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Nothing like Xmas to bring out the guilty daddy

littlemommy's picture

I am so pissed I am almost shaking. DH after seeing the queen herself for the first time in 4 months he comes home and announces that for Xmas he wants to buy her some Barbie Princess Jeep Power wheel. Now I know good and well that his idiot parents came up with this and told him he should get it for her bc he would never think of that on his own. On top of that he tells me that "his mom says they're only like $80"

Umm yeah I looked up the stupid things (that the kid will play with at his mom's house maybe 1x a month) and they are $250. He calls mommy dearest back and tells her and she says to "keep looking bc SD NEEDS one". So what does he do, he tells me to go online and search for one. Not gonna happen bub.

paul_in_utah's picture

Christmas - ah, memories!

I've been disengaged from SD17 for a while, so I don't have to worry about getting her anything anymore. However, it wasn't always that way. One year, back in the early days when DW and I were engaged in the toy "arms race" with SD's bio-daddy, the hot toy was a life-size Barbie doll. Of course, SD just **had** to have it. DW and I ran ourselves ragged looking for one of those damned things, checking every Wal*Mart, Target, and Toys 'R Us within 150 miles of our house. We finally found one when a worker bee at Toys 'R Us tipped us off about an incoming shipment. I staked out the store, and grabbed one of the dolls when it first came off the truck. After taxes, it cost over 180 bucks, and that was 10 years ago!

When Christmas finally arrived, we gave the doll to SD, and she played with it for about 15 minutes. After that, she went to her "perfect" bio-daddy's for his Christmas visitation. When she came back, she was no longer interested in the Barbie, and never played with it again. In fact, she later became "scared" of it, and drew a prison tatoo on its neck. I was fucking pissed! We spent countless hours looking for that piece of shit, plus $180 bucks, and it was all forgotten after being suffesed with the angelic glow of her bio-daddy. Even after all of these years, I really wish that I could get my time and money back!

the_stepmonster's picture

Don't get me started on the American Girl doll DH overpaid for and even paid for next-day shipping so that his princess wouldn't have to wait for it to arrive. I saw it the day we gave it to her and never again since.

littlemommy's picture

SD could get lots of ideas for prison tattoos from her BM, she has loads of klassy home made tat's to up her street cred yo Blum 3

If he gets one cheap we should put the little stickers on it to make it look like it got shot up lol, it would fit right in with BM's crowd!

bearcub25's picture

OMG! Did she wear shorts to school cause that would get you kicked out in a NY minute here.

liks's picture

haha..this is funny...

Ide be looking up the prices but Ide be only going on to ebay for this sort of stuff?

them things just take up space in the back yard and start to make your house look messy Wink

And, why dont mommy dearest buy the barbie jeep for her beloved grand daughter?

littlemommy's picture

Actually when DH was on the phone with mommy dearest I yelled that 'why didn't SHE just get it since it'll stay at their house and since they want it so bad'. I'm positive she heard me }:) I totally don't give a crap anymore they can hate me as much as they want.

burned out mom of 2's picture

Just wait until your SD gets older. Last year, my SD made a list for us and one request was for a gerbil. The other was for an iPhone. She was 9.