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Divorce was final on Nov7 and I'm sooooo happy except for one thing.....

Hatecopycats's picture

Divorce was final on Nov 7th it went without a hitch. Of course why wouldn't, when I gave DH money just to go away and not fight me on it.

Anyway, he got paid and I got...well....nothing except holding on to my bookies and my health insurance until Dec31. Since DH is still having treatment from his stem cell transplant the deductible was met over the summer so there is no co pay or cost for scripts....not one PENNY!!

He had agreed that when the new enrollment period started on Jan 1 st my kids and I would just drop off and nothing had to be done.

So he got cash and I got health insurance for an extra 7 weeks...or so I thought.

I get a letter in the mail on Nov 9th from Aetna that my kids and I were taken off as of Nov 7th. I called and they confirmed that ex DH had FaXED them the divorce decree on the very day of the divorce and asked for me and my kids to be taken off!!!

I have to say it's probably one of the most hurtful things done to me....

Here is why...let me give you some background....

DH was dx with leukemia 3 weeks after we were married...yes 3 weeks......we spent the next 90 days living in a hospital. He underwent chemo, radiation, and a stem cell transplant. Not a great way to start off a marriage!!!

We left the hospital and I took care of him for the next yr...he couldn't drive, needed help to the bathroom, and was constancy vomiting and not in the toilet....I was exhausted from all the care I gave him.

Even when he got better he had issues so he didn't work for 2 years...I financially supported all of us. He did disability but most of that went to child support.

Add in his ex wife taking us to court for more money ( it didn't happen obviously ) but I still had to pay the atty 8 k for it.

Add to it his horrible kids ages 21, 18, 16 and 13 and the three oldest have been PASed out from the moment he stopped working due to them not being able to use him as an ATM machine.

He went back to work full-time in June as always problems with BM and skids....the last straw was when his 13 and mine bio 14 got in a fight. dH stuck up for his kid when he shouldn't have.

The same week of the fight his 13 yr took a good towel of my towel rack and wiped his ass on it and threw it in the bath tub....his explanation was he didn't know there was toilet paper in the bathroom cabinet!!!
He also that same week spit peppermint candies on my carpet because he " didn't " like them.

I went completely psycho!!! I told DH if he didn't get his shit together regarding his kid we were exact words were " going through another week like this with your son and your failure to parent is unimaginable to me"

With that statement he said " ok, I think we should split up" he left the next day......

My point in all this to try to explain why I'm really bitter aboutnthe health insurance. didn't cost him a freaking penny and he gave me his word he was not taking us off.

We have had no contact and I like it that way so I never texted him or confronted him about it....but I have to say it was really low rent on his part.

At the end of the day I try to look at it like this......he showed his true colors and I am SO relieved to be done with him, his illness, his horrible kids and the low life ex wife.

I should add that basically through out the while marriage we didn't have sex except on rare occasion...maybe once every few months and even that wasn't good.....I literally got not a damn thing out of the marriage but he fared pretty damn well.

Oh well...I've learned a great deal.

Sorry to vent.....I'm still pissed about the insurance.

Redsonya's picture

Wow!! I am so sorry - you are an amazing person and believe me, it will come back to you some day. My husband died of cancer after only two months so I can imagine what kind of stress, sadness, and labor you went through for a year, only to have him treat you like that. He deserves a good kick in the ass, I would usually have a hard time saying that about a cancer patient. Good luck to you and your family:)

emotionaly beat up's picture

I understand that I do not know enough about how the insurance system works in USA (assuming that is where you are from. I do however understand it is a huge deal over there. However, if yhou can cope for the 7 weeks and get re-insured somewhere I would think let the rotten swine have the seven weeks you have your freedom and your kids will be much happier. Cheap at twice the price. I hope this insurance thing has not made it too dificult for you, sounds like you've been through quite enough.

emotionaly beat up's picture

I understand that I do not know enough about how the insurance system works in USA (assuming that is where you are from. I do however understand it is a huge deal over there. However, if yhou can cope for the 7 weeks and get re-insured somewhere I would think let the rotten swine have the seven weeks you have your freedom and your kids will be much happier. Cheap at twice the price. I hope this insurance thing has not made it too dificult for you, sounds like you've been through quite enough.

topcat's picture

no matter the situation... you stuck in there and that makes you a wonderful person. im sure its hard to let go after you put so much in it but when your not getting anything in return its so much better in the end to be alone and not have the disrespect from him or his kids and ex. HOW RUDE! as the other comments say... their right when they say you will get your happy soon!!!! you deserve it!! As for the insurance i know its hard but you cant control him and what the jerk does but you can move on and start thiinking about your family. Smile and i promise it will all be ok. Smile