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Fed up & torn…

StepmomX8's picture

I have a really complex and interesting dynamic. The gist: im a SM to 8 great kids. 2 currently under 18.  The relationship I have with my older SK is woven in a lot of years of ups and downs that have bonded us each of very different ways. And in some ways, divided us the same. But nevertheless, we each have a good relationship with one another and i have no doubt where we stand with one another. 

The younger SK, both girls, have had me in their life since they were both pretty young and do not really remember a dynamic that doesn’t include me. Seven years. We love one another.  We have a good relationship and we are navigating the preteen years a lot better then I expected us to. It’s all still new and we’re all three learning together our parts but I know it’s  the start of a really good, open and trusting path. 

My problem is my relationship with DH. I want to walk away. I love him. I always have and probably always will. But I am no longer happy in the life we have build and I do not see myself wanting to be here for the future. He favors on of the girls over the other because they have a lot more in common and it breaks my heart. I’ve tried multiple times and ways to talk to him. One of his older daughters has tried too. But it’s like he has no interest in her whatsoever. 

Her health is something we need to be paying attention to and helping her with, but DH acts like he’s loosing out and inconvenienced beyond words we might have to change how we cook certain meals and make healthier choices for our shared meals. (Ie wheat vs white bread, thin crust pizza, more veggies, less starch… nothing crazy or extreme) 

SD struggles in school and always has. It’s something she is very self conscious about. DH says she’ll be fine, he was. She doesn’t have to be smart, that’s ok too. Never mind how it makes her feel and how much she tries and WANTS to do better and feel like she understands more. 

SD birthday coming up, has done nothing to plan anything or get her anything or even so much as ask what she may want to do. Yes, I’ve planned it and will make sure she has a wonderful time. I pretend DH was a part of everything I do for her. She has openly talked to me about how she feels he treats her differently and I try to cover it up so much when I can. 

I can’t make DH care or want to be there. We fought a nearly two year battle just to be able to finally have a CO to see the girls on a standard basis and so they remained in the state after BM tried to move. I feel like some days I was wrong in fighting because it feels like he just wanted to to make sure he had his “rights” but doesn’t actually want the responsibility that comes with it. 

DH sucks as a dad. It’s that simple. Unless it’s of interest to him, (read, sports) he doesn’t care and doesn’t want to be a part of it. I can’t keep sitting here and watching that be ok, never the less enable him every step of the way. 

I’m so frustrated by it all… and defeated...

justmakingthebest's picture

I can see where you are coming from.

For me, when my exH and split he didn't see our kids at all until I filed for child support. His words are burned in my brain: "If I have to pay for them, I'm going to see them. So I want custody too." It wasn't about the relationship with them, it was about ownership and paying for them. I feel this is really what your husband feels too.

2ndly, when it comes to my partner in life, I have to be able respect him. I am more traditional and see the man as the head of the household and value him as such. However, if I can't respect him, I can't be with him.  Being a good father is one of those things that shows me he is the protector and provider for our family, emotionally not just financially. It shows me he is a good man. I don't think I could be with someone who is a bad father even if he is a pretty good husband. I just couldn't respect that personally. 

ESMOD's picture

I would say a third thing.

OP is under no obligation to martyr herself to stay in a relationship with someone she doesn't love, respect and have a good life with. If the kids are old enough.. they may be open to continuing a relationship with you on it's own merits..but often when we break up.. the family ties break too.  In the end.. there is little you can do to salvage his parenting.. you have tried right? 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

And by over compensating for your H's neglect, you're kind of helping a bad dynamic limp along. Even though your intentions are good, it still prevents this father and daughter from facing their issues. Maybe your SD needs to fully realize she got shortchanged in the father department so she can adapt and move forward in a healthy way? Maybe your H needs to feel the pain of losing another marriage and having a child discard him in order to change his ways?

Ultimately these are not your people, and your efforts will likely change nothing. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but if it gives you pause and you decide to only do what brings YOU satisfaction, you'll be healthier in the long run.

StepmomX8's picture

Thanks all. I have made the decision to leave. I know where I am is not healthy for the long run for myself or the girls. I now just have to figure out how to separate myself from the life we've build. We have a sports tournament this weekend that means a lot to oldest SD. After this, we have a few weeks while they are on vacation with their mom. Im going to figure out how to explain this and start my process...

Harry's picture

You must try to understand the mistakes you made to not make them again.  You must let the BP do for his kids. If he doesn't plan a birthday party. There is no party. You are the SP. you don't do more then the BP.  
That's one mistake most SP make.  It's easy for them, it's fun to do, you want SK to feel they belong.  You get kicked in the mouth.  Because BM is great and everything is your fault.