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At the end of my rope

Prayder's picture

I need help....... I have been married for 7 years and my wife has two children from a previous marriage and we have one 4yr old together. The problem is that I cant stand my step son. He is 13 and lazy, selfish and extremely self-absorbed. My step daughter is cool and have no trouble with her. I don't know why I have such an issue with him. He doesnt get in trouble at school. He is a straight A student taking all AP classes. He's not burning down our house or hanging out with the wrong people. Over all he is a really good kid..... but I cant stand him. My wife and her ex trade off weeks with the kids all year around. so we get them every other week. The lifestyles at our house and their fathers house are very different. At our house the kids have chores, a bedtime, certain things we do... like praying before our meals going to church and so forth. At their dads house they pretty much do what they want. We limit their video game time and tv time. We hang out with them and go do things, play games, go to the park etc. Their dad puts them downstairs in the finished basement at his house and they watch as much tv as they want and play video games as long as they want. Even though our step son has seizures at times his dad doesnt seem to be that concerned with it. I know we are not perfect by any stretch of the imagination........and I dont know why I feel this way about my stepson.....and I am extremely tired of feeling this way about him.... How can I resolve this?

myspoonistoobig's picture

Counseling. Otherwise all of that, however bothersome, sounds pretty normal.

He is 13 remember, so he probably has an asshole switch.

Cocoa's picture

to get over this, you have to know WHY you don't like him. only then can it be fixed. lazy, selfish, self-absorbed is pretty typical teenage behavior. i hope your ss and wife doesn't see your dis-like. nobody says you have to like/love your skids, but you do have to have a certain amount of tolerance and respect for the mother/son relationship. do you and your wife present a united front to ALL the children?