Here we go
Ok so school starts next week for sd4 who we have full time and who I have along with my bk probably 95% of the time. I have registered her for school arranged the bus bought supplies and re arranged my life to make sure drop off and pick up is arranged while also doing that for my kids that go to a different school, means I will be doing about 100 km a day driving. Bm decides now she wants to play mommy saying to bf, that I (meaning me) am not personally responsible for always being their for sd. Are you freaking kidding me she also said to him that as the bm she has more right to the time with sd then I do which I guess is true but I said to bf fine if she would like to rearrange her life to finally step up and be the "mom" go ahead cus it's no skin of my bak knock yourselves out!!!!! He is pissed and I am done!
She then started poking
She then started poking around saying sd said you guys are getting married to which bf told her no. I said to him she is just trying to find out what's going on with us and has no right to know about our lives.
Oh I know the novelty will
Oh I know the novelty will wear off on that quickly. But why should I be the one to pick up the slack???? I am done!!!!! Call me disengaged completely!!!!!!
It actually makes me laugh
It actually makes me laugh cus she has been none existent for about 6 months seeing as when it suits her. She signe over custody cus she has drug and mental problems, and is now living with her parents and is only allowed to have supervised visits. Had her license revoked and her parents took away her car hahaha what is she 12???? But she wants to take on all this motherly responsibility be my guest. Not sure how with all of that she will manage it but not my problem. She doesn't appreciate anything we do for her or sd, not that I expect it, but good luck to her doing what I do hahahahaha