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Help me to move in or not to move in that is the question

bterria's picture

Wow my first time reaching out. I have been married for 3 years. My schildren have had a regular schedule of coming over and that is one week mon,tues,thurs and the next we mon,fri,sat. well my DH BM has changed jobs and she leaves out really early and he want to take them fulltime thats everyday except for two fridays and two saturdays a month. I dont see a need. I am in agreement with taking them the days she works but i am sincerely not ready for a full time living arrangment they are so young. SD14 SS10 SS8 SS5 all four of them living with us and plus my bioSON3 and bioDaughter 6mths. its just a lot

ell's picture

they're too old for daycare, the stepchildren, anyway. and they're in school during the day, so that would help. would you have to be the one taking them to school every day and picking them up if you watched them while the bm was working? i mean, rather than moving them in full time. wow, that's a tough situation.

that's a lot of work, i know, i have 5 children in my home and it's tough. i couldn't imagine doing it with a 3 year old and a baby. i bet your laundry piles are huge, lol.

CalgonTakeMeAway's picture

You have to find out how much of the extra workload he's willing to take on. Sure, it's easy to say let's take them FT when YOU are going to be taking care of everything. Just a 3 year old and a baby are a full time job.