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Wow! Five seconds of AI and read this!

2Tired4Drama's picture

Just for grins, I went onto an AI platform and asked it to write a cut-off letter from a SM to an ungrateful, self-absorbed adult SD. In less than 10 seconds, below is what it wrote. I find it simply amazing that artificial intelligence has a better grip on this issue in SECONDS than most people do!


"I’ve been thinking long and hard about what I’m about to write to you, and I’ve come to the difficult decision that it’s time to express the truth, no matter how hard it may be. I’ve tried for years to be kind, patient, and understanding, hoping that things would improve between us, but the reality is that they haven’t.

For many years, I’ve watched as you’ve been cold, unfriendly, and dismissive towards me, and I’ve silently endured it, convincing myself that maybe one day things would get better. I’ve made the effort to reach out, to show you I care, and to create some sort of a bond, but it’s clear to me now that I’m simply not welcome in your life. 

I am not writing this letter out of anger or malice, but out of a deep sense of self-respect and clarity. I have come to the conclusion that I no longer want to suffer in silence. I’ve spent too much time allowing myself to be pushed aside, expecting something that was never going to come. I understand that you may have reasons for treating me the way you have, but I am no longer interested in what those reasons are since there is no purpose in trying to move forward.

I’ve realized that the relationship I once hoped for is simply not possible. I am not seeking an apology or any change in your behavior, nor am I trying to force anything. I just want to be clear that I have accepted the reality of our dynamic, and I no longer wish to pour any energy into a dynamic that is one-sided and unappreciated.

While I understand that families can be complicated, I’ve come to the realization that I’m not interested in maintaining a connection that is not mutually respectful. This doesn’t mean I wish you any harm but it does mean that I am no longer willing to sacrifice my own well-being by continuing to engage in a relationship where I’m constantly met with indifference.

I hope you can understand why I am choosing to step away, and I wish you nothing but peace and happiness moving forward."

Rags's picture

So many SKids are missing the I part that is critical to how well AI understands the topic.  Sadly, those same SKids are far from Artificial. Unfortunately. If they were, they could just turned turned off.


2Tired4Drama's picture

Skids often don't have the "I" element, no matter how old or how much education they have. And yes, it would be nice to shut them off as easily as a delete key on a computer. 

Kes's picture

A surprisingly good letter - particularly the line "I'm not interested in maintaining a connection that is not mutually respectful."

2Tired4Drama's picture

Again, just for grins ... and for balance, I entered a similar AI request to write a letter FROM an adult SD to SM explaining why she doesn't want a relationship,  In seconds, got this suggestion:

"I am writing to you with the intention of being clear and direct, as it is important that you understand my feelings. For as long as I can remember, I have never considered you part of my life in any meaningful way, and I want to make it clear that this will not change.

Our relationship, if we can even call it that, has never been one of warmth, trust, or mutual respect. The dynamics between us have always felt forced, uncomfortable, and distant, and over time, I have realized that this is not something I am willing to continue to engage with. No matter what efforts have been made or what attempts have been made to forge some kind of connection, the reality is that I do not welcome you into my life, nor have I ever.

I understand that my father is married to you, but that relationship is separate from mine with him. I have my own boundaries, and I have made it clear over time that you do not fit into my personal life. This is not a judgment of who you are as a person, but a recognition that I am entitled to live my life without the pressure of forging a relationship with someone who does not belong in it.

Please understand that my feelings will not change. I do not expect an apology, nor do I want any further attempts at reconciliation. I simply want to ensure that we are on the same page moving forward, and that you know my position.

I trust that you will respect this decision, and that you will understand that it is not up for negotiation."


Rags's picture

Lol. Snarky toxic shallow and polluted gene pool  baggage crap.

As usual.

Even AI understands the idiocy so many shit spawn SKids ply in the lives of mommy's or daddy's new life partner.

The SKid never gets to make the call on a SParent being in their life.  If mommy or daddy remarries, there is a SParent in the SKid's life for the duration.  Whether the failed family baggage spawn likes it or not.

As a SParent, our place is front, center, beaming-ly present side by side with our spouse.  Our mate's place is front, center, radiantly present side by side with us. The toxic failed family spawn , and anyone else can F-off  and GTF out of the way if they have a problem with it.

They are engaged respectfully if they earn it by behaving respectfully.

If not....


Suck it up butter SK-ups!


Elea's picture

"I wonder what a SD would write to a SM?" Then I read the 2nd letter. Both letters are spot on. The difference is the SM actually tried and the SD never even gave her a chance.

I was hopeful the letter from SD to SM would reveal something new that I haven't already thought of, maybe something helpful but instead it just confirmed what I already knew about dealing with the diablas.

I don't really get it. I was open to my own SM so I don't understand how SD's can be so narrow minded?

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

100% - the letters differ because the SM actually tried where as the SD never even gave a chance for their to be a relationship. The AI would tell the SM: Time to shut the door for good, put the energy elsewhere. This is a waste of your time, love and resources. 

BobbyDazzler's picture

I didn't know you could go onto an AI site and request such a thing. This letter is wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

BobbyDazzler's picture

I didn't know you could go onto an AI site and request such a thing. This letter is wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

Trudie's picture

These seem to be spot on! Could you post a letter from a Skid to a stepdad? My research (and experience in my own life) tells me they generally fare far better, so I would love to hear AI's take on the subject.