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DH turned 65 today.

emotionaly beat up's picture

The day is over, DH fast asleep at 65 in Australia he can now if he wishes to retire and collect an aged pension. It's a big birthday, a milestone in his life. Now let me see, who acknowledged this, myself, my three children, their husbands, and my 4 grandchildren as well as a couple of friends I invited along to the dinner.

No phone calls, emails, texts or cards from his father, his sisters, his cousins, his 3 adult children or his 3 grandchildren, one of whom is 15 and has his own mobile. Nothing, not one member of his blood family has acknowledged this day.

As he lies here beside me sleeping I wonder, does he see it yet. Will he ever see it. The people he almost destroyed his marriage for, the daughter he defended and lied for in a desperate bid to make her like him, didn't care enough to mark this day.

I think of the years of hell he put me through for this woman,this exhaulted daughter, the apple of his eye. This woman who 5 years ago refused to attend his 60th has excelled herself and refused to acknowledge this birthday also.

He has brought all of this on himself, I know that. He has acted like a fool for these kids of his, and they have treated him accordingly. I can't help but feel sorry for him. I can't understand the depth of their hate, or their lack of conscience. But I thank God I raised my children with respect and taught them to be respectful. My husband did it the old Italian way,with conditional love. He gave them everything, he spoilt them, he taught them no manners, no respect. He taught them they were special, entitled. And they behave that way.

I wait now to see if he gets it. If he sees them for what they are.

To all you guilty dads who are afraid to say no in case your children stop talking to you, won't see you anymore. Who allow them to rule the roost. Who meet their every demand for fear of losing them. Who allow them to treat your wife like dog poo in the soles of their feet. This is the thank you you will get in your old age. But worse still, the woman who stood by you for years and suffered the hurt and humiliation of your children's rudeness without any support from you, and suffered even more from you because no matter what your kids did, you somehow managed to twist it to make it your wife's fault, well you will have lost her to. She may be lying there beside you, but the reality is, you have lost more than you will ever know.

dadsnewwife's picture

I agree...perfectly written. Happy Birthday to your dh! But, how sad for him as well.

Unfortunately, the very reasons you wrote are the very things my dh doesn't like about my own children and has said as much which is why they don't like him. I, as their mother, put their feelings always before my own and my ex's and now, as adults, they have no respect for me or my dh. It's hard. I had to cut one loose earlier this year and told her until she COULD treat me and dh has family as she does her father and his wife, then we were "nothing". I haven't seen her since. She has her issues with me in regards to dh (stating I chose HIM over my own children), but my older daughters AND my youngest are more mature and, although they probably don't respect me, I do know they still love me and care about me. Dh said I didn't "parent" them and I'm paying now. His kids on the other hand ARE more respectful even though they all have mental issues and haven't amounted to anything. As long as I know my kids love me though, it's enough.

I would think your dh would be grateful he has you and yours.

Merry's picture

"He has acted like a fool for these kids of his, and they have treated him accordingly."

I love this. Describes my DH perfectly.

sbm014's picture

This is sad - my dad and I have many issues and have had estrangements but no matter what I made sure a Christmas card, or Birthday card showed up at his vet clinic, or home depending on what address I had. I didn't always call but always tried to at least show that some thought for that time was made.

shenanigans's picture

You left me speechless...beautifully written

Cocoa's picture

so sad and touching. he may never realize what his blood family really is, but I pray he knows what a jewel he married.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Thank you so much Cocoa. Thank you to all of you. I posted in the hope of stopping even one more parent thinking that taking second place to their child and expecting your wife /husband to sit back and be nothing in your life because your life is already full with your desire to please your child, is going to turn out well in the end. But your responses have actually made 'ME' feel a little better. It was a really sad day. Behind everyone's smiles was the knowkedge that for his 65th birthday his entire family gave him what they had been giving me for years, they ignored, insulted, isolated, and humiliated him. It was truly hard getting through that day, watching him pick up his phone from time to time to check it, and I hoped others might save themselves from this. But I have gotten a lot out of it. The compassion and support of total strangers, the milk of human kindness. All of your responses have been truly comforting. Thank you.