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Going crazy!!

RunnerUpMom's picture

Recently I have just been butting heads with the youngest of the 2. I wake up yelling and go to bed yelling. I think we all need to check into some counseling. It's like they been doing things for months and all of a sudden they just forget how to do them. It's a routine, we always do it this way. What's so hard about it. Then my husband is getting on my case, saying I need to chill out. Well I'm aggervated, then on top of it he's out of town all week, which makes it worse. The kid has no common sense, no mind for remembering things. I hate it. I'm so tired of repeating myself everyday. You tell him to wipe his butt, he'll brush his teeth, it's like the kids just does the opposite because he knows it frustrates me. I feel bad yelling at him constantly, but I don't know what else to do.....Then I'm just crabby all night, and my husband wonders why!!!!! AHHHH

papergirl31128's picture

How old is the youngest of the two? what you could do is not yell and make consequences for there behavior. I have read kids like attention even if it is negative- try not to yell- give him a warning and tell him what will happen if he does not do what is expected of him if he doesn't follow through you need to stick to your guns. Sometimes i think kids like it when you lose control it means they have a certain power over you. i know it is hard not to yell- believe me but sometimes ignoring them makes them mad and takes the sting out of the fight.

good luck let us know.