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Does anyone else's IL's call and tell you what to buy darling SK's

littlemommy's picture

I am becoming more and more convinced mine eat paint chips daily. First off a couple weeks ago MIL called and told us SD (3.5) "needed" a Barbie Princess Jeep Power Wheels, and supposedly we could get one for $80, yeah right, those things are $249 at the low end. So I nicely told her if she wanted SD to have one so damn bad to buy it themselves. Of course they don't have the money to do that tho and it is perfectly reasonable to ask us to drop nearly $300 on a toy she will play with maybe 4-5 times a month :?

So that was settled, then today MIL calls again. She has now found a Barbie Princess bike with training wheels (is it just me or does that Barbie Princess junk look like trailer trash at it's finest?). Secondly the kid is a small 3.5 yr old, isn't she a touch small for a bike? It is only $60, which is still too much IMO, WTF is the point in buying all this junk when she never plays with it? I am so sick of MIL calling and telling us this, she has NEVER ONCE called and told us we should get this that or the other for our son, it's just ALL ABOUT SD as usual, it's bad enough we have to shell out $375 a month for her, shouldn't that cover toys too?

Optimistic Soon to Be Step Mom's picture

She is too young for a bike. My SS is 5 1/2 and can barely ride his. Tell MILs you and DH are going to choose a gift for her--they are beeing obnoxious telling you how and what to spend your money on!! No way would my MILs tell me how to spend my money and would smile politely then laugh about it with DH later

asheeha's picture

no my inlaws don't do this. They know we are more informed on what they need and will play with. She is intrusive. Try to find a nice way to tell her to butt out! Don't have any suggestions at the moment.

As for if a 3.5 yr old can learn to ride a bike, the answer is yes. I lived on a tiny island in the middle of the ocean, 3.5 miles long .5 mile wide. We rode bikes for transportation everywhere. My sister was 3 at the time riding her little bike without training wheels. There were lots of little children doing it.

branmuffin97's picture

My kids had their training wheels off before they started yes, a bike it very appropriate for a 3.5 yo. However, I find the thought of an inlaw dictating purchases HIGHLY inappropriate...and remember, we teach people how to treat us to let her know that she is out of line...asap.

planningMyEscape's picture

They should NOT be doing that. Maybe you should turn the tables and call them up and tell them what to buy for the kid. If she "needs" these items, they can buy them for her...I can't believe anyone would call up another person and tell them what to buy their own kid.

That being said, I think a small bike is an appropriate gift for a 3.5 year old. My son got one a few months before he turned 4 and he loved it.

Bex_S's picture

Fortunately my in-laws know better than to stick their noses in our business and tell us what to do with our kids. I'd understand if maybe the child had specifically asked for that gift and they were simply passing on that message, but if they were dictating to you what gifts to buy your child, then that's out of order.

Thisisnotus's picture

why don't they just buy it? My MIL drives me bonkers and is sooooooo instrusive...but she doesn't do that.

Kes's picture

I couldn't be doing with MIL calling me about this kind of thing - I would just tell her straight - DON'T do it any more!  I am not interested in what YOU think we should buy for SD.  But then I'm probably biased because I went no contact with my obnoxious MIL over a year ago, and don't have to listen to her narcissistic clap trap any more. 

Siemprematahari's picture

My In-Laws never did that and if they did I'd shut it down right than and there. Every time she calls simply say NO, with no explanation whatsoever. If she calls again to make a "suggestion" I'd have your H kindly tell her to stop and if she feels the child needs it urgently, she can feel free to make the purchase herself.

momjeans's picture

yeah right, those things are $249 at the low end. So I nicely told her if she wanted SD to have one so damn bad to buy it themselves.

OMG, yes. I love you.

Fight fire with fire. They “want” or “need” something for said child? Then by all means THEY should buy it. The end. 

sunshinex's picture

Haha, my MIL has tried stuff like this. She'll say something like "SD says she doesn't have XYZ *insert sad face* why not?" and we're like ummm because she doesn't need to have EVERYTHING - she has lots of toys and stuff to play with, but thanks for the concern. 

flmomma08's picture

Well if it’s a smaller bike or tricycle it should be fine for her age. My daughter is the same age and loves riding a tricycle or a small bike with training wheels. However that is for her parents to decide, not the in laws. I don’t even answer MILs calls anymore because it’s always some bs. Let your DH deal with her.