Felt SOOO good to give BM a piece of my mind!!!
Ready for some drama? LOL
I just recently became a stay at home mom. So SS4 is always with me in the evenings and pickup and drop off is usually done between BM and me since DH works such long hours. We had to go to court over the summer, judge ruled to let DH keep domiciliary custody and BM lost most of her visitation and now has e/o wkd + split holidays until summer. Because of the 1.5 hour distance, we were meeting halfway (let's call this place "Dodge") before judge ruled we were responsible for transportation on pickup. Meaning, she drives to pick him up. We drive to retrieve him after visitation is over. DH or I ALWAYS make sure to get with her the day before we pickup so that there is no confusion...even though we have a decree, it's more of a courtesy...and to make sure she doesn't try anything stupid.
So Friday, I don't hear from her ALL day. DH calls me at 5 (her pickup time) and says "BM asked if we were still meeting in "Dodge" at 5? She said you told her we would meet her." I NEVER told her this! She asked me (in person, not over text) if we still wanted to meet halfway, I told her we would just stick with what the judge ordered since it was easier. She told me that it was fine, she was just leaving the option open.
So BM texts DH til 6 about it being unfair that she had to drive...blah blah blah...NEVER texts me, KNOWING I'm the one with her child and DH hadn't told her where we were. She didn't know our address because we had recently moved. She only knew my parents address. So at 6 she shows up at THEIR house wanting to know where SS was! STILL HAD NOT CONTACTED ME! My mom told her how to get to our house, she THEN texted and said "where are you." I replied with the address and nothing more.
I was LIVID at this point! She tried to go behind my back and convince DH that I TOLD her we would meet her halfway when it was ENTIRELY not true! So I confronted her when she pulled up, left SS in the house til I could talk to her. She said she was "confused" and THOUGHT I had said we could. I said, "if you were confused why didn't you ASK me to CLARIFY it considering I'M the one you talked to? NOT DH. And why are you JUST now contacting me about pickup?" Told her I was not playing these stupid games anymore and having to deal with her sh** every other effing Friday.
She got extremely defensive and told me I didn't need to cuss. I said "Well, WHAT do you expect me to do when you go behind my back KNOWING I'm the one that discussed that topic with you, KNOWING that I have your child and DH is working." She responded "well I'm here now so it's taken care of." I said "NO MAM! IT IS NOTTTT TAKEN CARE OF!"
After more confrontation about her being inconsiderate for our lives and our time schedules, DH drove up and walked over to intervene. I began to tell her that she needed to watch what she said around SS because he repeated EVERYTHING to us. She asked what he said and we told her. She said "I never said that. Are you really going to believe a 4 yr old over me?" I laughed LOUDLY and said "OH YES MAM! Considering how deceitful you are, how much you lied in court...ESPECIALLY knowing you were under OATHE! And you STILL lied through your teeth." I told her we had pictures to prove what was true and what was not. She didn't respond to that. I also said "I know you have a low self esteem and if it makes you feel better about yourself to drag my name through the mud then by ALL means talk as MUCH trash as you need to because I'll be honest. I'm flattered. But don't do it in front of that baby." She looked at DH and said "Are you seriously going to let her talk to me like that, after I've tried so hard to turn my life around?"
WTF??!! Did she seriously think MY husband was going to defend HER sorry ass??? DH and I both said in unison "Turn your life around????" I then pointed out how often she was MIA in her son's schooling and extra curricular affairs and that when she WAS present she did not have ANYthing to do with him, instead let her MOM handle everything while she "attended" to her 2 yr old child. Like it just took up her ENTIRE being.
I went into the house to check on SS shortly after, she hollered to me, "You know what? Kiss my ass!" I told her I should have gotten started YESTERDAY to cover such a large area. DH said when I walked in she AGAIN asked him if he was going to let me talk to her that way. He laughed and said "You just told her to kiss your ass. What did you expect?" She said "well you can kiss my ass too then!"
When I came back out he was hollering at her to get in the car. She told him she wasn't moving until her son was with her. I handed her his medication and said "let's see if you can do this right." She said "I am a GOOD mom!" I said, "Good moms don't abandon their children for over a yr to stay doped up and then try to come back later and take him away from the one person that actually took care of him. They also don't have to tell people they are good moms, people generally pick up on that for themselves. So who exactly are you trying to convince? Because I'm not buying it!"
I went and got SS and brought him outside. She was shaking uncontrollably but did not say a word, put him in the car, and left. DH later got a call from BM's other baby daddy telling him "Nobody mistreats my woman." LOL DH hung up so as not to bleed from the ears.
After another text war yesterday, BM told DH that when he came to pickup SS that his wife better NOT get out of the car and that he needed to learn to CONTROL her! LMAO!!! So, at pickup I stayed in the car so as not to frighten the dumbass (moreso not to stir anything up in front of SS because her baby daddy was looking for ANY reason to give us a little "Payback" whether SS was present or not....these people are SOOO incredibly trashy).
Baby daddy even RECORDED the entire ordeal LMAO!! I waved at the camera, as well as DH. Wanted to say "Hope you got my good angle!"
