facebook and the x-factor
Just found out that the BM has pics of her ex (my fiance) with their bio kids on Facebook from a couple of yrs ago-that she recently put up, along with photos of her current boyfriend and other men she cheated with while still married.
Am I losing it here or do others think that this is distasteful, disrespectful, extremely bold, tacky & disgusting to say the VERY least? I cant imagine why she had to even put her ex' picture among those pics...especially after everything she has done to him. Any insight?
Crazy ex's...maybe that's her
Crazy ex's...maybe that's her "little black book"...disgusting? Yes. Anything you can do about it? No. Sadly, our DHs married crazy women and divorced them because they couldn't handle them anymore...instead, we now have to live with their pathetic choices.
All I can say is DISENGAGE...I hate his ex...she is a sl#$%#$t...It makes me sick to my stomach to know my DH was with this crazy...I just ignore, ignore, ignore...period. Then again, I never see her and she doesn't have our number, so she can't harass us anymore.
Herewegoagain, Good point
Good point about the 'little black book' as sickening as that is. I guess with technology the black book is much more visual nowadays.
Wow, sounds like we have a lot in common as far as the ex' goes! Thanks for the response & I do try to ignore, but his ex aka Nutjob just sometimes really gets under my skin and burrows under, especially with some of the stunts she has pulled. I know it is not the easiest, but I will work on the ignoring~
As frustrating as it is, your
As frustrating as it is, your best move is to ignore and don't look at her fb. I blocked BM from mine so I can't see hers either. That is a good thing.
Ignore. This behavior just
This behavior just makes her look crazy and pitiful to her friends who know her situation.