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Fight with DH: Long but need advice ASAP

PolyMom's picture

DH and I were up until 2:30 this morning arguing about SS. I'm letting him sleep, unfortunately my kids didn't give me the same luxury. I'm firstly so furious, because when I found out about the culprit, knowing it would bother me, I took my chill pills, and they worked beautifully. We went to bed, and I was ready to turn in for the night, and he woke me up...I started thinking about it again, and man was I wide awake.

So here's the deal: All last weekend, SS11 was begging BM to come to our house to play with the new XBox One. She said no, and we got txts all weekend about how much he hates her, and how he refused to get in the car when she picked him up from school etc etc... DH and BM are not on great terms, civil enough, but asking her to trade a little time is completely out of the question right now. So SS comes home to us Monday, and DH lets him stay up playing the new console till God knows when, and even "sleep" in the basement where the console lives. He does this quite a bit, but never on school nights, until now. The next morning DH informs me he's letting SS skip school, to sit and play with his new toy even more, and now I'm annoyed.

DH and I agreed that I need to stay out of the discipline role with his kids, because BM has so badly alienated me, it was just being thrown back in my face, and in therapy we agreed DH would take care of all that stuff. So after huffing and puffing I start doing bills, come to find out XBox one costs $800!!! You have got to be effing kidding! So annoyed turned into rage. We fought quite a bit about it Monday, but things calmed down... "Not my kid, not my problem" is my new mantra when things that bother me go on.

So yesterday....there's a letter in the mail for parents/guardians of SS. We were on our way out with the 3 little ones, while SS was going to stay home, in the basement, with his new expensive toy and order pizza he bought for himself with money he "earned" by selling things on craigslist. The his report card. I was all ready to just get in the car, but DH wanted to open it in my presence. And I said "Wow, doesn't seem he really deserves to have his own pizza while he does nothing but play with his new $800 toy, does it? Took my chill pills, and we went out.

When we got home DH told SS how disappointed he was with the report card. We've been asking him how school was he says fine and gets all his homework done at school during a study hall. And by this method he got a B in PE, B- in music, and the others: C+, C, C- D D and F. TO make matters worse BM is convinced he has aspergers, something every counselor and school professional disagrees with. But he sure knows mom thinks this. He's also allowed to stay up to 2-3 in the morning with SF and his buddies, playing video games with them, swearing and doing who knows what else. Every teacher every year has said the same thing: he has the capability, the effort is what is poor. He doesn't try, and he distracts other kids in the class. He's very smart...and I think he's manipulating to get away with as many video games as possible and as little school work/chores around the house as possible. These grades are nothing new, just a new system because he's now in middle school, so they look the way they've should've looked all along.

So DH asks me what it is he does do right, because now he's the worst father in the world. He told me I'm holding a lot of animosity against his son, and he's worried that if he comes down on him he's hate him and want to live with BM full time. If I say nothing, things around here will be pretty peaceful. SS will stay in the basement, doing whatever he wants, and fail out of school.

What upset me was his "punishment" to his son, for lying, and blowing off school was "if this happens again next quarter, you'll lose video games for a month." and off he went back to the basement. I told him, if one of my children pulled this kind of crap, the XBox would be the first thing to fact the basement all together would go for at least two weeks, and then every assignment that got a B would earn 30 minutes playing time, and every A would earn and hour. And I would do it that way until the next report card, and then reassess what needs to happen next. He said that would take way too much policing. He thinks it's too harsh, but at the hour said that's what we'll do, but I need to relinquish my position as "stay out of it" step mom, because he'll need help with it. I have a very bad fear SS will end up dropping out and doing nothing with his life, but selling crap to make money, and piss away the wonderful brain he has. I have told DH again and again, he can do that at his mother's, because I'm not supporting any child who does that. And he smiles and agrees, but now I'm not so sure he genuinely agrees, because he honestly doesn't believe this is the path his son is on, when he knows very well it's the path BM and SF have taken. He thinks he has more of a hold on his son than that....I think SS has more of a hold manipulating him, and making him feel guilty. He has no reason to excel, because I think he's expecting daddy will take care of him forever.

I dreamt I was driving in the backseat through a street fair, and horse race horses were coming through, running over me. Advice please?

PolyMom's picture

Thank you so much for this response. DH and I usually communicate really well. He's been not himself lately due to some physical setbacks, he was recently diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis and needs a root canal and his wisdom teeth pulled, so he's not sleeping very well and constantly in pain. I think it's more the pain from these conditions that is making him behave this way, because he is not behaving like the man I married, but still totally unacceptable. We talked again yesterday, which ended up with him driving around to cool off, and he came back and he said that I'm right, and he needs me to help keep him honest about this and acknowledge that he needs to fix this with his son. His mom always handled his discipline, and his ex, the same. It's a new role for him, and his son has told him on many occasions that he changed since he met me, and he wishes things could go back to it was before we got married (when he was 6)....