After this weekend, my brain needs a rest. I've dealt with so much stupidity I think my IQ has dropped. And let me just say...I'm usually not one to go off on someone like I did with her, but after two years of complete BS, one thing after the next, and her spiteful/inconsiderate mentality playing stupid little games just pushed me over the edge. I'm in my third trimester of pregnancy and told DH I was DONE with the BS. So from now on, even if it makes him the middle man and creates TONS more stress for HIM, HE will handle things with her from now on. I don't care if I DO have SS in my physical custody, I will NOT respond to her nor will I initiate conversation. I'm D.O.N.E.
After all this though...I'm just so curious...how in the HELLLL did she think MY husband was going to defend her?? I'm just baffled. And not once, but TWICE she asked him if he was going to let me talk to her that way. LOL! Someone explain this to me!
I don't know about her
I don't know about her thought process, though obviously she doesn't have much of one, but I am sending you big old telepathic high-fives fpr standing up for yourself! Hell ya!
LOL! I know the feeling
LOL! I know the feeling well! I put up with BM for more than a year - she had the nerve to come completely unglued when we moved in together, post horrible things about DH on her daughters Facebook when we got married, leave insane messages while we were on our honeymoon and call screaming at DH ON OUR WEDDING NIGHT (no he didn't answer). She got drunk and called the police on us when the kids called us crying and begging us to come get them. The final straw was when she tried to get supervised visitation - but would consider rescinding her request if we agreed to give her all holidays. I finally let her have it by email. Nothing derogatory or any cusswords, just the flat truth, which is bad enough. She had a friend tell me that DH was still in love with her and emailed DH telling him to keep me under control, lol. DH just flat out told her that I had done nothing wrong, that she has been continuing this for more than a year no matter how hard I tried to get along, and that getting divorced from her was the best thing that ever happened to him because he met me:) She was floored - I think she seriously thought she still pulled his strings.
Just expect the drama/level of discomfort to rise alot because now she considers you her enemy. She knows she is trash and will try to take you down a notch. Try and stay away from her for a while, especially if you are about to have a baby.
Oh trust me, I don't intend
Oh trust me, I don't intend to be within 50 ft of that wretched creature unless it involves SS school. Like I said, no matter how uncomfortable it will be for DH, he will handle her from now on. Funny thing is, the trick seems scared of me. When I was letting her have it, she was shaking uncontrollably, hardly had anything to say, and when she did it was something to justify my claims against her, which I immediately shot down, then she was left open-jawwed. The ONLY time she has EVER acted like a monster was through text. She is a BEAST on a cell phone, let me tell you! LOL But in person she's a big pussy cat and it takes everything in me not to strangle the life out of her drug-infested puny little body.
I guess they never get over the fact that their exes GOT OVER THEM! lol
This is fantastic. I WISH I
This is fantastic. I WISH I was allowed to conversate with BM. DH will NOT let me say anything to her because she will threaten him with court lol!
sigh, I would love to as
sigh, I would love to as well.... But we are taking the high ground and not buying into her crazy, but just once I would really really love to just let the bitch have it...
Oh my the fun that would be...
Ooooh, I would LOVE to give
Ooooh, I would LOVE to give BM a piece of my mind.
But I can't. Other than an ambush phone call or two, (I hung up on her, politely) I haven't spoken to the woman since Christmas 2008.
I'm still debating how to handle this Christmas - while half of me was/is tempted to be completely rude, I think it's better for DH and me to joke about the ABSOLUTELY LUDICROUS things she says to SD16. Like, "He and HIS WIFE are just putting on a front to make you want to live with them." Seriously?? SD16 saw us day in and day out for seven weeks this summer! I don't know about you, but I can't keep up a front for that long.
So yeah, I think we're going to holler to the kid at pickup - "Hey, c'mon, it's time for us to put on a front and pretend we like you!" Lets BM know that we know what she says about us, we think it's funny, and SD16 knows damn well we love her. It also keeps me from cussing out BM with no warning so she can play the victim. If she gets offended by our sense of humor, we can turn her usual tables of "It's a JOKE! Don't you have a sense of humor?" (Not when you're encouraging DH's then-13-yr-old to make "jokes" about him cheating on me in South America) Or maybe just call her pathetic - BM is at the point of cornering SD16's friends and ranting about us to THEM. Really?
OOOOOOH. I would LOVE to do
OOOOOOH. I would LOVE to do the same. The high road sucks.
I've taken the "high road"
I've taken the "high road" over countless crap with her. We have gone through SO much over just the past year with court and all, her thinking she had the upper hand while attempting to create as much difficulty for ours lives as humanly possible, I was TOTALLY OVER taking the high road! If speaking my mind and stating the truth puts me out of the run for stepmom of the year, I think I will survive.
Not saying that ALWAYS speaking your mind works wonders, but at some point you have to let them know where you stand and that you refuse to be a victim of their little mind games. I'm sure she will be pissy for a while and "attempt" to be bitchy but considering she won't even look me in the eye anymore, I'm pretty confident she will think twice about pulling some shit like that again. Not saying things will be perfect, but it couldn't have gotten much worse. I told her Friday before she drove off that she would attract more bees with honey than with vinegar. It may take 15 years and she will never admit to it, but she will eventually grasp that concept. If not, SS will be over 18 by then so I could care less. At least in the meantime I can enjoy the fact that she's scared shitless of me and refuses to be near me without her body guard, baby daddy AND my DH....which makes MY life 10,000 times better
So...while I may not have taken the high road this time I am fully confident in my crazy
My best advice is that you
My best advice is that you have no communication with her. Everything should go through DH....All it does is create more drama.