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Entitlement/Responsible article from yesterday?

onebright1's picture

Remember that being posted? Well I copied the link and put it on my facebook. Apparently BM is still stalking my facebook via one of my friends, because she is blocked and so are all the skids, but here is what she sent to SO
It's funny how you can go to google type in what ever issue it is that you have an find an article written by some jackass whom wouldn't know his head from his ass about parenting! And you reading it doesn't make you an expert!
I thought the article was well written by an expert and I agree with it and want to make sure my BD8 doesnt end up with the entitled kid attitude. BM must think that the writer is wrong? No wonder SKids are the way they are. She is also an entitled bitch. Uses the "I gave birth to these girls" all the time to try to get what she thinks is owed to her for giving birth.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

wrong post