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Crush's picture

Well my husband asked me what's for dinner and I said I was going to make something for everyone when you got home but SD already ate. He got all pissy and was like why do you have to say it like that. I was like because that's what happened. Then he's like why didn't you tell her no and I tried to explain he's not the one who has to listen to that little bitch (didn't actually say) whine about how she starving when I don't even know when he's going to be home from work. Fuck this and him I should just start making my own meals each night and let them go hungry. I don't even care anymore. I'm over it.

ownedbypedro's picture sorry...must feel like you're damned if you do and damned if you don't!

I remember one time, my ss (then 14) had gotten up early on a weekend, eaten us out of house and home and gone back to bed. So the rest of us got up and I made eggs & toast for dh and dd (then 2) and then ss got up again.

Dh got alllllllll PISSY with me because I didn't jump up and make ss eggs and toast.

Crush's picture

My husband actually apologized the next day but I was still so mad. In the past when I've cooked dinners shes gone behind my back and said oh I don't like what she cooked can I just have blank instead. And then he's come to me acting like it was sweet of her to g.o to him because she didn't want to hurt my feelings, it's like no she went to you because she knew I would say no. After that I just gave up if she wants to eat top ramon everyday she can lol.

Crush's picture

Here's what makes the whole thing even harder to understand= She lives with us full time, when her BM isn't being a total fuck up she gets her every other weekend but she hasn't been there in over three months. Plus I know her BM can't cook she's even told me. It seems to just be part of her personality to be a brat and try to get her way. I swear it seems genetic because she isn't around her mom much at all and yet she's just like her. My husband is a very kind considerate person with great manners and her mom is a redneck slob who's rude and thinks everyone she do things for her. I wish she would've taken after my husband not her nasty BM.

lifeisshort's picture

God, this makes me so angry.
I hope someone sees how you treat this five year old child and calls Child Protective Services.

My DD is almost five and it breaks my heart to hear how you treat this little girl. I can't even imagine what this little one is going through. How scared she must be, knowing her father is sick and can't take care of her while also knowing that her SM couldn't care less about her. How frightened she must be to feel so unwanted and uncared for, with no one to depend on. You think you're alone? I believe the person alone in all this is the child, not you. You're an adult. You can figure out how to take care of yourself. This five year old cannot take care of herself. How can you even expect that of a child this young?

You call her a "bitch." You say she has "mental issues." Let me give you a head's up: A five year old child can NEVER be a bitch. A five year old child doesn't deserve that moniker. I can think of someone who does, though...

You are cruel. You are full of resentment. Instead of laying all of your ugly feelings on the head of a five year old child, you need to take responsibility for yourself and your feelings and either find a way to change or LEAVE. SHE'S A CHILD. Children need LOTS of attention, guidance and supervision. If you don't have it in you to fulfill that role, leave it for someone who can do so without anger, resentment and bitterness. Because all this little girl is going to grow up knowing is that others don't deserve to be cared for, no matter their age and that her feelings are the only ones that matters. And that will be because you were the model for her in this particular situation. Way to go.

You are obviously unfit to care for this child. That child needs to be somewhere where people will care about what happens to her and take care of her basic, daily needs, without resentment being directed her way and not ignoring her or leaving her to her own devices while her dad is going through chemotherapy. She's FIVE YEARS OLD. She can't cook to feed herself. She needs direction and supervision. She's a little child, for God's sake.

If I knew who you were, I'd call CPS in a heartbeat. This poor kid can't do any worse in a foster home, with the way you treat her.