To which my response (not directly to SS mind you) were SIX! Of course not as much is going to be expected of you, you ungrateful little ingrate! Just like the older kids mock my son who started kindergarten this year for having such "easy work". It's like they don't remember being there at all!! (Ugh, well that's just more venting). I mentioned going back to our therapist on this one, and I think he probably envisioned how that conversation would go, and he realized that yeah, I'm right. He basically was trying to say if he has to come down on him, he wants him to have a parent around to coddle him, and he started bringing in all the issues that exist with my kids.

I told him SS11 is the oldest. There is the least amount of time to drill this in his head, and it needs to be drilled in good. And my kids haven't behaved in such a way the require theraputic intervention...yet. I understand where they come from, and who their father is, and it is quite possible that they will need to sort things out, but overall, they are happy, and are doing well in school and they're making lots of friends. SS8 was having trouble for a while at home, and now his teacher says he's the most lovely child, and so smart he should skip a grade!! I asked him 'Do you see me coming down on him at all right now? No. This is about SS11, and him learning to manipulate. Don't bring the other kids into it. When it becomes an apparent problem, I will deal with it, but you're making mountains out of molehills to deflect off SS11. That is the big problem, and it needs to be fixed."

In the meantime, we do have separate checking accounts, just never bothered to put them together, and I was wary after XH maxed out my credit card, and put me $20K in the hole with store loans not to mention leaving me in a $300K house we had just purchased while I was out on maternity leave....charming...huh? DH and I have been discussing consolidating our incomes because I'm paying everything from two separate checking accounts, maybe I'll proportionalize everything, and make sure we're paying the correct amounts individually (he covers the mortgage and other bills, I cover the credit cards and we each have a loan)

Thanks for reading down this is my next question. SS11 returns for the weekend tonight and until Wednesday. With DH's new change of attitude, should I stand back and let him handle what he's going to handle, or do you think it'd be safe for me to double check what he intends to tell him for the weekend, to make sure it's appropriate? He wants my help with knowing what to do, but I already made it clear I can't help with implementation. Make me a security guard for when he's not there, but I can't be the warden.

PolyMom's picture

I think you're right. The only problem is I don't trust this is going to end up very well. It's infuriating. We agreed to move to this town because it's ranked highest in the area, state and country as far as schools go....and we pay dearly in taxes for them. On top of that, there was a whole mess of changing the boys' school with their mother, and we spent easily $20+K in legal fees dealing with that, and the aftershocks of alienation. The whole time, it was me standing by him, and "If this is what you want to do, I'll support you, but you know it's going to be hard, expensive and traumatic on the kids," because their mom suffers a massive personality disorder. She didn't get her way, so everything became a battle, with the kids being told how often daddy takes her to court, steals her money, is a liar, SM is evil etc etc etc. Well, she's had another baby, so she's severely mellowed out with that stuff, but she's absolutely unsupportive of their success in school. If DH doesn't pick up that slack, they have no chance. It's irritating to me that we've spent so much money on this, and now that it's time to shine, SS11 is pissing it away cuz he just doesn't care, and DH is tolerant of it. He thinks I'm holding all this animosity towards SS11, when the truth is, it isn't animosity, it's the process of losing all respect for him. I don't hold people in very high regard who are incredibly smart, but think they know everything, and end up with a D average, showing how much they "know". I busted my ass in the same school district and graduated with a solid B average....and that took a lot of work. He could get A's in his sleep, if just buckled down the 45 minutes a day and did his homework. 45 minutes, that used to take me 2-3 hours every day. The animosity is actually towards DH. He'll tell me what I want to hear, but I still don't trust that this will change...and my worst fear is this is going to end up being my deal breaker. I am a teacher, I really cannot abide by any of this. I think Monday I'm gonna have to call the family therapist.

Justme54's picture

WOW!!! poor grades and he gets to skip school. NOt GOOD. Is DH wanting to support him tell death due part? REALLY!

Drac0's picture

>The next morning DH informs me he's letting SS skip school, to sit and play with his new toy even more, and now I'm annoyed.<

I couldn't read past this. I'd be killing the circuit breakers in the house and pad locking the CB box. If my spouse allowed my stepson to skip school to stay home to play on the xbox all day, they'd better find another house.

I will not be a party to a letting a kid commit truancy.

Drac0's picture

When SS had his xbox priveledges revoked, I just hid the xbox power cord altogether.

PolyMom's picture

And this is my biggest fear. He just doesn't honestly believe it's a possibility, that he has a much better hold on his son than that. Where my thinking is, when you spoil a child like this, NO GOOD will come from it. And you have living proof. The therapist told us we should make a pact not to let the children come between us...which is all well and good, but I seem to think letting the children get away with murder, and turning into adult wards is certainly doing just that. The anger and resentment we feel is ust a result of the OTHER spouse letting the child get in the middle of the marriage.

My dad used to say to me "I'm married to your mother. I'm going to be married to her long after you're even when you're right, guess who I'm siding with?"

Drac0's picture

>"I'm married to your mother. I'm going to be married to her long after you're even when you're right, guess who I'm siding with?"<

Nice! Your Dad wins the internet!