by FDH to clean up her mess and she threw a fit saying "You're treating me like I am 18. I am just a littttle kiiiiid". I piped up from my office "Little kids go to bed early. It's 10PM. Take your little kid self off to sleep!"

simifan's picture

Next time DH needs to take skid to the car so you and BS can enjoy the rest of the game. At least then he'd have something to throw a hissy fit about.

Step-Volgirl's picture

I told SD9 last weekend that if she continued to talk like a baby, then she might *really* be treated like a baby. That means no hot dogs or popcorn as they are choking hazards. No sodas. Milk and baby juice only. No TV, ipod or computer time.
SD was horrified!!

OP, I feel sorry for your BS9. He behaved properly and got punished! I don't see that you had any better options, but it still stinks for him! Until SS gets under control, think about driving separately if possible, so that your DH can leave with SS, while you and BS9 enjoy the rest of the event. SD9 had a rough time at an Easter Party we attended. Last weekend, we attended an event with the same family, and I told DS11 and SD9 that if they misbehaved, I would be taking them to my mom's house. They each got 1 warning, but that was all they needed!

jumanji's picture

The option was for Dad to take the 6yo out, and wait outside of the ballpark until the game was over so that OP and 9yo could enjoy the rest of the game.